As a signatory-based organisation, the PRI encourages all signatories to participate actively in its governance and strategic direction, and provide feedback on strategically important matters via formal consultations.


The PRI’s Articles of Association require the PRI to formally consult with signatories before the adoption of: its three-year strategic plan, making material changes to its governance structure, the Objects and/or Mission, the Principles or the signatory fee structure.

For each consultation, the PRI will publish a consultation document, allow a consultation period of at least four weeks, and provide multiple channels for signatories to provide feedback, including at regional events and webinars. As part of its commitment to transparency, the PRI will publish a summary of the feedback received from signatories, their full consultation responses, and a formal response to this feedback from the PRI Board after each consultation period closes.

Past consultations


PRI strategy consultation 2024: Responding to a changing world

Consultation period:  March to May 2024.


As a signatory-based organisation, the PRI encourages all signatories to participate actively in its governance and in setting our strategic direction. Before adopting a strategic plan, the PRI must hold a formal consultation with signatories.

This year we launch the new strategy, responding directly to signatory needs and the changing world around us. In several key areas of our work, the new strategy represents a significant shift for the PRI and other elements are simply a sharpening of our focus. We believe the direction proposed, in aggregate, will better equip PRI to deliver the mission. The proposed strategy has been designed to maximise the value we deliver to signatories, to accelerate progress towards a sustainable global financial system and ultimately to contribute to a more sustainable world.

The strategy we are shared with our signatories proposed that we shift our programme priorities to centre on four focus areas – driving signatory progression pathways, strengthening responsible investment (RI) ecosystems, supporting collaborative investor initiatives and strengthening RI policy and regulatory environments. As you read through our new strategy, we encourage you to think about whether our four focus areas are responding to the challenges facing RI and meets investors needs where they are today, and in the future.  

We thank all who took the time to share your feedback and look forward to working together to deliver the strategy over the coming years.

Online formal consultation survey  

We invited feedback on our proposed strategic direction through an online survey, which was distributed to signatories by email in late March.   

To provide background on the consultation and help signatories prepare to complete the online survey we provided these supporting materials:    

The survey is also available in Chinese, French, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish.  

In total, 926 signatory organisations, or 17.4% of the signatory base, took part in the online survey.  

Board feedback 

The PRI Board reviewed the formal consultation results at the June 2024 meeting. Feedback from signatories signalled broad endorsement for the strategy and the four proposed focus areas, with a clear steer on activities the PRI should focus on.  

Based on signatory feedback the Board has approved the new strategy and agreed a set of actions to address issues identified by signatories. The Board’s full response can be read here:   

In conjunction to the Board response, and for further detail, see below:

Next steps 

The PRI published the 2024-27 Strategic Plan in August 2024.

Further information

Please email [email protected]  for more information.


PRI association board diversity policy

Consultation period

12 October – 9 November 2023


As a signatory-based organisation, the PRI encourages all signatories to participate actively in its governance and strategic direction and provide feedback on important matters via formal consultations. The PRI’s Articles of Association require the PRI to formally consult with signatories in advance of making material changes to key policies including diversity policies. The PRI will publish a summary of any feedback received from signatories, their full consultation responses, and a formal response to the feedback. 

Why are we refreshing this policy? 

The Board diversity policy has been updated using best practice language and to align with our Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) strategy. The responsibilities of the Board now include those outlined in the DEI Policy (see page 3), this ensures consistency and accountability of the Board. Proposed changes are show in tracked changes. Signatories were previously consulted on changes to the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy and Guidance document.   

Who is covered by the policy?  

The policy relates to the PRI Association Board members.


No feedback was received from signatories during the consultation period.


Policy updates: PRI Association Board Code of Ethics and Conduct; and Signatory General Meeting Rules

Consultation period

5 July – 2 August 2023


As a signatory-based organisation, the PRI encourages all signatories to participate actively in its governance and strategic direction and provide feedback on strategically important matters via formal consultations. The PRI’s Articles of Association require the PRI to formally consult with signatories in advance of making material changes to key policies including the Board Code of Conduct and Ethics and the Signatory General Meeting rules. The PRI will publish a summary of any feedback received from signatories, their full consultation responses, and a formal response to the feedback.

