Consultations and letters

PRI response to FCA prospectus rule reform


UK: PRI response to the FCA public offers and admissions to trading regulations (POATRs)

PRI response to the Canadian Competition ’s consultation on new greenwashing provisions in the Competition Act


Canada: The PRI supports the Competition Bureau’s intention to address the issue of greenwashing as global economic markets transition to a lower-carbon economy. It is in the public interest of Canadians to improve the marketplace of information on sustainability-related commitments, and support both consumers and businesses. Substantive guidance is needed ...

PRI response to UK Pension Investment Review call for evidence


UK: PRI response to the HM Treasury and Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) Pension Investment Review call for evidence

PRI response to the IPBES business and biodiversity assessment


Global: The PRI welcomes the development of the business and biodiversity assessment, and notes that many of the assessment’s findings are in line with the PRI’s views and observations.

PRI response to CSSB consultation on the proposed Canadian Sustainability Disclosure Standards and Criteria for Modification


Canada: The PRI supports the proposed Canadian Sustainability Disclosure Standards (CSDS 1 and CSDS 2) as they reflect the ISSB Standards as a baseline for reporting. Our response recommends that relief provisions remain in line within those set out for IFRS S1 and S2, the disclosure of Scope 3 GHG ...

PRI response to Korea Sustainability Disclosure Standards (KSDS) Exposure Drafts


South Korea: The PRI welcomes the Korea Accounting Standards Board’s Exposure Drafts, which have been developed in response to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) S1 and S2 disclosure standards. The PRI is however unable to consider the original and full exposure draft, which has only been provided in Korean. ...

PRI response to Sustainability Standards Board Japan Exposure Drafts


Japan: The PRI welcomes the Sustainability Standards Board Japan’s Exposure Drafts, which have been developed in response to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) S1 and S2 disclosure standards. The proposed Japanese standards are largely aligned with the international standards, which is encouraging as it allows for interoperability across regions. ...

PRI response to ACCC draft guide to sustainability collaborations


Australia: The PRI welcomes the ACCC’s publication of the draft guide and its efforts to clarify the permissibility of sustainability collaborations. This is an important step for Australia as it harnesses the power of collaborative initiatives to address sustainability issues

PRI response to Japan Asset Owner Principles Proposal


The PRI welcomes the Japan Cabinet Secretariat’s Asset Owner Principles (Proposal).

PRI response to ADGM Discussion Paper on Enhancing the Sustainable Finance Regulatory Framework for ADGM


MEIMA and the PRI have collaborated in relation to the Discussion Paper No. 1 of 2024 Enhancing the Sustainable Finance Regulatory Framework for ADGM.

Letter to re-elected EU Commission President: Future-proofing the Green Deal to lead the global net zero economy


EU: PRI’s CEO, David Atkin, congratulates Commission President Von der Leyen on her reelection for her second five-year term, and encourages her to build on the legacy of the Green Deal to ensure it is competitive, fair, and resilient.

Australian Sustainable Finance Taxonomy V0.1


Australia: PRI response to call for feedback by the Australia Sustainable Finance Institute (ASFI) on the Australian Sustainable Finance Taxonomy

ESMA consultation on possible amendments to the credit rating agencies regulatory framework


EU: The PRI welcomes ESMA’s efforts to standardise practices of how ESG factors are incorporated into credit ratings. The proposed amendments would address the needs of investors and other users of credit ratings for meaningful and comparable information on inherent ESG risks and opportunities. Our additional suggestions support this while ...

Letter to new UK Prime Minister: Seizing the opportunities of the net zero transition


UK: Joint letter to UK Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, from the CEOs of PRI, UKSIF and IIGCC, in which the three organisations urge the new PM to create a supportive policy environment in order to fully seize the economic, social, and environmental opportunities presented by the transition to net zero ...

PRI response to the China Ministry of Finance’s consultation on corporate sustainability disclosure standards - basic standards


China: The PRI welcomes the issuance of the Basic Standards, their alignment with IFRS S1, and MoF’s effort to promote the adoption of ISSB standards and plan for a unified sustainability reporting framework in China. We suggest a few areas MoF may want to consider to further align with IFRS ...

PRI response to consultation on the draft Kenya Green Finance Taxonomy


Africa: The PRI welcomes the release by the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) of the draft Kenya Green Finance Taxonomy (KGFT) for public consultation. The KGFT design aligns with the key features of a sustainable finance taxonomy as outlined in implementation guidance that PRI published in collaboration with the World ...

PRI response to ICGN Global Stewardship Principles


Global: The PRI welcomes the revised ICGN Global Stewardship Principles (the Principles) which recognise stewardship as a fundamental aspect of an investor’s fiduciary duty. We value the ICGN’s efforts to take stewardship principles to the next level, contributing to the advancement and effectiveness of stewardship globally.

Joint call for adoption of ISSB standards


Global: The PRI published a joint sign-on statement calling for regulatory adoption of the ISSB standards in collaboration with LSEG, UN SSE, WBCSD and 120 undersigned investor, companies and other organisations.

PRI response to the UK’s Transition Finance Market Review


UK: The PRI welcomes the Transition Finance Market Review as an opportunity to explore how the UK can become a market leader on the transition. The PRI’s response covers the scope of transition finance, links to broader sustainable finance tools, barriers to transition finance, opportunities on transition finance, and global ...

PRI response to Australia’s Strategy for Nature 2019-2030


Australia: The PRI welcomes Australia’s update of its Strategy for Nature 2019-2030 to align with the goals and targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (“GBF”). The PRI highlights the importance of taking a holistic approach when integrating climate change considerations into biodiversity policies, to ensure synergies are amplified and ...

PRI and Australian peak bodies co-sign statement to support climate-related disclosures bill passage


Australia: The group supports the alignment of climate-related disclosures in Australia to the international standards set by the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) and consider that the Bill strikes a sensible and pragmatic balance, including the inclusion of a transitional relief period. It is critical to business certainty and continued ...

PRI response to Treasury consultation on Your Future, Your Super annual performance tests


Australia: PRI response to Treasury consultation on Your Future, Your Super annual performance tests PRI response: The PRI welcomes the Treasury’s proposals for design options to address the issues relating to the Your Future, Your Super (YFYS) annual performance test as identified in the 2022 YFYS Review. The design options ...

PRI submission to the House of Lords Select Committee on The Modern Slavery Act 2015 Call for Evidence on the 2015 Modern Slavery Act


UK: The PRI welcomes the committee’s interest in the Modern Slavery Act’s impact and effectiveness. We make recommendations to strengthen the implementation of the Act’s provisions (especially Section 54 on transparency), through mandatory disclosures, a stronger monitoring and accountability mechanism, and considering a move towards human rights due diligence requirements.

PRI response to SGX RegCo Consultation on adoption of ISSB Standards


Singapore: The PRI welcomes SGX RegCo’s proposals for adoption of the ISSB Standards in the SR Regime of Listing Rules. These proposals implement the ISSB Standards to an extent that would place Singapore in a strong position to be among the leading examples for ISSB Standards-aligned mandatory sustainability reporting. We ...

PRI, CFA and GSIA joint letter to the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)


Global: In November 2021, ISOSCO recommended the development of “common sustainable finance-related terms and definitions, including relating to ESG approaches, to ensure consistency throughout the global asset management industry”. In response to this call to action, the CFA GSIA and PRI worked together to harmonise definitions. We now jointly encourage ...

PRI response to ACSR consultation on the proposed National Sustainability Reporting Framework


Malaysia: The PRI supports the proposed National Sustainability Reporting Framework proposed by the Advisory Committee on Sustainability Reporting, as it upholds the ISSB Standards as a baseline for reporting. Our response presents recommendations that aim to strengthen the framework in its utility for responsible investors, such as avoiding the implementation ...

Joint business and investor letter supporting an ambitious EU 2040 climate target


EU: The PRI signed a joint letter with over 100 businesses and investors calling on the EU to set a greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of at least 90% by 2040. A robust climate target and sectoral roadmaps and decarbonisation pathways will improve the EU’s resilience to shocks, energy security ...

PRI response to Treasury consultation on public country-by-country tax reporting


Australia: The PRI supports the Australian Government for its continued focus on improving tax transparency and recommend that it proceeds with the implementation of the proposed legislation. This limited partial disclosure regime will still help advance tax transparency and will provide some level of much-needed information to investors. Our firm ...

PRI response to AASB’s draft Australian Sustainability Reporting Standards (ASRS)


Australia: The PRI welcomes AASB’s draft ASRS standards as it represents an important step forward in the Australian Government’s efforts to ensuring that markets have access to high-quality and comparable information that will enable them to assess climate-related financial risks. We especially welcome proposals where AASB seeks to maintain the ...

PRI response to the three stock exchanges’ consultation on Guidelines on Corporate Sustainability-related Disclosure


China: The PRI welcomes the issuance of the Guidelines and the stock exchanges’ efforts to incorporate internationally aligned mandatory sustainability-related reporting. We suggest a few areas stock exchanges may want to consider to further align with ISSB standards and PRI’s position on the disclosure of sustainability-related issues.

PRI responses to the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) public consultation on climate risk supervisory guidance—market conduct and scenario analysis


Global: The PRI welcomes the efforts by the IAIS to promote a globally consistent approach to address greenwashing issues in the insurance industry and to develop guidance on the use of climate-related scenario analysis in the insurance sector. Our comments are related to the investment aspects of the insurance industry.

PRI submission to the Work and Pensions Committee evidence session on fiduciary duty and climate change


UK: The PRI welcomes the committee’s interest in understanding barriers around fiduciary duties and consideration of climate change risks in pension scheme investments. We make recommendations to clarify that the requirement to consider ESG risks includes an obligation to consider pursuing sustainability impact goals and the need for guidance on ...

PRI response to the exposure draft legislation on climate-related financial disclosure


Australia: The PRI welcomes Treasury’s proposals for legislative changes to implement mandatory climate-related disclosure. The PRI supports the provisions that aim to provide proportionality as the market adopts these new requirements. Meanwhile, we also consider improvements especially where alignment with the draft ASRS Standards and the application of provisions to ...

Joint statement on CSDDD vote


EU: The PRI, in collaboration with IIGCCC, Eurosif, the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) and the Investor Alliance for Human Rights (IAHR), reiterate their support for the agreement reached between the Council and European Parliament on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). We strongly encourage Member States to ...

PRI response to EFRAG consultation on draft ESRS implementation guidance


Global: The PRI published a response to EFRAG’s consultation on draft implementation guidance for the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), setting out recommendations to improve the decision-usefulness of ESRS reporting for investors.

PRI response to the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) guidance on the anti-greenwashing rule


UK: The PRI supports the scope and intention of the rule, which is part of a package of measures implemented under the Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) Policy Statement. The guidance could benefit from further elaboration on interoperability, terminology, stewardship, and a monitoring and review approach.

2023 - 2024

Archived consultations and letters 2023 - 2024

Region Date Consultation or letter PRI response


December 2023

PRI contribution to the Transition Plan Taskforce (TPT) consultation on sector specific transition plan guidance for asset owners and asset managers.

The PRI welcomes the sector-specific guidance for asset owners and asset managers. The guidance is comprehensive, and we support the recommendation that Asset Owners and Asset Managers “take a strategic and rounded approach to transition planning”. We encourage strengthening the connection between the strategic ambition of transition plans with achieving real economy outcomes, and including language that provides clarity on fiduciary duties.

See contribution


December 2023

PRI response to the UK Taskforce on Social Factors guide for consultation.

The PRI welcomes the guide on social factors to support pension fund trustees in approaching human rights and social issues, including in the context of the economic transition to a sustainable economy that supports people and the planet. We make recommendations to clarify that the requirement to consider ESG risks includes an obligation to consider pursuing sustainability impact goals and to supplement the guidance with the information identified in the PRI's investor data needs framework.

See response


December 2023

PRI response to the Targeted consultation on the implementation of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)

The PRI supports the development of minimum sustainability criteria to better distinguish financial product categories under SFDR, as well as a baseline of sustainability disclosures for all products, regardless of their sustainability claims. This would contribute to creating a level playing field regarding sustainability reporting obligations and increase comparability across financial products in the EU.

See response


December 2023

PRI, Eurosif and IIGCC joint statement - CSDDD: Key Questions Answered

This short paper seeks to provide clarity on some of the key discussion topics ahead of the trilogue meeting on 13 December, and highlight potential ways forward that can help to ensure the CSDDD is ambitious and workable in practice.

See paper


December 2023

PRI response to the Australian Treasury’s consultation on Australia’s Sustainable Finance Strategy

The PRI welcomes the Australian Government’s publication of the Australian Sustainable Finance Strategy. The collection of measures identified within the Strategy represent an important step forward in providing the frameworks, information and tools needed by investors to better integrate sustainability-related risks and impacts into their activities, and to contribute to Australia’s net zero transition.

See response


November 2023

PRI response to the UN Special Rapporteur on Climate Change call for inputs on corporate accountability in the context of human rights and climate change

The PRI responded to the UN Special Rapporteur on Climate Change’s call for inputs for a report on corporate accountability in the context of human rights and climate change, to be presented to the 56th Session of the Human Rights Council in 2024. The report will include issues of corporate disclosure, investment fiduciary duties, and the application of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights with respect to climate change.

See response


November 2023

PRI statement on appropriate and practicable inclusion of the financial sector in the CSDDD

In advance of the next trilogue discussion between European Commission, Parliament and Council, the PRI has published a final statement calling for appropriate and practicable inclusion of the financial sector in the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive. This statement is based on previous position papers and recent conversations with signatories. It will be sent to all relevant policymakers in negotiations. If you have any feedback or want to learn more, email [email protected].

