EU policy

The EU stands at the forefront of sustainable financial policy. The PRI EU policy team engages with European policymakers, alongside and with the support of signatories, to ensure the high ambition of the EU Green Deal is maintained.

The EU policy team works on seven policy priorities: the Taxonomy, disclosure regulation for investors (SFDR) and corporates (CSRD), fiduciary duties, stewardship, real economy climate issues and mandatory due diligence. We are also building on the findings of the flagship A Legal Framework for Impact report, to guide policy recommendations to better integrate sustainability impacts into EU financial legislation.

Key publications

Latest policy engagements

Letter to re-elected Commission President Von der Leyen: Future-proofing the Green Deal for Europe’s lead in the global net zero economy

PRI’s CEO, David Atkin, congratulates Commission President Von der Leyen to her reelection for her second five-year term, and encourages her to build on the legacy of the Green Deal to ensure it is competitive, fair, and resilient.

See response

Joint business and investor letter supporting an ambitious EU 2040 climate target

The PRI signed a joint letter with over 100 businesses and investors calling on the EU to set a greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of at least 90% by 2040. A robust climate target and sectoral roadmaps and decarbonisation pathways will improve the EU’s resilience to shocks, energy security and competitiveness.

See response

PRI response to ESA consultation on review of SFDR delegated regulation regarding PAI and financial product disclosures

Whilst PRI supports the proposed expanded social PAI indicators and climate target-setting proposals, policymakers will need to maintain consistency with the final ESRS standards as adopted by the European Commission to ensure investors have sufficient data to produce meaningful reports as per their SFDR obligations.

See response

PRI consultation response on EU climate target for 2040

PRI welcomes the Commission's consultation for stakeholder feedback on establishing a 2040 climate target. PRI recommends a science-based target that does not fall below the recommendations of the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change. Also, accelerating implementation of the Fit for 55 package, developing an EU-wide transition plan including sectoral roadmaps, and enabling financial markets to close the investment gap for the transition will set the EU firmly on a path towards climate neutrality by 2050.

See response

PRI response to EIOPA consultation on the technical advice for the review of the IORP II directive

The PRI supports EIOPA’s approach to respect the proportionality principle and take into consideration IORPs’ specificities. Pension funds are fundamentally different from other financial market participants as they play an important social role in pension adequacy.

See response

PRI response to EU consultation on draft delegated regulations setting criteria on environmentally sustainable activities under the EU taxonomy

The PRI welcomes the publication of the delegated regulations. This represents a crucial step forward in the implementation of the EU Taxonomy: an enriched disclosure framework will allow companies and investors to cover a more significant part of their economic activities that contribute to all the six environmental objectives covered by the EU taxonomy, and contribute more fully to the implementation of the EU Green Deal.

See response


EU taxonomy implementation


This webinar is aimed at practitioners involved in making EU taxonomy disclosures. The session will provide an overview of the PRI’s latest research on how investors are approaching taxonomy implementation. It will also include a panel discussion with practitioners and policy experts, followed by a Q&A session. Panellists will discuss ...

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  • LFI_banner

    A Legal Framework for Impact

    It is crucial that assessing and accounting for sustainability impact becomes a core part of investment activity. That’s why PRI, UNEP FI and The Generation Foundation are leading our work programme “A Legal Framework for Impact.”