Why are we refreshing these policies?

The PRI considers it good practice to review terms, rules and policies regularly to ensure they remain fit for purpose. Each policy identifies the frequency of review that is annual, every two years or every three years.

The Board Code of Conduct and Ethics has been updated to align with Anti-harassment & discrimination policy approved by the PRI Board in February 2023. The personal characterises listed updated to align with the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) policy approved by the Board in September 2022, signatories were consulted on changes to the DEI Policy prior to Board approval.

The Signatory General Meeting Rules have been updated to reflect current practice. Proposed changes include:

  • Change to an online format, rather than in person.
  • Removal of necessity to coincide with the PRI in-person event.
  • Provisions for an alternative chair of the meeting if the PRI Board Chair is not present due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • Mention of two SGMs to accommodate the PRI’s global signatory base and stakeholders in all time zones.

Proposed changes are shown in tracked changes.

Who is covered by this policy?

The Board Code of Ethics and Conduct applies to PRI Board Directors and UN Advisors (collectively known as ‘Board members’).

The Signatory General Meeting Rules applies to signatories and the PRI Board.


No feedback was received from signatories.


PRI in a Changing World signatory consultation

Consultation period  

September 2022 – January 2023 


At the PRI we recognise that responsible investment is undergoing considerable change. There is an important role for investors to play in advancing the responsible investment agenda at this time, and for the PRI to support investors in doing so.  

The PRI conducted a global signatory consultation – PRI in a Changing World  – to explore key issues for the future of responsible investment; the PRI’s vision, mission and purpose; and the value we provide to signatories.  

Following preparatory outreach with signatories to test our approach, the consultation was in two parts:   

  • Part 1: Signatory conversations (September – November 2022)   
  • Part 2: Online formal consultation survey (December 2022 – January 2023)   

Part 1: Signatory conversations   

The PRI has had conversations with PRI signatories via several different means:  

We held a series of signatory workshops in key markets, providing an opportunity to discuss the consultation themes with signatories. We conducted 38 in-person workshops across 30 cities and one online workshop, reaching more than 750 signatories.  

Part 2: Online formal consultation survey  

The conversations in part one built towards the online formal consultation survey of all signatories. This online survey is where we sought to capture all signatories’ formal feedback.  

To provide background on the consultation and help signatories prepare to complete the online survey we provided these supporting materials:    

The deadline for submission of the consultation survey was 27 January 2023. In total, 1,487 signatories, or 27% of the signatory base, took part in the online survey.

Board feedback

The PRI Board reviewed the formal consultation results at its February 2023 meeting. From the consultation, clear messages emerged regarding the need to: measure progress in ways that acknowledge our diverse signatory base; design a more agile PRI strategy-setting process; and review our mission statement and governance to ensure they support signatory ambition.

For a fuller response from the PRI Board, including reflections on the survey results and proposed next steps, please read:

We also encourage signatories to read the formal response in conjunction with:

If you have any questions about the consultation, please contact [email protected].  

Further information   



Diversity Equity and Inclusion consultation

Consultation period

12 July – 23 August 2022


As a signatory-based organisation, the PRI encourages all signatories to participate actively in its governance and strategic direction and provide feedback on strategically important matters via formal consultations. The PRI’s Articles of Association require the PRI to formally consult with signatories in advance of making material changes to key policies including the diversity policy. The PRI will publish a summary of any feedback received from signatories, their full consultation responses, and a formal response to the feedback.

Why are we refreshing this policy?

As with many of our signatories and the wider business community, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) has been a strong area of focus at the PRI in recent years. We updated our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Policy and Guidance document in line with best practice.

DEI is now a core part of our human rights and social issues advisory work, and it is critical that we align our external focus with our internal capability in this space. The PRI has hired a DEI Lead to accelerate our work in this area.