See statement


October 2023

PRI letter to the President of the World Bank calling for leadership in reforming the multilateral financial architecture

As a follow up of the October World Bank/IMF meetings, the PRI wrote to the World Bank to outline a set of necessary reforms to support and strengthen the World Bank’s ability to catalyse private finance towards addressing today’s challenges.

See response


October 2023

UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights call for input on Investors, ESG and Human Rights

The PRI welcomes the intention from the UN Working Group to provide practical guidance to states, businesses, financial institutions, civil society, and other stakeholders on how to align better ESG approaches with the UNGPs in the context of financial products and services. We recommended that the final report of the Working Group references: - The necessity to fully integrate social issues into the economic transition, including through sustainable finance and real economy policy regulation. - The need for policy reform to enable the improvement of the sustainability outcomes of investments. - The systemic relevance of human rights and social issues, including growing inequalities.

See response


October 2023

PRI Letter in support of clear, achievable and proportionate obligations for the financial sector under the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)

This letter was sent to representatives of the governments of France, Germany, Luxembourg and Italy as well DG JUST and DG FISMA in the European Commission ahead of a Council Working Party meeting on the topic. The letter calls for policymakers to support a risk-based approach, aligned with international standards and grounded in the concepts of severity and leverage to ensure clear, achievable and proportionate due diligence obligations for the financial sector.

See letter


October 2023

PRI letter to New York Governor supporting adoption of a human capital management disclosure bill

PRI submitted a letter to Governor Kathy Hochul of New York, supporting the adoption of Assembly Bill A5981. If signed, the bill would require companies operating in the state of New York to file their EEO-1 reports with the NY Secretary of State. Companies' data on the race, gender, and ethnicity of employees would then be made publicly available. By requiring companies to file their EEO-1 data for public release, New York can support investor efforts to identify and address HCM-related issues across their portfolios. Certain companies are already required to report this information annually to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and as such, sharing this information with the State of New York—and with investors—requires no additional effort.

See letter


October 2023

PRI response to the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) UK Sustainability Disclosure call for evidence on the proposed endorsement of the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards

The PRI endorse the ISSB Standards and recommend that the UK Government transpose IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 into UK regulatory requirements, as well as establishing an endorsement mechanism for current and future ISSB Standards to become part of UK law.

See response


October 2023

PRI response to JFSA’s invitation for public comments regarding the Draft Basic Guidelines on Impact Investment

The PRI supports the JFSA’s efforts to integrate sustainability impacts across the financial sector. PRI recommends that the JFSA strengthen these efforts by considering policy measures that can more holistically encompass the various approaches it can take to mainstream investing for sustainability impact.

See response in English and Japanese


September 2023

PRI Response to Revisions o the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises

The PRI welcomes the Working Party’s decision to update the Guidelines to ensure complementarity with the G20/OECD Principles, and to include a new Chapter on Sustainability to reflect new substantive changes in the Guidelines.

See response


September 2023

Joint Investor Statement on Corporate climate transition plans

The PRI, together with IGCC and CDP, released a joint statement calling on the Federal Government to establish a clear framework for developing and disclosing transition plans which supports a whole of economy just transition aligned with limiting global temperatures to 1.5°C.



September 2023

The Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities (CAPSA) consulted on its revised draft Guideline for Pension Risk Management

The PRI’s comment outlines support for the revised guideline, and recommends the explicit inclusion of setting, pursuing and reporting progress on sustainability goals at the portfolio level, aligned with investment beliefs.

See response


September 2023

The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) consulted on Proposed Amendments to Form 58-101F1 Corporate Governance Disclosure of National Instrument 58-101 Disclosure of Corporate Governance Practices and Proposed Changes to National Policy 58-201 Corporate Governance Guidelines

The PRI’s response supports the CSA’s intention to mandate corporate governance disclosure requirements of non-venture issuers to include aspects of diversity beyond the representation of women on boards and in executive officer positions, and makes a series of recommendations, including alignment with DEI metrics in the CBCA, and the consolidation and streamlining of the various corporate disclosure forms to develop a wider, holistic corporate sustainability disclosure regime built upon the formal adoption of ISSB Standards S1 and S2.

See response


September 2023

PRI, IIGCC, UKSIF, along with 32 investors urge the UK Prime Minister not to backtrack on vital policy measures that support the UK's transition

This letter focuses on the importance of an 'enabling environment' to create the conditions for investors to be able to make long-term investment and asset allocation decisions. The latest roll back undermines the UK's position as a green financial hub, erodes competitiveness, and puts the UK out of place with the international consensus to drive economies towards net zero.

See letter


September 2023

PRI letter to the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council of the European Union

The PRI calls on the EU institutions to ensure the inclusion of sustainability elements in the final text of the Solvency II directive.

See letter


September 2023

PRI response to Revision to the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises

The PRI welcomes the OECD’s decision to update the Guidelines to ensure complementarity with the G20/OECD Principles, and to include a new Chapter on Sustainability to reflect new substantive changes in the Guidelines. We make recommendations on extending the definition of sustainability to include evolving global sustainability goals, alignment of disclosure requirements with IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards, as well as clarification and enhanced requirements for state-owned enterprises on their active ownership, remuneration, and shareholder expectations on sustainability issues.

See reponse


September 2023

PRI response to the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) over proposed changes to the UK Corporate Governance Code

The PRI welcomes the proposed changes to the UK Corporate Governance Code. The PRI is particularly supportive of revisions seeking to prompt more outcomes-based reporting, increased transparency on director appointments and the inclusion of narrative (sustainability) reporting within the remit of audit committees. We encourage the FRC to introduce provisions on the disclosure of sustainability related skills and experience of board members and governance arrangements for the oversight of sustainability matters.

See reponse


September 2023

PRI response to the Department of Works and Pension (DWP) and HM Treasury (HMT) call for evidence on Pension trustee skills, capability and culture

The PRI welcomes this call for evidence as an opportunity to ensure pension trustees have the right knowledge, skills and support to make investment decisions in the long-term interest of beneficiaries. We make recommendations on the need for ESG related training for trustees, clarification of fiduciary duty, and increased engagement with and incorporation of beneficiaries' preferences.

See reponse


September 2023

PRI and Australian peak bodies responded to ISSB agenda priorities

The PRI, together with several of Australia’s peak bodies, highlighted the importance of the ISSB leading and working with jurisdictions to build capacity and support the effective implementation of IFRS S1 and S2. The submission further encouraged the ISSB to take a collaborative and coordinated approach with existing and developing frameworks in its future work plan.

See reponse


September 2023

PRI response to ISSB consultation on agenda priorities

The PRI published a response to the ISSB’s consultation on its next two-year workplan, setting out recommendations on how the ISSB should prioritise its future activities and research projects across sustainability topics to better meet investor data needs.

See reponse


August 2023

PRI response to the Department for Business and Trade (DBT) and the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) review into non-financial reporting requirements

The PRI welcomes this review as an opportunity for the DBT and FRC to increase the consistency, reliability, and comparability of non-financial corporate reporting. We make recommendations on reporting criteria, ISSB implementation, and highlight the value of non-financial reporting.

See reponse


August 2023

PRI response to ISSB consultation on internationalising SASB Standards

The PRI welcomes the ISSB’s proposed methodology to internationalise references within the SASB Standards, which are now part of the IFRS Foundation, and recommends future enhancements to the Standards to better meet the data needs of responsible investors.

See reponse


July 2023

PRI reaction statement and quote on adoption of ESRS 1 and ESRS 2

PRI welcomes this delegated act as an important step towards investors having access to the data they need to assess sustainability risks, opportunities and impacts of investee companies. Through improved transparency of materiality assessments, investors will be able to keep a watchful eye on investee reporting and will expect comprehensive disclosures based on accurate and science-based materiality assessments. However, to guarantee investor’s access to the data they need to comply with their own mandatory reporting obligations and allocate capital in line with sustainability goals, we urge the European Commission to commit to making key climate disclosure indicators, and environmental and social indicators relevant to SFDR mandatory to disclose in the first review of this delegated act.

See reponse


July 2023

The PRI responded to Treasury’s second consultation on implementing mandatory climate disclosures

The PRI welcomes Treasury’s proposal to implement mandatory climate-related disclosures aligned with IFRS S2 Climate-relate Disclosure Standards. The PRI also supports the six principles underpinning Treasury’s plan although considers improvements should be made to meet these principles and generate the comprehensive disclosures that investors need. Accordingly, the PRI makes several recommendations including in relation to covered entities, phased timing, scenario analysis, and transition plans.

See reponse


July 2023

HKEX consultation paper on enhancement of climate-related disclosures under the ESG framework

The PRI strongly welcome the proposals of HKEX, the requirements under consultation are closely aligned with exposure draft IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures and ISSB decisions related to this Standard. Our response welcomes areas of alignment with the ISSB’s proposals, and highlights where we believe further alignment is needed. We also recognize investors' data needs beyond climate and on wider sustainability issues.

See reponse


July 2023

Joint investor sign-on statement on European Sustainability Reporting Standards

The PRI published a joint sign-on statement to the European Commission in collaboration with Eurosif, IIGCC, EFAMA, UNEP FI and 93 undersigned investors and other financial market participants. The statement calls for mandatory reporting by companies of information that investors need for decision-making, and to meet their regulatory obligations such as those under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).

See statement


July 2023

The European Supervisory Agencies have published for consultation some targeted changes to the SFDR technical standards (RTS). These changes relate to the disclosures of principal adverse impacts (and related indicators) and disclosures at financial product level.

Whilst PRI supports the proposed expanded social PAI indicators and climate target-setting proposals, policymakers will need to maintain consistency with the final ESRS standards as adopted by the European Commission to ensure investors have sufficient data to produce meaningful reports as per their SFDR obligations.

See response


June 2023

PRI statement on the FCA consultation CP 23/10 UK Primary Markets Effectiveness Review - Feedback to DP22/2 and proposed equity listing rule reforms.

PRI expresses concerns over some of the proposed changes to the UK listing regime that expose institutional investors to greater risk and undermine the effectiveness of their stewardship activities.

See response


June 2023

The PRI responded to the consultation document issued by the Climate Change Authority on its advice for the next Australian Nationally Determine Contribution among other matters.

The PRI-Coordinated Collaborative Sovereign Engagement on Climate Change recommends the benefits of an accelerated, orderly and Paris-aligned NDC for Australia’s sovereign climate risk profile, economic competitiveness and future cost of capital should be reflected by the Authority in its final advice to the Federal Government.

See response


June 2023

PRI consultation response on EU climate target for 2040

PRI welcomes the Commission's consultation for stakeholder feedback on establishing a 2040 climate target. PRI recommends a science-based target that does not fall below the recommendations of the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change. Also, accelerating implementation of the Fit for 55 package, developing an EU-wide transition plan including sectoral roadmaps, and enabling financial markets to close the investment gap for the transition will set the EU firmly on a path towards climate neutrality by 2050.

See response


June 2023

G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group – Consultation with non sustainable finance working group-members to support the 2023 SFWG recommendations development

The PRI welcomes the commitment of the G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group (SFWG) to develop a framework for scaling-up the adoption of social impact investment instruments. To this end, we recommend to the Working Group to encourage G20 governments to adopt a whole-of-government approach to the economic transition that ties together real economy policies and financial policies, embedding sustainability outcomes.

See response


June 2023

PRI response to the TNFD’s consultation on the fourth (v0.4) iteration of its beta framework.

PRI strongly welcomes the latest version of the TNFD disclosure recommendations and the supporting assessment LEAP approach. PRI further formulates five recommendations related to materiality, priority locations, core global metrics, financial core metrics, and guidance.

See response


May 2023

PRI response to UNFCCC Standing Committee on Finance regarding ways to achieve Article 2, paragraph 1(c), of the Paris Agreement, including options for approaches and guidelines for implementation.

Building on the previous work conducted in 2022, the Standing Committee on Finance (SCF) continues its work regarding ways to achieve Article 2, paragraph 1(c), of the Paris Agreement, including options for approaches and guidelines for implementation, and has invited Parties and stakeholders in the financial sector to make further submissions thereon. This call for submission presents the PRI’s work across 4 areas on driving a whole-of-finance transition that are relevant for the SCF.

See response


May 2023

The PRI submitted a response to the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights' call for inputs: Extractive sector, just transition and human rights.

The PRI welcomes the Working Group’s intention to provide the UN General Assembly with further information to ensure that the economic transition is just and takes into consideration the basic rights of all individuals, including the wide range of stakeholders involved in the mining sector value chain.

See response


May 2023

PRI response to EIOPA consultation on the technical advice for the review of the IORP II directive.

The PRI supports EIOPA’s approach to respect the proportionality principle and take into consideration IORPs’ specificities. Pension funds are fundamentally different from other financial market participants as they play an important social role in pension adequacy.

The PRI welcomes the integration of sustainability factors in investment decisions by make it mandatory for IORPs to consider sustainability impact in the Prudent Person Rule (PPR, Article 19(1)(b)). Other important suggestions are the clarification of duties, the integration of sustainability preferences in investment decisions and the requirement for IORPs to consider a stewardship approach to address sustainability risks. Overall, the technical advice is aligned with our policy recommendations published in the EU Legal Framework for Impact policy report.

See response


May 2023

Joint Business Networks’ Letter to the European Parliament on supporting an ambitious Nature Restoration Law.

The PRI, together with other leading Business Networks, call for a robust, ambitious, and coherent outcome from the EU Nature Restoration Law negotiations. This entails policy that supports the EU Green Deal’s nature and climate ambitions, and its alignment with the Paris Agreement and CBD COP15 Kunming-Montreal Agreement on biodiversity.

See letter


May 2023

The PRI submitted evidence to the FCA's discussion paper on how firms’ governance, incentives and competencies align with their integration of sustainability-related considerations and their commitments to contribute to positive change.

