The PRI’s Permissions System allows signatories to manage internal and external staff’s access to the Reporting Tool and to the Data Portal. After conducting a thorough review of the Permissions System, we have completed a software upgrade to improve the overall user experience for signatories. The Permissions System’s user interface has been enhanced to be more intuitive and efficient. This upgrade will not impact any users’ current level of access to PRI’s reporting systems.


In 2021, alongside the launch of the 2021 pilot reporting year and the new Data Portal, the PRI also launched the Permissions System. The PRI Permissions System allows signatories to manage their organisation’s internal and external staff’s access to reporting platforms, like the Reporting Tool and the Data Portal. It was launched in response to signatories’ requests for greater flexibility and control over who can access their data.  

After conducting a thorough review of the system, we completed a software upgrade to improve the overall user experience for signatories. The Permissions System’s user interface has been enhanced to be more intuitive and efficient.  

As a part of this upgrade, the “Main Admin” user role has also been removed, and all “Main Admin” users have been designated “Admin” users. The previous “Main Admin” role provided users with the same level of access as the “Admin” role (i.e., the ability to invite new users, and change or revoke users’ access to the Reporting Tool or Data Portal via the Permissions System). Previous “Main Admin” users will not find any of their functionalities changed as a result of this system upgrade.  

An “Admin” user can invite new users to access the Reporting Tool or the Data Portal, and change or revoke users’ access to these reporting platforms. An organisation can have multiple designated “Admin” users. However, only an existing “Admin” can provide another user with “Admin” level access. This upgrade simplifies the process for users, and helps support signatories have greater ownership over their reporting data and access to PRI’s reporting platforms. 

Ahead of the 2021 reports launch in September, we strongly encourage signatories to log in to the Data Portal, and check their organisation’s users’ level of access ahead of the launch via the Permissions System. This will ensure the correct contacts will be able to access the reports once they are released. 

Please see our full Permissions System guide for more detail.

How it Works

Users are granted permissions by being assigned one of the following roles:

RoleAssigned byPermissions System*Reporting Tool**Data Portal***
Admin Admin
Reporting Contributor Admin    
Data Portal Contributor Admin    
Reporting and Data Portal Contributor Admin  
  • *Access to the Permissions System allows users to assign “Admin”, “Reporting Contributor” and Data Portal Contributor” Roles to other users.
  • **Access to the Reporting Tool allows users to view, edit and submit reporting responses. Please note the Reporting Tool is closed when it is not a live reporting period.
  • ***Access to the Data Portal allows users to view and download private and public reports.

How to register as a new user:

  • If you are a new user (i.e., a signatory contact that has not registered for PRI platforms), you can register for a PRI account here.

  • Then, contact your organisation’s Admin requesting access to the Data Portal and/or Reporting Tool via the Permissions System. 

    • The Admin will need to invite you via the Permissions System (see: Permissions System guide, “How to grant access to a new user”). 
    • If you are not aware internally who your organisation’s Admins are, please email [email protected], to find out who is listed as Admins for your organisation. 
  • Once an Admin has invited you via the Permissions System you will receive an email that you have been invited to access the Reporting Tool and/or the Data Portal, depending on the level of access granted. 

  • You can now use your credentials to log in to the Data Portal and/or Reporting Tool. 

Any questions can be directed to [email protected]