Our new DEI policy is the first step toward ensuring strong governance of this topic at the PRI. This has been rewritten with consultative feedback from our DEI Working Group, representatives from all our global locations and in collaboration with the Leadership Team. Alongside the policy, we have developed a guidance document which aims to bring the policy to life with definitions, examples and top tips.

Who is covered by this policy?

This policy applies to all those who work for the PRI. The purpose is to ensure equality, fairness, dignity and respect for all in our employment, whether temporary, part time or full time, and prevent discrimination, bullying or harassment from occurring.

What to do if you want to get in contact or provide feedback?

No feedback was received from signatories.


Strategic plan 2021-24 consultation

Consultation period

21 October - 4 December 2020


As a signatory-based organisation, the PRI encourages all signatories to participate actively in its governance and strategic direction. Before adopting a three-year strategic plan, the PRI must hold a formal consultation with signatories.

We encourage feedback from signatories on this plan. As you read about the work we have outlined in the PRI Strategic Plan 2021-24, we hope you’ll think about whether this strategy represents the right level of ambition for the PRI, whether the work described will bring you value, whether you support us increasing our focus on connecting financial risk with real-world outcomes, and if you think there’s anything we’ve missed.

We encourage signatories to read and provide feedback on our strategy described in the PRI Strategic Plan 2021-24 consultation paper. The PRI is inviting feedback via webinars and an online survey.

The PRI Board will meet on 7 December to review feedback received from signatories. The PRI will publish a summary of the feedback received from signatories and a formal response to this feedback from the PRI Board. The PRI will launch the new strategy on 1 April 2021.


As part of this consultation, two webinars took place on the 3rd of November at 8:00 and 17:00 GMT. During these webinars, the PRI’s Nathan Fabian, Chief Responsible Investment Officer, and Lorenzo Saa, Chief Signatory Relations Officer briefed signatories on the proposed 2021-24 strategy plan and offered signatories the opportunity to give their feedback.

Online survey

The strategic plan sets out how we intend to take the next step in delivering our Blueprint for responsible investment. Signatories were encouraged to give feedback on the plan and the strengthened minimum requirements. View the consultation survey presentation.

The survey has now closed, but you can view the questions we asked in these languages:

Signatory feedback

In total, 577 signatories participated in the consultation, representing 16% of our signatory base. We would like to thank all signatories and other stakeholders for their participation.

Board feedback

The aim of this PRI Board response is to formally report back to signatories on the strategy consultation, give an insight into the PRI Board’s strategy discussions over the past year (to complement the published strategic plan), and to propose next steps for the PRI’s mission.

We encourage signatories and stakeholders to read this PRI Board response in conjunction with:

Survey results

The PRI will report on the analysis of the minimum requirements responses separately in mid-year 2021.

Reporting & assessment consultation: phase two

Consultation period

6 January 2020 – 9 March 2020


The Reporting Framework review began with a first consultation phase between March and July 2019. The consultation was extensive, covering a broad range of reporting and assessment themes. It consisted of an investor and service provider survey, four global webinars and workshops in 17 cities. More than 580 signatories participated – about a quarter of our signatory base.

Based on the signatory feedback from the first consultation phase, and in line with the PRI mission and 10-year Blueprint, the PRI developed a proposal of how the reporting and assessment framework, including the reporting outputs, could be improved.

During the second consultation phase, signatories had the opportunity to indicate their level of support for the proposal of what a new Reporting and Assessment Framework could look like. The second consultation paper identified the main objective of the Reporting and Assessment Framework, presented three guiding points of how to develop the Framework in order to support the main objective, and detailed the PRI’s proposal. The proposal was heavily based on the PRI’s mission and Blueprint, as well as signatory feedback during the first consultation phase. The PRI Board had oversight over the proposal and the Reporting and Assessment Advisory Committee provided support during the proposal’s development.

Signatory feedback

In total, 267 signatories participated in the consultation, representing 9% of our signatory base. We would like to thank all signatories and other stakeholders for their participation.

To understand how the signatory feedback from the second consultation has been incorporated into the new reporting framework please visit the reporting & assessment review and investor reporting guidance.


