By Fiona Reynolds (@Fireynolds), CEO, PRI

Fiona Reynolds

Against the ever-changing backdrop of COVID-19, our focus over the past quarter has continued to evolve as we support our signatories in their ongoing responses to the crisis. I’d like to extend our thanks to the more than 200 investors that contributed to the two COVID-19 PRI signatory participation groups established last quarter – focused on short-term ESG responses and a long-term sustainable recovery.

We are continuing our work in its second phase, namely on ensuring sustainable and inclusive recovery and reform. Our latest briefing sets out a seven-part framework for action detailing how investors can raise their game on policy engagement to support governments as they grapple with the ramifications of the pandemic and work to build back better. You can access all our digital resources on our dedicated COVID-19 webpage.

Human rights

In the past, social issues have often been treated by investors, corporates and governments alike as the poor cousin of ESG, taking a back seat to environmental and governance issues. Fortunately, this is no longer the case. Interest in social issues—or human rights issues—has grown significantly over the past few years and COVID-19 has only further accelerated the need to address these issues.

Interest in social issues has grown significantly over the past few years and COVID-19 has only further accelerated the need to address these issues

Institutional investors’ responsibility to respect human rights is defined in international human rights standards. It was formally and unanimously endorsed by the UN in 2011, and immediately reflected in OECD standards. In our 2019 Reporting Framework, signatories highlighted human and labour rights as a priority issue. In fact, we already have some fantastic signatories who are really doing a lot in this space, but this is not the norm and doesn’t represent the bulk of our signatory base.

Therefore, leveraging on this momentum, we are launching our five-year programme on human rights, which involves three stages moving signatories from understanding the UNGPs to transforming and ultimately respecting human rights.

Our new paper, under consultation now, outlines a six-step framework to implement respect for human rights into investment activities built on UNGPs and OECD Guidelines. We will also be incorporating mandatory human rights reporting into our reporting framework.


This quarter we’ve seen the US taking some worrying backwards policy steps on ESG. We responded to the Department of Labor’s proposed rule for ERISA fiduciaries and published a signatory briefing. We urged them to withdraw the proposal due to concerns that it reflects a basic misunderstanding of ESG integration practices, causes confusion and could lead to costs for plan savers, fiduciaries and service providers. We also published a briefing on US federal climate policy priorities.

Meanwhile in the UK, we’ve just seen mandatory TCFD reporting proposed for large pension funds and in the EU we responded to the renewed sustainable finance strategy, recommending addressing the need for a clear, ambitious and compelling long-term vision for the finance industry, aligned with the Paris Agreement and the SDGs.

Reporting results and climate snapshot

Signatories who completed their PRI 2020 reporting will have received their assessment and transparency reports at the end of July. As always, we encourage you to make use of these as part of your continuous improvement programmes. Of course, the team here at PRI are happy to assist with any further tools or resources you may need to do this.

Your summary score card is a great resource to publish (or replicate) as it provides the full picture of your reporting, providing the context of median scores.

From the result of 2016-2020 reporting we’ve compiled our first climate snapshot which presents the results from our signatories reporting against the TCFD governance and strategy indicators.

Signatory growth

This quarter we were very happy to welcome 262 new signatories to the PRI, representing an 8.6 percent growth in our global signatory base. This includes 43 new asset owners such as Société Générale Assurances, AFP Crecer, Kåpan Pensioner, Fondoposte, OPC CCSS, Ontario Pension Board, Porvenir, SOKA-BAU, R+V Versicherung AG and many more.