We work with investors to address and manage climate change risks affecting companies across geographies and sectors through our collaborative engagements.

Climate Action 100+

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Supporting the wider Climate Action 100+ Initiative, the Climate Action 100+ Working Group is a global collaborative engagement targeting a selection of the world’s biggest greenhouse gas emitters driving action to:

  • Curb emissions
  • Strengthen climate-related financial disclosure
  • Improve governance of climate change issues

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Corporate climate lobbying


PRI produced a global investor statement in 2015, which sets out expectations for company practice and disclosure on climate change related policy activity. Investor asks on lobbying have subsequently been incorporated into the Climate Action 100 + engagement agenda, through which these expectations have been updated and tailored to regional-specific initiatives in Europe (2018) and USA (2019).

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Methane risk


A global collaborative engagement on methane in the energy and utilities sectors. With methane emissions present throughout the natural gas value chain, this engagement targets producers, midstream companies and gas utilities on methane emissions measurement, reporting and reduction.

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Climate change transition for oil and gas 

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A global collaborative engagement addressing the risks faced by a global range of upstream oil and gas companies as part of a transition to a low-carbon economy. It builds on research undertaken by CarbonTracker & PRI that illustrates the company-level risks associated with capital expenditure beyond a carbon budget limiting global warming to two degrees.

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The PRI is coordinating three investor groups focused on engaging with companies exposed to risk related to deforestation in their supply chains, specifically related to the following soft commodities:

The PRI’s Collaboration Platform offers a range of global engagement initiatives that involve investors engaging with listed companies, policy makers and other actors in the investment chain.

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