plate By NZFSPA

Six leading financial services providers are today joining the Net Zero Financial Services Providers Alliance.

  • The NZFSPA grows to 23 leading organisations[1]
  • Signatories have committed to aligning all relevant products and services to achieve net zero by 2050 and to set interim targets for 2025
  • The NZFSPA now covers organisations across North America, Central America, Europe, Asia and Africa

Six leading financial services providers are today joining the Net Zero Financial Services Providers Alliance. These organisations have committed to aligning all their relevant services and products to improve consistency in financial decision-making with achieving a net zero economy by 2050, at the latest. Alliance members will set Science Based Targets for their own emissions and have committed to report on their progress, including publishing disclosures aligned with the recommendations of the Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures.

The financial service providers joining the NZFSPA today are: Bolsa Mexicana de Valores Group, Clarity AI, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing, Johannesburg Stock Exchange, Luxembourg Stock Exchange and Qontigo.

HKEX Chief Executive Officer, Nicolas Aguzin, said: “Today we join the GFANZ global coalition as part of our unwavering commitment to sustainability. Reinforcing HKEX’s continued efforts in promoting climate-related disclosures among listed companies and our work to build a sustainable finance ecosystem, we invite all our partners and stakeholders to help build Hong Kong’s reputation as Asia’s leading green and sustainable financial centre, by making commitments of their own.”

Bolsa Mexicana de Valores CEO, José-Oriol Bosch Par:  “Bolsa Mexicana de Valores is aware that climate change is the greatest challenge of our time, in that sense we have been committed to be part of the solution by offering sustainable financing products to the market, such as Green bonds, Sustainability-Linked Bonds as well as an ESG Index to name a few. Additionally, we will take an important step by joining the Net Zero Financial Services Providers Alliance #NZFSPA. For BMV, being Net Zero means to take action on our carbon emissions, but must importantly, driving the transition to a low carbon economy.”

JSE Group CEO, Dr Leila Fourie:  “The Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) recognises its role in guiding and supporting listed companies to acknowledge climate change as one of the most pressing sustainability risks. The urgent social needs of our country, South Africa, mean that we must holistically integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into investment and financial decision making.”

Rebeca Minguela, Founder & CEO of Clarity AI:  “As a digital-native, independent, sustainability tech firm, we are excited to sign on today and affirm our commitment to the global path to net-zero. We need to leverage technology and machine learning to transparently and scalably incorporate net-zero implications in research, ratings and reporting. Without that, investors and organizations looking to be climate-compliant face an uphill battle.”

Sebastian Ceria, Chief Executive Officer of Qontigo:  “Qontigo is committed to creating an efficient and effective pathway for clients as they make the transition toward net zero targets,” said. “As an index provider, we intend to act as a catalyst for this transformation by partnering with our clients to deliver sustainable investment solutions that drive capital flows toward investments compatible with net zero. In addition, as part of the NZFSPA, we look forward to partnering with the Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance, the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative, and the Paris Aligned Investment Initiative  to work collaboratively toward our shared goals.”