The PRI supports regulatory progress to remove barriers to investors contributing to positive sustainability outcomes, as well as the FCA's work in enabling an economy-wide transition to net zero. Our recommendations call for greater clarity on the legal responsibility to address sustainability outcomes, updated guidance on skills and knowledge on climate and sustainability risks, and decision-useful reporting.

See response


May 2023

PRI Response to the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) proposed accounting standards update for income taxes

The PRI supports the proposed changes to Topic 740 of the FASB Accounting Standards Codification® on requiring more granular and specific information regarding rate reconciliation and income taxes paid. We further recommend the FASB considers additional amendments in the future to meet the evolving needs of investors around income tax disclosures. The benefits to investors would be greatly enhanced if these proposed changes were to be accompanied by disclosures on key jurisdiction-level information such as revenues and operating results on a similar level of disaggregation.

See reponse


May 2023

PRI response to EU consultation on draft delegated regulations setting criteria on environmentally sustainable activities under the EU taxonomy.

The PRI welcomes the publication of the delegated regulations. This represents a crucial step forward in the implementation of the EU Taxonomy: an enriched disclosure framework will allow companies and investors to cover a more significant part of their economic activities that contribute to all the six environmental objectives covered by the EU taxonomy, and contribute more fully to the implementation of the EU Green Deal. PRI notes that further work needs to be undertaken to cover all relevant activities into the EU taxonomy frameworks, that the framework must remain based on the best available scientific evidence, and that disclosure rules and timelines must allow for transparent and easy to understand disclosures by companies and financial institutions.

See response


April 2023

PRI response to the Treasury’s consultation on public country-by-country reporting.

PRI response to the Treasury’s consultation on public country-by-country reporting PRI response: PRI strongly welcomes the Treasury’s exposed draft on public reporting of country-by-country (CBC) information. Australia would take a leadership position by becoming the first jurisdiction to mandate the public disclosure of full CBC information. The Australian Treasury’s proposed disclosure regime will have a significant impact on investors’ ability to assess the risk profile of an entity’s tax affairs and incorporate tax issues in their decision-making processes.

See letter


April 2023

PRI letter to the European Commission on the CSRD and ESRS Set 1.

PRI and Eurosif submitted a letter to the European Commission calling for maintaining the integrity and timeline for implementation of the CSRD and corresponding ESRS Set 1.

See letter


March 2023

The PRI responded to Treasury’s consultation on legislating the objective of superannuation

The PRI welcomes the Australian Government’s proposal to legislate an objective for the superannuation system, which includes the concept of sustainability. However, the PRI highlights that the proposed definition of “sustainable” is relatively narrow and potentially misaligned with existing duties. Accordingly, the PRI recommended the definition of sustainable better take into account the superannuation system’s reliance on a strong economy and its role in supporting the economy’s stability, as well as the environmental and social systems the economy relies upon.

See response


March 2023

PRI response to the Environmental Audit Committee's (EAC) enquiry into the financial sector and the UK’s net zero transition. PRI response: Creating a net zero financial centre in the UK requires foundational changes in public policy, and the PRI offers recommendations rooted in ensuring that financial flows are consistent with zero carbon, climate resilient development pathways that work for people and the planet.

Creating a net zero financial centre in the UK requires foundational changes in public policy, and the PRI offers recommendations rooted in ensuring that financial flows are consistent with zero carbon, climate resilient development pathways that work for people and the planet.

See response


March 2023

Together with other industry associations and leading financial institutions, the PRI issued a joint finance industry statement welcoming the Australian Government’s proposal to reform the Safeguard Mechanism.

While welcoming the proposals, the statement notes that the emissions reductions required under the Safeguard Mechanism are not yet aligned with actions needed to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees. The statement outlines specific measures to bolster and complement the mechanism and to ensure it would be a floor, not a ceiling, to facilities’ decarbonisation measures.

See statement


March 2023

PRI response to the call for input on the promotion of inclusive and effective tax cooperation at the United Nations PRI response: The PRI welcomes the UN resolution seeking to strengthen the inclusiveness and effectiveness of international tax cooperation, as well as additional efforts to improve tax–related regulatory frameworks.

The PRI welcomes the UN resolution seeking to strengthen the inclusiveness and effectiveness of international tax cooperation. Deep-rooted profit shifting and financial secrecy in our economic systems have long been a source of concern for responsible investors. Although some progress has been made in combatting tax avoidance and evasion through increased regulations and transparency, tax leakages and tax-related competition among governments continue to erode tax bases.

See response


March 2023

The PRI responded to APRA’s consultation on draft investment governance guidance for superannuation funds SPG 530  

The PRI welcomes APRA’s proposals to update SPG 530 and clarify its expectations about how RSE licensees address ESG factors. Although the proposed amendments provide a much-needed update to the previous version, additional guidance is required to comprehensively align with current market practice and support RSE licensees to discharge their legal duties. The PRI therefore recommends that SPG 530 specifically references the need for RSE licensees to assess and mitigate system-level ESG risks and provide guidance on the investment and stewardship activities needed to do so, including through the intentional pursuit of sustainability-related outcomes.

See response


March 2023

PRI response to Singapore Green Finance Industry Taskforce consultation on a green and transition taxonomy. 

The PRI welcomes the proposal of the traffic light classification system to differentiate an activity’s contribution to climate change mitigation and recommends the Green Finance Industry Taskforce to improve the consistency, clarity and usability of the proposed taxonomy.

See response


February 2023

PRI response to UK Transition Plans Taskforce (TPT) Consultation Survey

The PRI welcomes the work of the Transition Plan Taskforce (TPT) to drive robust, credible, and interoperable transition plans and disclosure frameworks from finance and real economy actors. The PRI agrees with the TPT’s approach in building and aligning to the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) Climate Exposure Draft, the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework, and recommendations from the High-Level Expert Group (UN HLEG) on the Net Zero Commitments.

See response


February 2023

PRI letter to Congress on consideration of the Department of Labor's "Prudence and Loyalty" rulemaking

PRI submitted a letter to Congress sharing concerns with a resolution to disapprove of the Department of Labor's "Prudence and Loyalty" rulemaking that provided clarity around investor consideration of ESG factors.

See letter


February 2023

PRI response to ESMA consultation on ESG-related fund names

The PRI is supportive of ESMA’s efforts to ensure that funds’ names reflect their investments’ characteristics and objectives. We encourage EU policymakers to clarify how key underlying concepts (particularly sustainable investment) should be applied in practice, before setting quantitative thresholds. The proposals could also be made more relevant to different investment strategies and accurately reflect the tools investors have to create change (particularly stewardship).

See response


February 2023

The PRI responded to Treasury’s consultation on climate-related financial disclosures.

The PRI welcomes the Australian Government’s commitment to introduce mandatory climate-related disclosures. The PRI recommends that mandatory disclosure requirements be based on the ISSB standards as a minimum baseline with requirements being phased in on a year-by-year basis beginning 2024/25. The relevant framework should also provide accountability and enforcement measures to ensure credibility and accuracy of reported climate information.

See response


February 2023

PRI response to IOSCO consultation on compliance and voluntary carbon markets.

The PRI Executive welcomes IOSCO’s work to develop sound carbon markets that are well-equipped to achieve their core environmental objectives. Carbon markets are a necessary tool to achieve net-zero and IOSCO’s work in this area signals their growing relevance. Although carbon markets have proliferated in recent years, there is still work to be done to unlock their full potential.

See response


February 2023

PRI's response to the OECD consultation on the targeted update of the Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

The PRI welcomes the proposed update to the OECD MNE Guidelines, including: the expansion of the scope of due diligence from a focus on supply chains to encompass wider business relationships; the recognition that “an enterprise’s relationship to adverse impacts is not static”, and the specification that investee companies are part of a company’s business partners; and the expansion of the provisions relating to environmental issues to require risk-based environmental due diligence, including the recognition of the need to adopt a just transition lens in assessing the potential or actual adverse impacts to workers, communities, and consumers. Areas for improvement include expressly mentioning the role of institutional investors in supporting the implementation of responsible business conduct, strengthening the guidelines on ensuring transparency and integrity in lobbying activities by encouraging enterprises to report further details on their practices, and acknowledging the systemic issue of tax avoidance and profit-shifting and the proactive role that multinationals should play in tackling it.

See response


February 2023

PRI response to the Coalition of Finance Ministers global consultation on strengthening the role of finance ministers in climate action.

The PRI welcomes the work of the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action in strengthening the role of Ministries of Finance in driving climate action, particularly in assessing the Ministers’ mandate, action areas, current challenges, and opportunities to do more. Adapting financial regulatory frameworks, financial policy and other policy levers to support the goals of the Paris Agreement, to which all Coalition member governments have committed, and broader sustainability goals, is instrumental in achieving the mandates of ensuring financial stability, economic growth and societal prosperity that all finance ministers share.

See response


January 2023

PRI response to JFSA’s invitation for public comments regarding proposed partial amendments to the comprehensive supervisory guidelines for financial instruments business operators, etc. regarding ESG investment trusts

The PRI supports the JFSA’s efforts to address concerns of “greenwashing” among publicly offered investment trust funds with express ESG claims. PRI recommends that the JFSA provide clearer explanations on key concepts and stay aware of international developments in this area.

See response in English and Japanese


January 2023

PRI response to the Financial Conduct Authority's consultation on Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) and investment labels.

The PRI welcomes the FCA's package of measures aimed at bringing regulatory clarity on greenwashing and increasing trust in sustainable investing. Our recommendations are centred around bringing consistent and usability for investors and enabling regulators to assess sustainability claims.

See response


January 2023

Joint Business and Investor Letter supporting an ambitious and robust Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) ahead of the ITRE committee vote on 9 February 2023.

The PRI, together with the Corporate Leaders Group (CLG), Climate Group, the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC), and several other business and investor groups, encourages the Members of the European Parliament Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) to take an ambitious and robust position on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive in its committee vote on 9 February 2023.
To provide a clear enabling policy environment for private sector investment in buildings’ energy efficiency and deep retrofits, the PRI supports minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) for both residential and commercial buildings as a key element in the EPBD revision, as well as harmonising the Energy Performance Certificate system to ease planning and measuring progress across the EU building stock.

See letter


January 2023

PRI letter to the Chair of the IOSCO Board

The PRI congratulated Jean-Paul Servais on his appointment as Chair of the IOSCO Board – and welcomed IOSCO’s work on global sustainability reporting standard setting, sustainability assurance standards, greenwashing and ESG ratings and data products.

See statement


January 2023

PRI response to ESA consultation on greenwashing in the financial sector.

The PRI has responded to the European Supervisory Authorities (ESA) consultation on greenwashing in the financial sector. Supporting the ESAs proposed features of greenwashing, we encourage EU policymakers to complete existing standards and policies to further promote clarity, transparency and accountability in the EU framework.

See statement


January 2023

PRI statement supporting progress on IFRS Sustainability Standards

This PRI statement supports efforts by the IFRS Foundation and IOSCO to develop a globally shared baseline for reporting on sustainability-related financial information, encourages continued work towards this objective and calls for interoperability between the future IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards and jurisdictional initiatives.

See statement

2022 - 2023

Archived consultations and letters 2022 - 2023

Region Date Consultation or letter PRI response


December 2022

The PRI responded to Treasury’s consultation on empowering the AASB to deliver sustainability standards.

The PRI supports the Australian Government’s intention to implement sustainability standards and ensure large business are transparent and accountable to investors. The PRI encourages the Government to base these standards on the ISSB’s final sustainability and climate-related financial disclosure standards and implement additional legislation to require mandatory disclosures. The PRI further recommends that any entity implementing the standards be appropriately governed and resourced.

See response


December 2022

PRI response to JFSA’s invitation for public comments regarding revision plans to the cabinet office ordinance on disclosure of corporate affairs

PRI welcomes the FSA’s movement toward mandating sustainability reporting alongside financial reporting. PRI recommends that the FSA provide better clarity for companies on the reporting requirements through improvements to the ordinance revision, supplementary guidance, and broader signalling about alignment with international standards.

See response in English and Japanese


November 2022

PRI statement on draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards

This PRI statement welcomes the latest draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) by the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) and sets out five priority elements that co-legislators and the European Commission should retain within the final standards.

See statement


November 2022

The PRI provides comments on a consultation from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC). This consultation seeks views on proposals to require administering authorities of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) to have effective governance, strategy, risk management and accompanying metrics and targets for the assessment and management of climate risks and opportunities

In our response, the PRI welcomes the proposal from DLUHC to require LGPS schemes to assess, manage and disclose climate-related risks in line with the recommendations of the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). In particular we welcome proposals to align new requirements for LGPS AAs with existing requirements for occupational pension schemes, as set out by the DWP earlier this year.

See response


November 2022

Joint investor statement of support for an ambitious and effective European directive on corporate sustainability due diligence (CSDD)

The PRI, Eurosif, Investor Alliance for Human Rights and 142 undersigned signatories (representing approximately 1.5 trillion USD in AUM) welcome the European Commission’s CSDD proposal. This statement raises 5 key recommendations to create an ambitious and effective directive, which works for investors, complements the existing EU legislation and is aligned with international standards including the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

See statement


November 2022

The PRI responded to the review by Attorney-General’s department of the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth).

The PRI commends the Australian Government for its commitment to improve the Act and highlights concerns with the modern slavery statements already submitted. Accordingly, the PRI recommends the Minister and departments undertake a quality review. Additionally, the PRI recommends the Act include an express requirement for entities to carry out a due diligence process.

See response


November 2022

The PRI responded to APRA’s consultation on its prudential standards for strategic planning and member outcomes – SPS 515

The PRI recommends that SPS 515 should be updated to ensure RSE licensees are explicitly required to consider system-level risks when setting strategic objectives and, along with SPG 515, enhanced to support RSE licensees to assess members’ sustainability objectives. Further guidance should also be provided on how RSE licensees can set and pursue goals to shape real-world sustainability outcomes.