Signatory survey

Survey period

19 August 2019 – 31 October 2019


The PRI is a signatory based organisation and feedback on the value and resources that the initiative provides to signatories is invaluable. Signatory responses help shape the work we undertake and the value that we deliver to you, both in our next one year plan and the PRI’s 2021-2024 strategy.

Signatory feedback

The survey ran from 19 August – 31 October 2019. It was promoted via direct emails, on social media, through newsletters and on our website, with 24% of our signatory base responding. Overall, respondents were representative of our signatory base for assets under management, longevity and geography. We had a greater proportion of asset owners responding compared to our signatory base. We would like to thank all signatories and other stakeholders for their participation.

Board feedback

The responses to this survey will help to inform our future plans; shape the work we undertake and the value that we deliver to you, both in our next one-year plan and the PRI’s 2021-2024 strategy.

Reporting Framework consultation

Consultation period

06 March – 06 June 2019


As part of our Blueprint for responsible investment – looking at how to take responsible investment forward over the next decade – we committed to undertake a review of our current Reporting Framework. The aim of the review is to ensure that the PRI’s reporting and assessment is fit for purpose, remains relevant to evolving responsible investment practices and is useful for signatories and the responsible investment market as a whole.

The review covers the Reporting Framework itself as well its various outputs or tools, within the broader context of the RI/ESG reporting landscape and the requirement to drive more meaningful data throughout markets.

As a first step of the review, the PRI undertook a signatory consultation to capture feedback through an online survey, 17 global workshops and 4 webinars. It covered seven different areas related to reporting and assessment:

  • Reporting objectives
  • Reporting landscape
  • Outcomes-based reporting and the SDGs
  • Supporting the reporting process
  • Reporting outputs
  • Assessment
  • Learning and progressing

Signatory feedback

In total, over 580 signatories participated in the consultation, representing 24% of our signatory base. Of these, 260 signatories participated in the survey, over 350 participated in the global workshops and 145 in the webinars. We would like to thank all signatories and other stakeholders for their participation.

Board reply

The PRI Board took notice of the signatory feedback and provided input on the next steps of the Reporting & assessment review.

The board will continue to be deeply engaged in setting the direction of reform, as well as overseeing its implementation.


Asset owner survey

Survey period

5 March 2018 – 29 June 2018

Empowering asset owners remains key to the future success of the PRI and responsible investment. The PRI is consulting with asset owner signatories on their strategic priorities and how the PRI can help to empower them, via a short survey and a series of asset owner roundtables. The survey is a primer for our face-to-face conversations. The confidential survey asks for your perspectives on, and prioritisation of:

  • the PRI Blueprint objectives, including empowering asset owners;
  • environmental, social and governance issues;
  • how effective the PRI is in supporting you; and
  • the value of ongoing asset owner focused resources.

Please share your views in the survey to enhance and tailor the in-person conversations that will follow.

See the events page for upcoming asset owner roundtables.


Serious violations policy

Consultation period

6 November 2017 – 1 December 2017


The PRI’s integrity is dependent both on the actions of the PRI and collective commitment and good efforts of PRI signatories to the PRI, its objects and the implementation of the Principles. The Serious violations Policy is one means to safeguard the reputation, integrity and good efforts of the PRI and its signatories.

The purpose of the formal policy was to provide the Board and Executive with a formal process to reference when there is an allegation of a serious violation; and assurance to signatories that there is a process and predictable response to a serious violation.

The PRI welcomed constructive comments from signatories on the draft policy, particularly:

  • Does the policy effectively support the stated objectives?
  • How could the policy be improved?

The PRI Board will reflect on feedback received from signatories before approving the policy.

2018-21 strategy

Consultation period

18 October 2017 – 15 November 2017


In April 2017 the PRI launched the Blueprint for responsible investment, the vision the next ten years of responsible investment. The Blueprint is the framework for the 2018-21 strategic objectives and the enabling environment. The PRI conducted a formal consultation on the three-year strategy via webinars and an on-line survey.

