Strategy, policy and strategic asset allocation

Discussion paper

Embedding ESG into SAA frameworks cover

Embedding ESG issues into strategic asset allocation frameworks: Discussion paper

Strategic asset allocation plays a fundamental role in determining long term returns and enabling asset owners to meet liabilities – in that sense the long term nature of issues such as climate change, demographics and resource depletion should make it an obvious place to start reviewing ESG themes and issues ...

Inevitable policy response


Implications for strategic asset allocation

New analysis in this report forecasts an abrupt and disruptive policy response to climate change which will cause re-pricing of many of the world’s most valuable companies by 2025.



PRI Digital Forum: Americas - breakout 2B: strategic asset allocation

This session reviews some examples of real practice and outlines the three areas highlighted in a recent PRI discussion paper: incorporating real world impact, improving risk adjusted returns and education.




Investment mandates are a valuable and often underutilised tool for asset owners to signal ESG requirements to asset managers.

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Responsible investment policy

An RI policy plays a critical role in outlining an organisation’s expectations and aspirations to both internal and external stakeholders. It is encouraging to see these policies increasingly making explicit reference to climate change, human rights, shareholder resolutions and targets. They also offer a chance to be bold in responding to new and developing issues.

This list of policies provides a wealth of examples which signatories can adapt and develop as they are developing their own approaches.

Fiona Reynolds, PRI


Transforming responsible investment (RI) policies into action


This session examines the journey signatories face when transferring RI policies and ambitions into practical actions resulting in real world impacts.

Responsible investment policy database

The PRI’s database of responsible investment policies provided by asset owners and investment managers covers 1,521 signatory entities with combined 3,198 standalone policy documents.