See response


November 2022

The PRI responds to CAPSA’s draft Guideline: ESG Considerations in Pension Plan Guideline

The PRI welcomes the opportunity to provide comment on the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities’ draft ESG guideline, providing recommendations on the scope of relevant sustainability information, adequate disclosure, and appropriate action to be considered as part of pension administrators’ legal duties to provide a pension.

See response


November 2022

PRI submits sign on letter to the SEC encouraging adoption of climate disclosure rule

The PRI is joined by 75 signatories representing over $1.7 trillion in AUM calling on the Securities and Exchange Commission to finalize the proposed climate-related financial disclosures rule. Strengthening and finalizing the proposed rule will provide clear and comparable information to allow for full accounting of climate-related risks across investment portfolios.

See response


October 2022

PRI's response to a call for evidence by BEIS on the government's approach to delivering its net zero target.

The PRI welcomes the opportunity to respond and makes recommendations showcasing the ability of net zero targets to deliver maximum economic growth and investment, and to support UK energy security and affordability.

See response


October 2022

PRI response to proposed US Natural Capital Accounting policy

The PRI responded to the US Office of Management and Budget and Office of Science Technology and Policy on their proposal to develop a strategic plan on statistics for environmental-economic decisions via natural capital accounting.

See response


October 2022

PRI response to review of the G20/OECD principles of corporate governance

The G20/OECD Principles are being reviewed in light of recent evolutions in capital markets and corporate governance policies and practices. PRI welcomes many aspects of the reviewed Principles and makes recommendations on executive remuneration, whistleblowing, the responsibilities of the board, DEI, stewardship, investor collaboration and sustainability reporting.

See response


October 2022

PRI response to Treasury’s review of the Your Future, Your Super measures

The PRI responded to the Treasury’s review of the Your Future, Your Super measures. The PRI highlighted that the performance test and reverse onus of proof may restrict superannuation funds’ ability to mitigate longer term systemic risks by shaping sustainability outcomes. The response noted these unintended consequences may conflict with the best financial interest duty and recommended that Treasury consider options for reform to avoid any perverse outcomes for members.

See response


September 2022

PRI response of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) on Draft Guideline B-15: Climate Risk Management

The PRI welcomes OFSI’s signal to the Canadian and international markets in aligning the B-15 guideline with the most recent TCFD guidance and referencing disclosure against ISSB disclosures. The PRI makes recommendations on greater coordination with ISSB, CSSB, and CSA, as well as ensuring that disclosures are included in financial statements, transition plans aligned with targets, and voluntary scenario analysis.

See response


September 2022

SEC Strategic Plan 2022-2026

The PRI submitted comments to the SEC on its draft strategic plan for the years 2022-2026, calling for the Commission to support markets in the transition to a sustainable financial system.

See response


September 2022

Joint letter from PRI, CDP, IIGCC, and Eurosif on Fit for 55 trilogues

The CEOs of PRI, CDP, and IIGCC – under the auspices of The Investor Agenda – in collaboration with Eurosif published an open letter to Frans Timmermans, Pascal Canfin, and Jaroslav Zajíček regarding the trilogue negotiations on a number of EU “Fit for 55” files. The letter emphasises the need to swiftly implement an ambitious Fit for 55 package that will save energy, accelerate the expansion of renewables, catalyse low-carbon innovation, and mobilise private capital towards sustainable outcomes, all while ensuring a just transition.

See letter


September 2022

Joint letter from PRI, IIGCC, and UKSIF: CEOs of leading investor groups call on new government to uphold net zero ambition

The CEOs of PRI, IIGCC, UKSIF and 8 leading UK investors published an open letter to the UK Prime Minister and officials outlining the case for upholding net zero ambition. The PRI and investor signatories emphasises the need for a clear delivery plan for the transition of the real economy and financial services, with credible sectoral roadmaps underpinned by the near-term policies, actions and milestones needed to shift financial flows towards net zero.

See letter


September 2022

PRI comment to the SEC on the substantial implementation, duplication, and resubmission of shareholder proposals

The PRI supports the Securities and Exchange Commission’s efforts to enhance clarity and transparency for shareholders around the reasons why issuers may exclude shareholder proposals in proxy materials. The PRI supports the amendments to the substantial implementation, duplication and resubmission of shareholder proposals.

See response

South Africa

September 2022

PRI response to the South African Reserve Bank’s draft national Climate Risk Scenarios

PRI warmly welcomes the South African Reserve Bank’s important work on developing regional Climate Risk Scenarios and supports its objective to build capacity across the financial sector to better mitigate the financial risks and other impacts on South Africa’s economy. The importance for climate risk modelling focused on local conditions is essential for financial markets to more accurately assess and price in risks. This will enable investors to allocate capital more efficiently and to play their part in helping to achieve the Paris Agreement.

See response


September 2022

PRI response to JFSA’s invitation for public comments regarding the Draft Code of Conduct for ESG Evaluation and Data Providers

PRI welcomes JFSA's proposal to introduce a Draft Code of Conduct for ESG Evaluation and Data Providers. PRI recommends that JFSA implements appropriate accountability and enforcement mechanisms, commits to periodic reviews and revisions of the code, and provides clarity on key concepts and the extent of the overall scope of applicability to ensure alignment and coherence among the market.

See response in English and Japanese


September 2022

Joint PRI, CJC, and BHRC letter to showcase investor support for new legislation to mandate human rights and environmental due diligence

The PRI, CJC and the undersigned organisations support a ‘Business, Human Rights and Environment Act,’ ambitious UK primary legislation to mandate companies to carry out human rights and environmental due diligence across their own operations and value chains.

See letter


September 2022

PRI response to Treasury's consultation on strengthening Australia’s multinational tax avoidance and tax transparency rules

The PRI welcomes the Treasury’s intention to address the tax avoidance practices of multinational enterprises (MNEs) and improve transparency through better public reporting of MNEs’ tax information. The PRI recommends that reporting entities be required to report relevant tax-related information for all countries of operation, not just a limited set of jurisdictions; and that reporting standards should align as much as possible with disclosure 207-4 (Country-by-country reporting) of the GRI 207 standard.

See response


August 2022

Joint PRI, IFAC and WBCSD statement calling for alignment between sustainability reporting standard setters and frameworks

The PRI, IFAC, WBCSD and undersigned organisations call on major standard-setting efforts to align and support a global baseline for sustainability-related information – by aligning on key concepts, terminologies and metrics upon which disclosure requirements are built.

See statement


August 2022

PRI response to METI's invitation for public comment on Draft Guidelines on Respect for Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains

PRI recommends that METI provides clarity around the definition and framing of 'human rights', ensures greater coherency and alignment with existing national and international instruments, and implements appropriate accountability and enforcement mechanisms.

See response in English and Japanese


August 2022

PRI comment to the SEC on Investment Company Names

The PRI supports the SEC’s proposed rule and its efforts to ensure that funds’ names reflect their investments in the fund and address materially misleading or deceptive fund names. The PRI recommends that the SEC Define the term "characteristics" and clarify the expectations for funds on how to determine an investment focus with such characteristics.

See response


August 2022

PRI comment to the SEC on Enhanced Disclosures by Investment Advisers and Investment Companies about Environmental, Social, and Governance Investment Practices

The PRI supports the SEC’s efforts to enhance fund and adviser disclosure on their ESG related practices to prevent greenwashing. The PRI supports disclosure of proxy voting and GHG emissions metrics as proposed by the SEC. The PRI recommends the SEC eliminate the “ESG Integration” category, and revise the “Impact Fund” category to only include funds that have impact goals as their primary focus.

See response


August 2022

PRI responses to EFRAG consultations on Exposure Draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards

The PRI welcomes the publication of Exposure Draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) by the European Financial Advisory Group (EFRAG) and is broadly supportive of their content. Our recommendations seek to ensure that reporting under the ESRS meets the information needs of responsible investors.

See response


July 2022

PRI responses to the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) consultations on Exposure Draft IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards.

The PRI supports the ISSB’s mission to deliver a high-quality global baseline of sustainability-related financial disclosures and welcomes the structure and content of Exposure Drafts. Our recommendations seek to ensure that reporting under IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards meets the information needs of responsible investors.

See response


July 2022

PRI response to the AASB’s request for comment on the ISSB’s Exposure Drafts IFRS S1 and S2

The PRI strongly supports the development of a global baseline of sustainability disclosures and encourages the AASB to engage closely with the ISSB in the development of IFRS S1 and S2. The PRI recommends that the Federal Government introduce legislation that requires mandatory disclosure of sustainability information by listed and large propriety companies by 2024, and authorises the AASB to issue standards for such sustainability information. Those standards should be based on the final IFRS standards as a minimum baseline.

See response


July 2022

The PRI welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Transition Plan Taskforce’s call for evidence on a Sector-Neutral Framework for private sector transition plans. This call for evidence seeks views on the draft principles used to guide a credible transition plan, the elements that a Sector-Neutral Framework should include, and overall aims to drive transition plans by developing clear expectations and creating a standard.

The Call for Evidence makes a value contribution both in the UK and internationally to the understanding of the concept of transition plans, particularly in terms of offering a definition and identifying the key elements within a transition plan. The PRI recommends a more focused definition of transition plans, integration of transition plans into UK climate reporting regulation, prioritisation, and consideration of physical risk.

See response


June 2022

The PRI responded to a call for evidence by HM Government to support the update to the Green Finance Strategy. The call for evidence seeks views around four objectives; capturing the opportunity of green finance; mobilising finance for the UK’s energy security, climate and environmental objectives; greening the financial system; and leading internationally.

The PRI are supportive of plans to update the Green Finance Strategy and welcome the opportunity to respond to this call for evidence. In our response, we outline some high level recommendations around maintaining ambition for reporting and disclosure frameworks such as SDR and the UK Green Taxonomy, as well as ensuring consistent messaging between policymakers, both within the UK and internationally. We also call for a shift towards a regulatory environment that permits and enables sustainability outcomes-focused investment.

See response


June 2022

Joint open letter from IIGCC, the PRI and UKSIF: Leading investor groups call for natural gas to be excluded from the UK’s ‘green taxonomy’

The CEOs of IIGCC, PRI and UKSIF published an open letter to the UK Prime Minister outlining the case against including natural gas in the UK’s taxonomy. The PRI and other signatories emphasise the need for a credible, science-based taxonomy that is fully aligned with the UK’s ambitious net zero strategy. Gas may be necessary as a ‘bridge’ during the transition, but it should not be labelled as ‘green’.

See letter


June 2022

PRI response to the Securities and Exchange Commission consultation on The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors

The PRI supports the Securities and Exchange Commission in taking this vitally important action in line with its mission to protect investors and ensure fair, orderly and efficient markets. The PRI makes recommendations for the Commission to improve the proposed rule on Scope 3 emissions, transition plan and physical risk disclosure and climate scenarios and cross-industry disclosures aligned with TCFD.

See response


June 2022

PRI response to the European Commission consultation on ESG ratings and incorporation of ESG in credit ratings.

The PRI welcomes increased attention by the European Commission to the market for ESG ratings and data products and the providers of these products, given the important role these products play in investment processes. PRI recommends the Commission focuses regulatory action on improving transparency of methodologies and processes, and ensuring providers have appropriate governance processes in place.

See response


May 2022

PRI comment to the State Department on the National Action Plan for Responsible Business Conduct

The PRI recommends that the State Department considers the role of investors in the National Action Plan. The PRI supports improved disclosure on human rights and worker-related information along with clarification that human rights considerations fall within the fiduciary duties of investors.

See response


May 2022

Race to zero 2022 criteria consultation

This consultation has been designed by the High-Level Climate Champions, the UNFCCC and the Expert Peer Review Group for the Race to Zero.

See response


May 2022

Call to Action to G7 Leaders for a Just, Affordable, and Urgent Transition

The PRI supports the recommendations of four key policy areas—across finance, climate and nature, energy and social issues—to drive a just, affordable, and urgent energy transition, in order to transform our economies and improve security, sustainability and quality of life for citizens in G7 countries and the world over.

See response


May 2022

PRI comment to the Department of Labor on protecting American retirement savers from climate-related risks

The PRI welcomes the Department of Labor’s consultation as the Department is duty-bound to take active steps to address potential impacts of climate-related financial risk to American savers.

See response


April 2022

PRI template comment for signatories to respond to the SEC’s proposed climate disclosure rule

The PRI encourages its signatories to submit comments to the SEC on the proposed climate disclosure rule. This template serves as a starting point for signatories looking to prepare their own comment letters.

See letter


April 2022

PRI comment on the SEC’s proposed public company cybersecurity disclosure

The PRI supports the proposed disclosure requirements for publicly listed companies regarding cybersecurity risks and governance. The PRI supports the inclusion of disclosure requirements related to governance, such as disclosure of policies and procedures, board oversight and expertise, as well as management’s role in mitigating cybersecurity risks.

See response


April 2022

Joint PRI and Eurosif letter on necessity for net-zero disclosures in CSRD

The PRI and Eurosif have written to European Parliament, Commission and Council of the EU, on behalf of the sustainable investment industry, to emphasise the need for a CSRD framework that promotes meaningful transition efforts on the part of companies and provides investors with effective tools to steer capital towards sustainability leading companies. It is crucial that, at the end of the trilogue negotiations, CSRD mandates companies to prepare transition plans and disclose the scenarios used for these plans as well as the key assumptions underpinning these scenarios.

See letter


April 2022

US Policy Briefing: SEC Proposed Rulemaking on Climate-Related Disclosures

On March 21, the SEC proposed climate-risk disclosure requirement. This briefing document provides an overview of the proposed rule in preparation for their comments on the climate disclosure rule.