We asked signatories four questions about the three-year strategic plan:

  1. Will the proposed strategy effectively start the delivery of the Blueprint? Are the proposed initiatives the right ones and the right level of ambition for this initial period?
  2. Are the strategic objectives the right ones? Are we focusing on the right objectives in each of the nine Blueprint areas?
  3. Does the strategy work for you? How will this proposed strategy affect or influence your organisation? To what extent will it support you in your work to integrate ESG issues?
  4. Are the enablers right? Is the PRI taking the right actions for the delivery of the strategy?

Signatory feedback

The PRI received 76 submissions to the on-line consultation and a further 73 signatories participated in the consultation webinars. We would like to thank all signatories and other stakeholders for their participation.

Board reply

The Board took notice of the signatory feedback before approving the three-year strategy at their Board meeting in November 2017.

For further information about the draft strategy or the process please contact [email protected].

Proposals and methods to strengthen signatory accountability

Consultation period

1 August 2017 – 30 September 2017


This public consultation aimed to collect detailed feedback on the PRI’s proposals for future minimum requirements and leadership criteria applicable to its signatories. It provides participants with in-depth descriptions of the proposed criteria, methods and rationales and aims to collect detailed feedback. The responses to the public, online survey together with feedback from a dedicated session at PRI in Person on September 25 will be evaluated and published later in the year.

Signatory feedback

The PRI received over 180 submissions to the on-line consultation and more than 100 signatories participated in the roundtable event at PRI in Person. We would like to thank all signatories and other stakeholders for their participation.

Board reply

The Board took notice of the signatory feedback before approving implementing minimum requirements for signatories at their Board meeting in November 2017.

The Board will meet again in March 2018 to further discuss details of showcasing leadership for signatories.


Sustainable financial system, Principles, impact

Consultation period

6 June 2016 – 5 August 5 2016


This consultation has 4 objectives:

  1. Determine which of the obstacles to a sustainable financial system lying within market practices, structures and regulation the PRI and its signatories should work together to address.
  2. Determine the extent to which the PRI should use the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a framework to encourage and measure the ‘real world’ impact of responsible investment activity by signatories on the environment and society.
  3. Determine whether the Principles should be updated to reflect the issues raised in this paper.
  4. Determine how the PRI should define and measure its own success over the next decade.

The consultation paper is also available in:

In September 2016, the PRI released its report Sustainable financial system: nine priority conditions to address. The consultation set out the PRI’s work on a sustainable financial system which will form part of its ten-year Blueprint for responsible investment, due for release in March 2017. To provide feedback on the report or for further information a on the PRI’s sustainable financial system work, contact [email protected].


The PRI received nearly 200 submissions to the consultation and would like to thank signatories and stakeholders for their participation.

The PRI also received written responses from ICGN and Committee on Workers Capital.


The PRI hosted two webinars on 6 July to update signatories on the objectives of the second consultation.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

Board reply

The PRI Board published high-level recommendations in response to the consultation findings at its Signatory General Meeting (SGM) on 6 September 2016. These formed part of the PRI’s Blueprint for responsible investment, which will be published in early 2017 and outline an ambitious agenda for action by the PRI and the wider responsible investment community for the coming decade.

Strengthening accountability, recognising diversity

Consultation period

December 2015 – March 2016


This consultation had two overarching objectives:

  • to determine how the PRI can better recognise diversity across its signatory base, allowing market forces to promote wider adoption of responsible investing practices while ensuring that the PRI remains inclusive and continues to welcome new signatories;
  • to identify additional accountability mechanism/s that could be introduced to ensure signatories currently making little or no progress are incentivised to do more, and determine whether those who show no progress over time should be delisted.

Read the consultation paper

The consultation is available in:


The PRI received more than 500 submissions to the consultation and would like to thank signatories and stakeholders for their participation.


The PRI hosted several webinars in February to update signatories on the objectives of the consultation.

Board reply

The PRI Board published high-level recommendations in response to the consultation findings at its Signatory General Meeting (SGM) on 6 September 2016. These will form part of the PRI’s Blueprint for Responsible Investment, which will be published in early 2017 and outline an ambitious agenda for action by the PRI and the wider responsible investment community for the coming decade.