See briefing document


March 2022

The PRI responded to Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s (MSRB) request for info on ESG practices

The PRI is encouraged by MSRB’s request for information as it considers how best to incorporate ESG-related information in its regulatory and oversight duties. PRI recommended MSRB work to encourage standard ESG disclosure and relevant information across the municipal securities market to provide investors with consistent, comparable information.

See response


March 2022

Independent Review Committee on Standard Setting in Canada

The PRI supports the creation of an independent, transparent and publicly accountable Canadian Sustainability Standards Board (CSSB) to work alongside existing domestic accounting and assurance boards and liaise with the new International Sustainability Standards Board under the IFRS Foundation.

See response


March 2022

The PRI responded to the European Securities Market Authority (ESMA) call for evidence on market characteristics for ESG rating providers in the EU.

The PRI welcomes increased attention by regulators such as ESMA to the market for ESG ratings and data products and the providers of these products, given the important role these products play in investment processes. PRI recommends regulators focus on improving transparency of methodologies and processes, and ensuring providers have appropriate governance processes in place.

See response


March 2022

The PRI responded to the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Consultation Paper on ESG Rating Providers

The PRI supports SEBI’s proposal to require ESG rating providers operating in India to be accredited and recommends that appropriate measures be adopted to support effective governance, minimise potential conflicts of interest and improve transparency for rating methodologies and communications

See response


March 2022

PRI Comment on Pay vs. Performance

The PRI submitted a comment to the SEC in response to the reopening of the comment period for Pay vs. Performance. The PRI supports the disclosure of a company-selected measure as well as the list of the five most important performance measures, as these additions would allow registrants the flexibility to show whether ESG performance measures significantly impact executive pay.

See response


March 2022

The PRI provides comments on a consultation from the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) on proposals to design a climate compatibility checkpoint for future oil and gas licensing in the UK Continental Shelf.

In our response, the PRI welcomes the proposal to apply a climate checkpoint to North Sea oil and gas production and encourages the government to set stringent and ambitious tests to the licensing of oil and gas exploration in the UK.

See response


February 2022

The PRI responded to APRA’s consultation on it’s standards for investment governance – SPS 530.

The PRI recommends that SPS 530 should better reflect RSE licensee’s obligations to consider and mitigate material market-wide risks, particularly where sources of those risks stem from ESG-related issues. Additionally, the PRI recommends that explicit guidance be provided to RSE licensees in either SPS or SPG 530 on how they should consider and mitigate ESG-related risks at both the idiosyncratic and market-wide levels.

See response


February 2022

PRI response to the Canadian Securities Administrators draft regulation 51-107 respecting disclosure of climate-related matters

The PRI encourages the CSA to mandate disclosure of Scopes 1 and 2 and most relevant Scope 3 emissions categories using the GHG Protocol, as well as scenario analysis. The CSA should aim to phase in the holistic implementation of the 11 TCFD recommendations, reflecting the 2021 Guidance on Metrics, Targets and Transition Plans.

See response
See sign-on letter in English
Voir la lettre d’appui en Français


February 2022

Multi-stakeholder statement on ensuring effective EU legislation on mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence

- Over 100 companies, investors, business associations and initiatives are calling for the EU to swiftly adopt an effective legislative proposal on mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence, within the Sustainable Corporate Governance initiative.

See response

China and EU

January 2022

International Platform on Sustainable Finance (IPSF) consultation on Common Ground Taxonomy (CGT)

The PRI recognises that taxonomies are a key tool for redirecting financial flows towards economic activities that meet robust sustainability standards and are aligned with high-level policy commitments, therefore, the CGT could be a useful tool to increase the interoperability of taxonomies, on the condition that clarifications and improvements are made regarding its purpose, science-basis, methodology and presentation of criteria.

See response


January 2022

The PRI has provided feedback to the European Commission on its proposal for the review of insurance sector rules (Solvency II review).

The PRI welcomes the review’s focus on addressing long-term sustainability risks in the insurance sector. However, more ambitious measures will be needed to align financial flows with the EU’s new sustainability objectives.

See response


January 2022

Multi-stakeholder statement on CSRD reform and EU standards

The call to policy-makers for swift agreement on the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive highlights the importance and urgency of the reform to achieve the objectives set in the EU Green Deal and the sustainable finance agenda. The 12 signatories of the statement also firmly support the development and implementation of EU corporate sustainability reporting standards based on the double materiality concept.

See statement


January 2022

The PRI respond to a consultation from the FCA that seeks initial views on new sustainability disclosure requirements (SDR) for asset managers and FCA-regulated asset owners, as well as a new classification and labelling system for sustainable investment products.

The PRI support the FCA’s proposed approach on the design principles, coherence and inoperability, product labels and disclosure layers, and classification and labelling for a full range of investment products, but recommends that the FCA revise the potential categories of the classification and labelling system, and reconsider how best to draw on the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).

See response


January 2022

The PRI respond to a consultation from DWP on proposals on Paris-aligned climate reporting and investment stewardship for occupational pension schemes.

The PRI welcomes the proposed reforms to Occupational Pension Schemes (Climate Change Governance and Reporting) Regulations 2021, and maintains that a focus on beneficiaries’ views and preferences is of paramount importance when discussing good stewardship for pension schemes.

See response


January 2022

China consultation on regulations of insurance asset management companies

To ensure that IAMCs are appropriately managing ESG related risks and opportunities as a part of their obligations to clients, the PRI recommends that the proposed regulation should make clear that IAMCs must consider ESG factors in their corporate governance, risk management, investment activities, stewardship, and disclosure practices.

See response in English and Chinese

2020 - 2021

Archived consultations and letters 2020 - 2021

Region Date Consultation or letter PRI response


December 2021

Opposition against UK government’s considerations to proceed with Cambo oil field

Call on the UK government to reject the Cambo oil field in the North Sea, and to prevent any further investment and licenses for new oil and gas fields in the UK Continental Shelf

See response


December 2021

The PRI responded to the SEC's Proposed Rule, “Enhanced Reporting of Proxy Votes by Registered Management Investment Companies; Reporting of Executive Compensation Votes by Institutional Investment Managers”

The PRI supported the proposed rule to enhance the availability and utility of information on proxy voting, including on executive compensation.

See response


December 2021

PRI Response to Department of Labor Proposed Rule Prudence and Loyalty in Selecting Plan Investments and Exercising Shareholder Rights

The PRI supported adoption of the Proposed Rule as it provides fiduciaries the clarity and autonomy necessary to appropriately consider climate-related and other ESG factors in their investment decisions and to exercise shareholder rights in line with their fiduciary duties and overarching investment strategy.

See response


December 2021

The PRI sent letters to finance ministers of all 27 member states about alternatives to including gas-fired power and nuclear energy in the EU Sustainable Taxonomy

The PRI urged finance ministers to publicly support the consideration of alternative policy solutions to recognise gas-fired electricity and nuclear energy as transition activities outside of the EU Sustainable Taxonomy, as set out in its position paper.

See letter


October 2021

MEE consultation on enterprise environmental disclosure

The PRI recommended that the MEE should extend the scope of reporting institutions to cover all large companies, listed companies and debt issuers, require climate related targets and quantitative measures, coordinate with other financial regulators to create a consistent reporting framework across corporate and FIs, and align with other global and regional standards including the work by the IFRS Foundation and EU CSRD.

See response in English and Chinese


October 2021

The PRI responded to the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia’s discussion paper on climate change.

The PRI recommended that clearer regulatory guidance is needed to enable superannuation funds to mitigate systemic climate risks, and encourages ASFA to guide superannuation funds on how to achieve net zero targets and, to that end, recommends ASFA support more effective stewardship practices.

See response


September 2021

The PRI respond to the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) on their draft future standard-setting agenda.

The PRI welcomed FASB’s consideration of future standard-setting actions on disclosure of ESG matters and their effect on financial statements and the disaggregation of corporate income tax disclosure on a country-by-country basis.

See response


September 2021

PRI Comments on METI’s consultation on the 6th Basic Energy Plan for Japan

The PRI welcomed the proposed updates to Japan’s Basic Energy Plan, including its upward revision of renewables in the overall power output to 36-38% by 2030, and highlight the policy actions needed to support Japan in successfully meeting its climate targets and transforming towards a net zero economy.

See response


September 2021

PRI comments on the Government of Canada’s People-Centred Just Transition discussion paper

PRI encouraged the Canadian Government to pass people-centred just transition legislation which states the objective to accelerate Paris-aligned climate action in ways that will impact the real economy and deliver the Sustainable Development Goals.

See response


September 2021

PRI letter to Beijing Stock Exchange

The PRI welcomed the establishment of the exchange and recommend that BSE take steps to further promote responsible investment among listed companies, support mandatory ESG disclosure and provide guidance on climate-related targets and measures for listed companies in China, and become a signatory to the Sustainable Stock Exchange initiative.

See letter in English and Chinese


September 2021

Investor Statement of Support for EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

The PRI welcomed the European Commission’s proposal for a new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) revising the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), and its aim to elevate sustainability information to the same level as financial information.

See response


September 2021

The PRI respond to a consultation from the FCA on a series of proposed reforms to improve the effectiveness of UK primary markets and how it might continue to develop to ensure they remain competitive and dynamic.

The PRI recommended that the FCA maintain the one-share, one-vote requirement in the UK premium listing segment and the FCA maintained the free float at 25% for the UK premium listing segment.

See response


September 2021

PRI consultation response on EFRAG’s proposed Due Process Procedures.

The PRI welcomed the proposed processed and makes two main recommendations, suggesting to maximise user and preparer input and to engage and contribute global sustainability reporting initiatives.

See response


September 2021

The PRI responded to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics inquiry into the implications of common ownership and capital concentration in Australia

The PRI recommended that it is too premature for policymakers to respond to any hypothetical consequences of capital concentration and common ownership and no policy response should by introduced that may limit investors’ stewardship rights.

See response


September 2021

The PRI respond to a consultation from the FCA on proposals to introduce climate-related financial disclosure rules and guidance for asset managers, life insurers, and FCA-regulated pension providers at both the product and entity-level.

The PRI outlined support for several recommendations made by the FCA, including the proposal to require disclosure by in-scope firms at both the entity and product level.

See response


September 2021

PRI Letter to Congressional Leaders calling for bold climate funding in budget legislation

The PRI called for any budget legislation to fully fund efforts to limit carbon emissions to set a precedent for bold climate action, consider climate impact across every committee, which represents an oppprtunity to create sustainable jobs and support a just transition.

See response


September 2021

IOSCO Consultation on ESG Ratings and Data Product Providers

The PRI welcomed increased attention by regulators to the market for ESG ratings and data products and the providers of these products, but recommends that regulators focus on improving transparency and ensuring appropriate governance arrangements.

See response


September 2021

BaFin Consultation on requirements for sustainable funds

The PRI welcomes the ambition of these new guidelines to mitigate the risk of greenwashing through better accountability and transparency. Our key recommendations are:

  1. Increase market harmonisation and coherence through enhanced collaboration at member state and EU-level
  2. Clarify the relationship between the guidelines and ongoing EU legislation
  3. Recognise the positive sustainability impact of investor stewardship
  4. Clarify the definition of “sustainable investments”
  5. Strengthen the ESG safeguards
  6. Improve the “sustainable investment strategy” definition

See response


August 2021

IOSCO Consultation on Sustainability-Related Practices, Policies, Procedures and Disclosures in Asset Management.

The PRI recommended that the purpose of this work be clarified to support regulators and policymakers to align financial policy with sustainability goals, a taxonomy for sustainable activties, coherence at the policy design, implementation, and monitoring levels, and asset specific impelemntation.

See response


July 2021

PRI support for Bill S-216, Act to enact the Modern Slavery Act and to amend the Customs Tariff

In order to align the act with international standards and emerging regulation in other jurisdictions, the PRI recommended four alterations to the bill that are crucial for institutional investors to avoid subjecting them and their portfolio companies to deviating national standards.

See response


July 2021

The PRI respond to APRA prudential practice guide on climate change financial risks

PRI recommended that APRA clarifies and strengthens the guidance on how climate change risks should be considered in investment governance frameworks and management of investments, and proposes a mechanism for transition to mandatory disclosure requirements.

See response


July 2021

The PRI respond to a consultation from the Financial Stability Board’s Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) on metrics, transition plans and portfolio alignment.

The PRI recognised the significant step forward in the Taskforce’s guidance to preparers, but recommended improving the comparability of disclosures, internal carbon pricing, addressing systemic risk.

See response


July 2021

The PRI respond to a consultation from BEIS on restoring trust in audit and corporate governance

The PRI supported recommendations around strengthening malus and clawback conditions on directors’ remuneration arrangements and providing clarity on existing requirements for auditors, but suggesting that the regulator provide clarity on the content and structure of the Audit and Assurance Policy.

See response

South Africa

July 2021

Call for Stakeholder Inputs, Draft National Green Finance Taxonomy

The PRI recommended to maintain consistency with the EU Taxonomy and y scientific evidence; clarify the ambition of the GFT and consider a mandatory framework in the future; increase usability of the draft GFT; ensure future additions to the GFT have robust, science-based technical screening criteria; do not sacrifice ambition for the sake of practicality; instead, work to improve data availability; be clear about targets and transition; and re-assess the presentation of minimum social safeguards.

See response


July 2021

PRI statement on the EU’s Strategy for Financing the Transition to a Sustainable Economy.

The PRI welcomed the EU’s Strategy for Financing the Transition to a Sustainable Economy, and made recommendations on investor duties to integrate sustainability outcomes, stewardship rules that better reflect sustainability outcomes, financing the transition to net zero, a coherent framework for human rights and social issues, and fostering international convergence

See response


June 2021

PRI Response to SEC Request for Comment on Universal Proxy

The PRI supports the establishment of universal proxy cards for contested elections of board directors and encourages the Commission to take further action to ensure shareholder equality and access throughout the proxy process.

See response


June 2021

PRI’s comment on the Detailed Guidance for New York Domestic Insurers on Managing the Financial Risks from Climate Change

The PRI supported the establishment of universal proxy cards for contested elections of board directors and encourages the Commission to take further action to ensure shareholder equality and access throughout the proxy process.

See response


June 2021

PRI respond to a call for evidence issued by the Committee for Work and Pensions on pensions stewardship and COP26

The PRI recommended that pension schemes that have made an emission reduction commitment should set near term targets and report on progress and highlight the importance of a consistent TCFD-aligned framework across the investment chain.

See response


June 2021

Letter in Support of H.R. 1187 Corporate Governance and Investor Protection Act

The PRI supported the ESG Disclosure Package, the Climate Risk Disclosure Act and bills that would require compensation, tax, and political spending disclosure, which are increasingly relevant to investor decision making.

See letter


June 2021

PRI respond to a call for evidence issued by DWP on consideration of social risks and opportunities by occupational pension schemes

The PRI recommends that DWP work with The Pensions Regulator (TPR) to provide examples of decision-useful social indicators commonly used by investors, based on existing market practice and international developments, and that DWP engage with trustees to understand how they consider beneficiaries’ future quality of life and social impacts of investments.

See response


June 2021

Joint letter on Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy on Stewardship and Shareholders Right Directive

The PRI, EUROSIF and SHARE ACTION have sent a joint letter to EU commissioners and vice president calling for stewardship to be included in the upcoming Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy and for an early revision of the Shareholder Rights Directive (SRD II).

See response


June 2021

PRI Response to the Australian Treasury consultation on Greater Transparency of Proxy Advice

The PRI considers the use and engagement of proxy advisory firms to be a prudent and cost-effective method for research on ESG risks to investors, and views the existing legal obligations are adequate.

See response


June 2021

Sign On Letter on SEC Request for Comment on Climate Change Disclosures

The PRI organized a sign-on letter for signatories and supporting organizations in support of standardized, mandatory disclosure of material climate and environmental, social and governance (ESG) information, to fulfill a fiduciary obligation to fully consider material information and make informed investment decisions for long-term value creation.

See response


June 2021

PRI Response to SEC Request for Comment on Climate Change Disclosures

The PRI recommends that disclosure should be improved as part of a larger effort to facilitate the more thorough provision to investors of ESG information that has investment relevance. Investors need comprehensive, comparable and decisionuseful data from companies on climate change and a range of ESG issues

See response


June 2021

CSRC consultation on periodic reporting rules for listed companies

The PRI recommends that the CSRC should introduce mandatory, standardized reporting requirements that can align with global standards, include disclosure on climate-related targets and quantitative measures, include forward looking disclosure in line with the TCFD recommendations, coordinate with other ministries to further extend the scope of reporting institutions, and create a consistent reporting framework across corporate and financial institutions.

See response in English and Chinese


June 2021

European Commission consultation on the obligation for certain companies to publish non-financial information under the article 8 Taxonomy regulation delegated act

The PRI welcomes the draft Article 8 delegated act and provides 5 overarching recommendations:

  1. Ensure consistency between disclosure requirements and sustainable finance policies, especially the Taxonomy RTS.
  2. Bring the timeline of the review clause forward and consider extending capex plans for certain projects.
  3. Remove the requirement to report a breakdown of numerators and denominators for financial undertakings.
  4. Include all investments in the denominator of financial undertakings’ KPIs and allow voluntary disclosures of non-NFRD/CSRD companies in the numerators.
  5. Provide guidance on minimum social safeguards disclosures.

See response


May 2021

Speech at the European Parliament – Public hearing on Sustainable Finance organised by ENVI and ECON committees

Mr Nathan Fabian, Chair of the Platform on Sustainable Finance and Chief Responsible Investment Officer at the PRI, gave evidence in a public hearing at the European Parliament about the need for sustainable finance policy reforms in the EU and beyond. The speech summarises the challenges of policy changes and needs for market practice evolution.

See speech


May 2021

PRI Investor sign-on letter to European Rapporteurs on public country-by-country reporting

PRI welcomes the EU initiative to mandate public country-by-country reporting for multinational companies. This policy measure is timely given the EU proposal for a new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, and vital to strengthen tax transparency and accountability while reducing the prevalence of tax avoidance practices that continue to challenge global economies and their pursuit of sustainability goals. Our letter sets out three key recommendations to ensure that the upcoming regulation is robust, works as intended, and can set the tone for policies of a similar nature in other jurisdictions.

See letter


May 2021

PRI response to the Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment Growth Inquiry

The PRI welcomes the Joint Standing Committee’s Inquiry into the prudential regulation of investment in Australia’s export industries. The PRI is supportive of policies which provide investors with better information to assess ESG risks and opportunities in all investments, including in export industries, given the speed of change and ambition of the climate policy positions of Australia’s key trade partners.

See response


May 2021

PRI response to the European Supervisory Authorities’ consultation on Taxonomy-related product disclosures

The PRI welcomes the draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS), as they provided much needed clarity to investors preparing for their disclosures against the Taxonomy under the SFDR. Investor disclosures against the Taxonomy will bring much needed clarity to investment products' alignment with environmental objectives, and together with the SFDR, will provide an important level-playing field among financial market participants

See response


May 2021

PRI response to Guidelines for Investor and Company Engagement consultation

The PRI welcomes the revised version by the Council of Experts of the Guidelines for Investor and Company Engagement, which explicitly recognises the importance of sustainability, board responsibility and diversity in creating long-term corporate value. We recommend that the Council of Experts provide greater clarity on how these guidelines should be used by investors and companies to implement the Stewardship Code and the Corporate Governance Code.

See response


May 2021

PRI response to Japan Corporate Governance Code Revision consultation

The PRI welcomes the proposed draft of the revised version of the Corporate Governance Code, which explicitly recognises the importance of board independence, diversity and sustainability in creating long-term corporate value and sets out higher corporate governance standards for TSE Prime Listed Companies.

See response


May 2021

BEIS Consultation mandatory climate-related financial disclosures by publicly quoted companies, large private companies and LLPs

The PRI welcomes BEIS proposals on enhancing climate-related reporting requirements. However, in their current form, they will fail to provide the comprehensive and comparable disclosures for market participants to adequately manage exposure to climate risk.

See response


April 2021

2021 US Policy Briefing: SEC Requests Comments on Climate Change Disclosures

On March 15, the Acting Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Allison Herren Lee, issued a statement requesting public comment on climate change disclosures, acknowledging the lack of consistent and comparable climate change information for investors under existing SEC regulations. This briefing document provides information for signatories in preparation of their comments on climate change and ESG disclosures to the Commission.

See briefing


April 2021

China consultation on the interim regulations on the carbon emission trading system

The PRI welcomes the consolidation of existing ETS regulations into a new State Council regulation. The PRI recommends enhancing the effectiveness and coverage of the national ETS by setting out a timetable for transitioning to a fixed cap emission trading scheme, introducing the auctioning of allowances, and announcing a target 2030 floor price of $60 per tonne of CO2.

See response (English and Chinese)


April 2021

PRI Signatory Sign-on Letter to the SEC on the Request for Climate Information

The PRI’s signatory sign-on letter in response to the SEC’s request for climate information. The PRI encourages signatories to sign the letter and help advocate for mandatory ESG and climate disclosure. This letter will remain open through June 7, 2021.

See response


April 2021

PRI letters to Japanese ministers on climate policy

The PRI sent letters to key ministers (Minister of Finance, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Minister of Environment, and Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) to communicate our recommendations on climate policy.


April 2021

PRI statement on clarification of fiduciary duties and consideration of sustainability preferences in the EU

The PRI supports the action to clarify fiduciary duty rules for asset managers, insurance undertakings, and other investors and their relation to the assessment of sustainability risks. This clarification, although already accounted for by many investors in their interpretation of fiduciary duties, is a crucial step forward to steer entire capital markets towards improved sustainability practices. The PRI also strongly supports the Commission’s work to require dialogue between financial institutions and their institutional and retail clients around the sustainability preferences clients may hold.

See statement


April 2021

PRI supports the publication of final taxonomy delegated act

The PRI welcomes this publication as a significant step forward for capital markets. As the world’s leading proponent of responsible investment, the PRI advocates for global sustainable financial systems, supported by Taxonomies of sustainable economic activities defined by common, science-based, technology neutral technical screening criteria. Investors need a credible Taxonomy to make informed, long-term investment decisions aligned with the Paris Agreement goals.

See statement


April 2021

PRI Statement on corporate sustainability disclosures

The PRI welcomes the proposal for a new EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive as the most recent milestone in a series of encouraging developments on corporate sustainability reporting, including the IFRS Foundation’s proposal to establish a Sustainability Standard Board (SSB) and the initiatives led by the US SEC.

See statement

US March 2021

PRI comment on Nasdaq Proposed Rule Change to Adopt Listing Rules Related to Board Diversity

The PRI submitted a comment to the SEC in response to a proposed rule to require US Nasdaq listed companies to disclose board diversity data and to have at least two diverse board members. The PRI supports the proposed rule change and believes that it is a meaningful first step forward in long-overdue changes in the U.S. financial industry and society broadly.

See response

Singapore March 2021

Green finance industry taskforce taxonomy consultation

The PRI welcomes the development of a green finance taxonomy in Singapore. Key recommendations include adding environmental objectives on circular economy and pollution prevention. The PRI also recommends that the Taxonomy is used to assess whether an economic activity is aligned with the environmental objectives or not, using science-based, technology neutral, technical screening criteria. To ensure the taxonomy allows for an objective assessment of the environmental sustainability of economic activities no exceptions should be included.

See response

EU March 2021

Targeted consultation on the establishment of a European single access point (ESAP) for financial and non-financial information publicly disclosed by companies

The PRI welcomes this initiative. PRI signatories consistently report to the PRI that a lack of consistent, reliable and comparable ESG data is a substantial barrier to their responsible investment practice. The ESAP can enhance data accessibility and credibility and therefore help investors identify ESG risks and opportunities, understand sustainability performance in the context of social and environmental goals and implement sustainable finance disclosure obligations. That said, its value for investors will also depend on whether the information reported meets their needs.

See response

UK March 2021

Department for Work and Pensions | Taking action on climate risk: improving governance and reporting by occupational pension schemes - response and consultation on regulations

The PRI welcomes the leadership shown by DWP in raising awareness of climate-related risks, and supports a number of the revisions made in light of industry feedback on the August 2020 consultation. As climate metrics evolve, PRI supports the inclusion of updated guidance on these metrics as a high priority for the interim 2023 review.

See response

China March 2021

CSRC consultation on the Guidelines on Investor Relations Management of Listed Companies

The PRI welcomes the inclusion of ESG information in the Guidelines. The PRI recommends that the CSRC should publish a comprehensive, standardised and mandatory ESG reporting framework to provide further reporting guidance for listed companies.

See response in English and Chinese

US February 2021

PRI Statement for the Record for House Financial Services Subcommittee Hearing

The PRI submitted a Statement for the Record for the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Investor Protection, Entrepreneurship and Capital Markets hearing entitled, "Climate Change and Social Responsibility: Helping Corporate Boards and Investors Make Decisions for a Sustainable World". The PRI believes consistent, comparable information from mandatory corporate disclosures is the most efficient way for investors and the public to access necessary information about ESG risks and opportunities and make informed investment decisions.

See letter

France February 2021

Public consultation on the Decret proposal for amending ART 29 of Energie Climate Law (former ART 173)

As the EU Regulation on sustainability‐related disclosures in the financial services sector (SFDR) allows member states who wish so to adopt or maintain more ambitious requirements (Recitals 28), this revision of the law is an opportunity for France to maintain its leadership on these topics and to help accelerate investor awareness and action. PRI supports efforts to align the new disclosure framework with the recommendations of the Task Force of Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), specifically the inclusion of detailed criteria related to alignment with Paris Agreement objectives.

See response

US February 2021

PRI Comment on FTC Proposed Rulemaking on Hart-Scott-Rodino Premerger Notification Requirements

The PRI submitted a comment to the Federal Trade Commission in response to its proposed rulemaking to amend the premerger notification requirements under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Act. The PRI believes the Commission should clarify that efforts to engage with public companies on ESG matters do not fall under premerger notification obligations under the Act.

See letter

EU February 2021

European Commission consultations on updating the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) and EU Effort Sharing Regulation

PRI response: The PRI welcomes the leadership shown by the European Commission to address climate change and supports the new 2030 emission reduction target of 55% on the 1990 baseline. To achieve this, stronger policy mechanisms are required. These consultations are a crucial opportunity to revise the EU ETS Directive and Effort Sharing regulation and ensure their contribution to the EU climate and energy policy goals. Based on PRI’s climate policy work in the EU and other markets, we make 4 recommendations.

See response

EU February 2021

Public consultation on the Proposal for an Initiative on Sustainable Corporate Governance

The PRI supports the Commission’s aim to better align the interests of companies, their shareholders, managers, stakeholders and society. We recommend the Commission to provide clarity and consistency on director duties across the EU; undertake a rigorous legal and impact analysis to support any EU legislation on director duties; establish a legal duty for companies to undertake environmental and human rights due diligence; and all the while ensure consistency across proposed reforms within DG JUST and other EU directorates.

See response

UK February 2021

Financial Reporting Council | Future of Corporate Reporting

The PRI welcomes the intent to strengthen accountability to stakeholders, and encourages the development of statutory non-financial reporting in the UK corporate reporting framework, though cautions against separating financial, ESG and sustainability reporting across multiple reports.

See response

EU January 2021

Public Consultation on the review of the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD)

The PRI makes two overall recommendations. Firstly, the European Commission should avoid additional disclosure requirements in individual directives for different fund types, and instead focus on clarifying and harmonizing the SFDR and Taxonomy disclosure regulations. Secondly, the Commission should undertake legal and impact analysis to determine whether to introduce a specific mandatory requirement related to sustainability impact for AIFMs. Any impact-related regulation should have a consistent approach across investor types.

See response

South Africa January 2021

CRISA Code for Responsible Investment in South Africa Revision

The PRI strongly support contents of the revised draft code, including but not limited to: an outcomes-based approach that encourages pursuit of positive outcomes across impact, inclusion, innovation and resilience, and an “apply and explain” disclosure standard that allows sufficient flexibility to be applied proportionately across different assets and types of organisations. PRI’s central recommendation is that the CRISA Committee should establish more robust oversight of the Code for greater effectiveness by formalising the process to become a signatory to the Code.

See response

Hong Kong SAR January 2021

Hong Kong SFC consultation on the management and disclosure of climate-related risks by fund managers

The PRI welcomes the SFC’s proposal for mandatory climate-related reporting through amendments to the existing Fund Manager Code of Conduct (FMCC). The PRI recommends that SFC updates carbon foot printing methodology with the latest TCFD technical guidance and recommendation, and clarifies that asset managers should also collect and disclose financed (Scope 3) GHG emissions. The PRI also recommends that HKEX should tighten company disclosure rules to match the proposed revision to the FMCC on climate change.

See response

Canada January 2021

Strengthening Canadians' Retirement Security - Proposals to Support the Sustainability of and Strengthen the Framework for Federally Regulated Pension Plans

It is the PRI's view that, to protect Canadian pension plan participants and beneficiaries, and increase transparency for all capital markets participants, the Department of Finance Canada and Canadian Securities Administrators should define ESG reporting requirements, and the Department of Finance Canada should clarify that fiduciary duties require ESG integration. The PRI would also encourage consistent regulation on these topics across federal and provincial governments.

See response

UK January 2021

Joint letters to UK Prime Minister and Transport Secretary on climate policy

PRI and several UK asset owners have written to the UK government calling for continued climate ambition in advance of COP26, including progress on land use challenges, energy efficiency and smoothing the transition to zero-emissions vehicles.

See letter

EU January 2021

EFRAG consultation on ad personam mandate on potential need for changes to the governance and funding of EFRAG

The PRI recognises and supports the EU’s leadership role in developing standards for corporate reporting on sustainability performance, but recommends that these standards are not developed in isolation. Similarly, PRI recommends that the EU and EFRAG actively participate in international standard setting processes that focus on financial materiality and adopts those standards once developed.

See response

Global December 2020

IFRS Foundation Consultation Paper on Sustainability Reporting

The PRI welcomes the IFRS Foundation’s proposal for a Sustainability Standards Board (SSB). This is an important step towards globally consistent and comparable corporate sustainability reporting. The PRI recommends that a future SSB covers all sustainability topics, builds on existing initiatives and adopts a modular approach to harmonisation that recognises the different perspectives and needs across jurisdictions and stakeholders. As a next step, we recommend that the IFRS establish a roadmap with a clear timeline and outlook on the development process for a global sustainability reporting framework.

See response

EU December 2020

European Commission Consultation on Taxonomy Delegated regulation for technical screening criteria for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation

The PRI welcomes the publication of the Taxonomy Delegated regulation (DR). This represents a crucial step forward in the implementation of the EU Taxonomy. The PRI is concerned that amendments have or will be made to the Taxonomy DR which will negatively impact its ambition to create a sustainable financial system. We encourage the Commission to reassess any weakening of criteria and to ensure that the final adopted text is consistent with the high ambition as set out in the Taxonomy Regulation.

See response

Russia November 2020

Consultation on the Russia green taxonomy

The PRI welcomes the development of a green taxonomy in Russia. The PRI recommends applying common design principles for international taxonomy harmonisation as described in the EU TEG final taxonomy report.

See response in English and Russian


September 2020

Fiduciary Duties Regarding Proxy Voting and Shareholder Rights

On August 30, the Department of Labor (DOL) issued a notice of proposed rulemaking entitled, “Fiduciary Duties Regarding Proxy Voting and Shareholder Rights.” The proposal aims to clarify the obligations of fiduciaries covered by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) with regard to the exercise of proxy voting and shareholder rights, generally. This briefing document summarizes the proposal and provides information on how to respond.

See briefing

China September 2020

Consultation on the Green Finance Regulation of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone

This regulation will support local financial institutions to promote the development of responsible investment practices in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. The PRI recommends that the regulation clarifies investors should incorporate ESG factors in investment processes and disclose how they do so.

See response

Peru November 2020

Draft regulation on private pensions investment

PRI’s key recommendation is to clarify the definition of investor duties in Peru, including requiring the incorporation of ESG factors into investment analysis and decision-making processes, consistent with their investment time horizons.

See response

EU October 2020

Ad personam mandate on Non-Financial Reporting Standard Setting

The PRI fully supports the development of a European non-financial reporting standard and recommends to ensure the widest possible transparency and involvement of relevant stakeholders as well as an approach that allows to define overarching goals and desired outcomes first and attempts to align elements of existing standards second while ensuring the structure and governance of a non-financial standard supports the Sustainable Finance Taxonomy and other frameworks like the SFRD as important tools for investors.

See response

India October 2020

Securities And Exchange Board of India’s Call For Comments On Business Responsibility And Sustainability Reporting (BRSR)

The PRI’s key recommendations to SEBI are that BRSR disclosure requirements should lead to data that is consistent, comparable and reliable. BRSR should require companies to disclose all material issues and all high-risk locations of plants/operations. SEBI should also contribute to the international dialogue on ESG reporting harmonisation and standardisation.

See response

UK October 2020

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs | Due diligence on forest risk commodities

The PRI welcomes the intent to curb deforestation, though recommends that due diligence for importing businesses should not be limited to ensuring compliance with local laws, but rather should ensure no contribution to unsustainable deforestation.

See response

UK October 2020

Department for Work and Pensions | Taking action on climate risk: improving governance and reporting by occupational pension schemes

The PRI supports most of the proposals made by DWP, and recommends requiring scenario analysis of both orderly and disorderly scenarios, and some modifications to the proposed metrics.

See response

UK October 2020

Financial Conduct Authority | Proposals to enhance climate-related disclosures by listed issuers and clarification of existing disclosure obligations

The PRI recommends that TCFD-alignment disclosures are brought in on a mandatory basis for all listed issuers, rather than comply or explain for a subset of issuers.

See response

US October 2020

Department of Labor Rule Proposal, "Fiduciary Duties Regarding Proxy Voting and Shareholder Rights"

The PRI's comment on the DOL's Rule Proposal. If adopted, the Amendments would significantly burden fiduciaries’ exercise of proxy voting rights, with no compelling justification, with detrimental effects on the value of investments by plans governed by ERISA. The PRI therefore respectfully requests the DOL withdraw the Proposal.

See response

EU September 2020

Consultation for the European Central Bank’s Guide on climate-related and environmental risks

The PRI welcomes the ECB’s guidance. Banks are integral to the function of the global economy, and so must better manage, and disclose their management of, climate risks to be more resilient. The PRI recommends the ECB to provide greater clarity on the use of climate scenarios and to further integrate the EU Taxonomy into the guidelines.

See response

Canada September 2020

Ontario Capital Markets Modernization Taskforce: Consultation Report July 2020

The PRI supportive of the Taskforce’s efforts to improve disclosure on material ESG information, executive compensation, corporate board diversity and increase transparency for investors on conflicts of interest for proxy advisory firms. However, we have some concerns regarding the Taskforce's recommendations on the issuer's role in the shareholder proposal process.

See response

US September 2020

Letter to the SEC on the Improper Exclusion of Evidence on the Impact of the Proposed Amendments to Rule 14a-8 on Retail Investors

The PRI and investor organizations submitted a letter to the SEC regarding the exclusion of evidence on the impact of the proposed amendments to Rule 14a-8 (Shareholder Proposal Rule), and requested the Commission re-open the comment period to provide the public an opportunity to address the data.

See response and Commission's analysis of data

US September 2020

Department of Labor Rule Proposal, "Fiduciary Duties Regarding Proxy Voting and Shareholder Rights"

Request for extension of comment deadline

See full request

Israel September 2020

Consultation on corporate responsibility and ESG risk disclosures

The PRI recommends that the Israel Securities Authority (ISA) develops a standardised, mandatory ESG disclosure framework for listed companies. In addition, the PRI recommends that ISA engages in global efforts to standardise ESG disclosure regulations across countries.

See response

EU September 2020

European Supervisory Authorities: Joint Consultation Paper on ESG Disclosures

The PRI strongly supports the aims and objectives of this Regulation, to help end-investors understand the sustainability impact of products and encourage investor management of adverse impacts. However, we have some concerns regarding the design of the RTS.

See response in ESA template and standalone pdf

Global September 2020

Investor groups call on companies to reflect climate-related risks in financial reporting

Open letter calling on companies to ensure that their financial reports and accounts reflect the recent opinion from the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and are prepared using assumptions consistent with the Paris Agreement on climate change.

See letter

UK August 2020

BEIS Select Committee| Post-pandemic economic growth

The PRI recommends that the UK develop a more comprehensive and long-term approach to a green recovery, prioritising certain sectors, ensuring consistency with a just transition, and leveraging private finance.

See response

China August 2020

Consultation on the CSRC Listed Companies Information Disclosure regulation

The PRI recommends that the regulation includes a requirement to disclose material ESG information, including discussion of strategy, governance and risk management of material ESG issues that may affect the company’s performance, as part of the mandatory issuer disclosures.

See response in English and Chinese

China August 2020

Green Bonds catalogue consultation

The PRI welcomes the consolidation of the existing green bond standards in China into one comprehensive national standard. The PRI also welcomes the clarification that ‘clean coal’ assets do not qualify as green. The PRI recommends to develop technical screening criteria to assess alignment with the Paris Agreement, and whether projects classified as green avoid significant harm to other environmental and social objectives.

See response in English and Chinese

Singapore August 2020

Environmental Risk Management Guidelines consultation

The PRI welcomes the publication of the guidelines and recommends to include in their scope broader systemic and sustainability risks that may affect investment portfolios. The PRI also recommends that MAS incorporates the environmental risk management guidelines within relevant existing financial regulations, in alignment with the TCFD framework.

See response

UK July 2020

Department for Transport | Ending new sales of petrol, diesel and hybrid cars

The PRI supports bringing the proposed sales ban date forward to 2032 and implementing a package of policy measures which will accelerate the growth in sustainable vehicle sales in the UK while reducing the number of vehicles on UK roads overall.

See response

US July 2020

Department of Labor Rule Proposal, “Financial Factors in Selecting Plan Investments”

The PRI's comment on the DOL's Rule Proposal. The PRI is concerned that, if finalized, the Proposal will create confusion among ERISA fiduciaries and asset managers, chill fiduciaries’ efforts to integrate material ESG factors into their investment practices and could be costly for retirement savers and investment managers. We therefore respectfully request that the DOL withdraw the Proposal.

See comment

EU July 2020

Proposed Amendments to Solvency II Delegated Regulation, Proposed Amendments to MiFID Delegated Directive, Proposed Amendment to MiFID Delegated Regulation, Proposed Amendments to UCITS Commission Directive and Proposed Amendments to IDD Delegated Regulations

The PRI strongly supports action by EU institutions to clarify the relationship between investor duties and sustainability, and the Commission’s aim to increase dialogue between financial institutions and their institutional and retail clients around the sustainability preferences clients may hold. Failure to consider sustainability in investment practice, or to respond to the sustainability preferences of clients or beneficiaries, is a failure of investor’s duties.

See response

EU July 2020

Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy

To support the success of this strategy, the PRI makes four overarching recommendations, with further detailed commentary.

See response


June 2020

Financial factors in selecting plan investments

On June 23, the Department of Labor issued a notice of proposed rulemaking entitled “Financial Factors in Selecting Plan Investments” (“Proposal”) aimed at clarifying the obligations related to consideration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors by fiduciaries who oversee private sector pension and defined contribution plans covered by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). This briefing document summarizes the proposal and provides information on how to respond.

See briefing

US June 2020

Department of Labor Rule Proposal, ““Financial Factors in Selecting Plan Investments”

Request for extension of comment deadline

See response

UK June 2020

Labour Party | Green Recovery Consultation

The PRI sets out four key areas for an inclusive green recovery in the UK, focusing on areas with a high economic multiplier – transport, land use, energy efficiency and power.

See response

EU June 2020

2030 Climate Target Plan

The PRI welcomes the opportunity to submit a consultation response on the EU climate ambition for 2030 and for the design of certain climate and energy policies of the European Green Deal. The PRI recommends to increase the EU’s 2030 target to reduce greenhouse gas domestically to at least 55% and suggests to focus action on priority sectors and policy areas pointed out in the response.

See response

EU June 2020

Consultation on the review of the non-financial reporting directive (NFRD)

The PRI welcomes the opportunity to submit a consultation response under the review of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive and makes recommendations how the NFRD and the EU non-financial reporting standards can increase the availability of high quality, relevant and comparable data.

See response

US May 2020

Heather Slavkin Corzo Remarks on the COVID-19 Pandemic on US Capital Markets

Remarks by Heather Slavkin Corzo, Head of US Policy, Principles for Responsible Investment to the Subcommittee on Investor Protection, Entrepreneurship and Capital Markets of the House Committee on Financial Services on Examining the Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on US Capital Markets, May 26, 2020.

Remarks by Heather Slavkin Corzo

China May 2020

Energy Law Consultation

The PRI welcomes the inclusion in the new law of the topics of climate change and low-carbon transition. Setting up a comprehensive policy framework for the energy sector is an important step for China in managing a sustainable energy transition aligned with the Paris agreement.

See response in English and Chinese

US May 2020

SEC Request for Comments on Fund Names

The PRI's comment argues two main points: 1. ESG integration is universal, and as such, should not be included in the fund names rule. (And to enable good practice, the SEC should require corporate ESG disclosure). 2. Where the fund has a specific ESG objective, that could be included in the fund name on a case-by-case basis.

See response

EU May 2020

Interim Report of the Sustainable Finance Committee of the German federal government

The PRI welcomes the opportunity to submit comments on the Interim Report: “The Significance Of Sustainable Finance To The Great Transformation”. The interim report suggests that policy making should align with sustainability goals such as the Paris Climate Agreement and the Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs). The PRI strongly supports this approach. The PRI recommends that the sustainable finance committee provide further clarity on the processes necessary to achieve alignment.

See response

US April 2020

SEC Proposed Rule: Management’s Discussion and Analysis, Selected Financial Data, and Supplementary Financial Information

The PRI's comment on the SEC's Proposed Rule: Management’s Discussion and Analysis, Selected Financial Data, and Supplementary Financial Information in Regulation S-K. The PRI is concerned about two issues in particular with the Proposed Rule: First, its failure to quantify the costs and benefits of the proposed new principles-based disclosures in the MD&A of issuers’ annual filings, and second, its failure to require any new climate-risk disclosures in the Proposed Rule.

See response

UK April 2020

Environmental Audit Committee | Possible Future Inquiries

The PRI responded to a call for evidence on potential future focus areas for the EAC over the upcoming year. The PRI recommended focusing in particular on:

  • The sustainability of the pension system, in particular contract-based pension schemes and master trusts
  • Holding government accountable for meeting afforestation targets
  • Ensuring a smooth transition from traditional vehicles to electric vehicles over the next decade

See response

OECD March 2020

OECD | BEPS Action 13 public consultation (2020 review)

Working together in the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS), over 135 countries are implementing 15 Actions to tackle tax avoidance, improve the coherence of international tax rules and ensure a more transparent tax environment.

In response to the OECD consultation on BEPS Action 13, the PRI commends OECD’s coordinated efforts in tackling tax avoidance through the BEPS initiative and recommends that the requirements for country-by-country reporting be extended to public disclosure.

See response

OECD February 2020

Business responsibilities and investment treaties

The PRI provides comments to the chapter 5, “Investor, business, trade union and civil society action”, specifically on the topic of “sustainable or ‘environmental, social and governance’ (ESG) investing”.

See response


February 2020

SEC Sign-On Letter

The PRI organized a sign-on letter for signatories and supporting organizations to oppose both of the SEC's Proposed Rules.

SEC Sign-On Letter


February 2020

SEC Shareholder Proposal Rule

The PRI's comment on the SEC's Proposed Rule on Rule 14a-8. The PRI believes that the rule would significantly impede the accountability of management to their shareholders. (Shareholder Proposal Rule).

See response


February 2020

SEC Proxy Voting Advice

The PRI's comment on the SEC's Proposed Rule on Proxy Voting Advice. The PRI has serious concerns that the Proposed Rule would significantly weaken the role institutional investors play in corporate governance.

See response

Japan January 2020

Financial Services Agency| Stewardship Code consultation

The PRI welcomes the introduction of sustainability into the stewardship responsibilities of Code signatories. The PRI’s key recommendations include:

  • Sustainability should be defined as including externalities and impacts generated by company activities.
  • Provisions on proxy advisors should avoid introducing delays into the compressed proxy advice process.
  • The FSA should clarify rules around acting in concert and collaborative engagement on ESG issues.

See response

Chile January 2020

General Rule 386 – environmental and social disclosures consultation by CMF

The PRI welcomes the proposed update of General Rule 386 by CMF. The update introduces mandatory disclosures on key environmental and social issues which will contribute to building standardised and comparable ESG data for investors in the Chilean market.

See response

2015 - 2019

Archived consultations and letters 2015 - 2019

Region Date Consultation or letter PRI response
US December 2019

Signatory sign on letter: SEC's proposed changes to shareholder proposals and proxy advisory firms

The PRI and the undersigned signatories oppose the proposed changes to Rule 14a-8 and proxy voting advice. The PRI encourages signatories to sign on through the collaboration platform. This letter will remain open through January 31st, 2020.

See full letter

UK November 2019

Law Commission | Scoping study on intermediated securities

The PRI supports the Law Commission’s study into this area. The current system of intermediation creates barriers to investors properly exercising their voting rights and thus hinders their active ownership responsibilities. It also impedes the incorporation of beneficiaries’ sustainability preferences, a core component of fiduciary duty.

See full response

US October 2019

US November Securities and Exchange Commission | Comment on proposed changes to Regulation S-K items 101, 103 and 105

The PRI is concerned that many of the proposed changes are not beneficial to investors, particularly on the issue of materiality, the shift in multiple disclosure items to a principles-based approach, and the failure to address investors’ demand for enhanced climate risk disclosure.

Read the letter

US October 2019

An open letter to our US signatories on public policy engagement

The PRI's CEO, Fiona Reynolds, writes to US signatories on the PRI's public policy priorities in the United States.

See full letter

UK September 2019

The Pensions Regulator | Future of Trusteeship and Governance

ESG issues are likely to have an increasingly material effect on returns in the coming years, and policies and regulations relating to these issues are rapidly growing. TPR needs to prepare trustees for this shift by, in particular:

  • Setting minimum levels of knowledge and training for trustees on ESG issues
  • Ensuring trustees of relevant schemes are informed of processes around winding up to encourage consolidation

See full response

UK September 2019

Home Office | Transparency in supply chains

The PRI welcomes the UK government’s commitment to strengthening section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act, and believe that the most effective measures for doing so include:

  • Mandating companies to report on the six areas currently suggested in the Act
  • Improving implementation of the Act, for example through a central registry of statements, and sanctions.

See full response

UK September 2019

The Pensions Regulator | Draft guidance consultation in response to CMA recommendations

To improve investment consultation service provision on ESG-related issues, the PRI recommends the guidance includes:

  • Case studies on common challenges trustees face on ESG
  • Sample objectives that more proactive pension funds may set for their consultants on ESG

See full response

New Zealand September 2019

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment: Review of KiwiSaver default provider arrangements

Responsible investment has a crucial role in delivering the aims of the Kiwisaver Act, mainly increasing individuals’ wellbeing. As such our recommendations to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment are:

  • All default KiwiSaver providers should integrate ESG issues in their investment practices, processes and decision-making, consistent with their investment time horizons.
  • All default KiwiSaver providers should understand and take account of beneficiaries’ and savers’ sustainability-related preferences.
  • The Ministry should provide guidance on KiwiSaver disclosure requirements on ESG issues, including climate change.

See full response

UK July 2019

Treasury Select Committee | Decarbonisation of the UK economy and green finance

Following oral testimony before the Treasury Committee, the PRI has provided written evidence on the policies needed to achieve net zero emissions in the UK. The PRI’s recommendations include:

  • A more joined-up approach to developing climate policy across government
  • De-risking low-carbon investments by scaling up available finance in infrastructure and tech innovation funds
  • Provide a clear and stable direction regarding future carbon policy, such as clarity on carbon pricing beyond 2021 and a net zero national capital raising plan

See full response

US July 2019

House Financial Services Committee

The PRI commends the Subcommittee for calling this hearing to consider legislative approaches to require issuer disclosure of ESG data. Investors need access to consistent, comparable disclosure of material ESG data to make informed investment decisions.

See full response

US July 2019

Securities and Exchange Commission

The PRI urges the Commission to promote long-term investing by ensuring investors have access to the information and tools necessary to incorporate material ESG factors into investment decisions. Short-termism in today’s markets leads to a series of negative externalities including market volatility and inefficiencies in capital allocation.

See full response

Hong Kong July 2019

Hong Kong Stock Exchange | Consultation on the review of the ESG disclosure reporting guide and related rules

PRI recommends that material ESG information is published in the annual report and reported alongside financial indicators; ESG disclosure is placed under oversight by the board; the board sets quantified and dated ESG targets; that primary ESG metrics are required. In addition, we recommend industry-specific and forward looking disclosures aligned with the TCFD framework.

See full response

UK July 2019

Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

The PRI recommends that the FCA regulate Independent Governance Committees (IGCs) directly and require providers, rather than IGCs, to be the primary source of reporting for scheme beneficiaries.

See full letter

UK July 2019

Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) | Consultation on extending the remit of Independent Governance Committees

The PRI welcomes extending the remit of IGCs to include material ESG factors, stewardship and integration of member views.

The PRI recommends that the FCA produce guidance to improve the quality of reporting for beneficiaries of contract-based schemes, and places a stronger imperative on providers to integrate member views.

See full response

UK April 2019

Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and Financial Reporting Council (FRC) | Discussion paper on Building a regulatory framework for effective stewardship

In light of regulatory changes proposed to encourage greater stewardship in the UK, the FCA and FRC jointly published a discussion paper on what further barriers to effective stewardship remain and how they might be overcome. The PRI recommends:

  • maintaining the proposed definition of stewardship, which reflects corresponding duties in the UK and beyond and emerging practices among some investors; and
  • featuring the outcomes achieved by stewardship activities more prominently in the proposed “key attributes”.

Proxy advisors and investors work together to address market actors’ concerns and strengthen their contribution to an effective stewardship culture.

See full response

Colombia April 2019

Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia |  Comment on Technical Document of Good Practices

The PRI recommends that AFPs clarify that FCPs should incorporate ESG issues consistent with the time frame of the beneficiary, and that the ESG preferences of beneficiaries should be understood and incorporated. The PRI recommends that the Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia, and AFPs, refer to the PRI’s Limited Partners’ Responsible Investment Due Diligence Questionnaire (DDQ) as a starting point for engaging FCPs. 

See full response

UK April 2019

Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) | Consultation on Investment Innovation and Future Consolidation

In February, the DWP opened a consultation to support greater pension fund investment in illiquid assets, and recommends that smaller direct contribution schemes consider consolidation. The PRI welcomes the consultation and recommends expanding the reporting scope for consolidation to include larger schemes.

See full response

UK March 2019

Financial Reporting Council (FRC) | Consultation on a revised Stewardship Code

In January, the FRC proposed substantial revisions to the UK Stewardship Code, in its first update since 2012. The PRI strongly welcomes many of the proposed changes, particularly the explicit recognition of the importance of ESG considerations and the introduction of an annual reporting requirement. The PRI’s priority recommendations are:

  • The Code places a greater emphasis on the outcomes of stewardship activities.
  • The guidance should provide best practice examples of stewardship of other asset classes and be updated regularly.
  • Service providers’ responsibility to provide ESG-related services to clients should be explicitly recognised.
  • The FRC should avoid duplication between the reporting framework of the Stewardship Code and internationally-used frameworks.

See full response 

UK March 2019

Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) | Consultation on the implementation of the revised Shareholder Rights Directive

The PRI welcomes the regulatory baseline that the implemented Directive will introduce for disclosure of active ownership activities. The PRI recommends strengthening this baseline by requiring disclosure on a mandatory rather than comply or explain basis.

See full response

IOSCO March 2019

IOSCO consultation report on sustainable finance in emerging markets and the role of securities regulators 

This report and its recommendations will support securities regulators in promoting the development of responsible investment practices in  emerging markets. The PRI recommends that securities regulators introduce mandatory ESG disclosures, aligned with international standards and existing best practice, including explicit reference to TCFD implementation and reporting.

See full response

OECD March 2019

IOPS consultation on draft supervisory guidelines on the integration of ESG factors in the investment and risk management of pension funds

The draft guidelines will support pension fund supervisory authorities incorporate ESG requirements in investment regulations.
The PRI recommends that IOPS clarifies the definition of ESG integration in the guidelines and proposes that pension fund supervisors introduce regulations on ESG disclosures by pension funds and their asset managers.

See full response

EU March 2019

European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) | Consultation on Disclosure Requirement applicable to Credit Ratings

The PRI welcomes the Guidelines on Disclosure Requirements Applicable to Credit Ratings as a significant step forward in transparency, by encouraging better signposting of how ESG factors may contribute to a credit rating opinion, rating outlook or related action.

The PRI recommends that ESMA amends its guidelines to better reflect that:

  • ESG Disclosure should stress how ESG factors contributed to the improvement or the deterioration of the credit quality of the entity or instrument rated
  • ESG factors are among many material elements considered to form a credit rating opinion
  • The disclosure requirements should apply to ratings opinions, rating outlooks and rating action

See full response

EU February 2019

European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) | Consultation on integrating sustainability risks and factors in MiFID II

In June 2017, the European Commission sent a request for technical advice to ESMA to supplement the initial package of legislative proposals and assist the Commission on potential amendments to the delegated acts under MiFID II.

The PRI supports many aspects of the proposed technical advice from ESMA. However, the PRI strongly recommends that the draft technical advice also provide clarity on investor duties, as set out in Article 21(1) of MiFID II.

See full response


February 2019

European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) | Consultation on integrating sustainability risks and factors in the UCITS Directive and AIFMD .

In June 2017, the European Commission sent a request for technical advice to ESMA to supplement the initial package of legislative proposals and assist the Commission on potential amendments to the delegated acts under UCITS Directive and AIFMD.

The PRI supports many aspects of the proposed technical advice. However, we strongly recommend that the draft technical advice also clarifies investor duties, as set out in Article 14(1) of the UCITS Directive and Article 12(1) of AIFMD.

See full response


January 2019

Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) |  Roadmap on Sustainable finance

The PRI strongly welcomes the AMF’s Roadmap on Sustainable finance. Our priority recommendations are:

  • The AMF, together with ACPR, should provide guidance on ESG integration and strengthen its oversight by publishing an annual overview of the market.
  • The AMF should articulate its activities supporting active ownership and increase transparency of (proxy) voting, as well as improve shareholder filing and accountability of the French stewardship code.

See full response in French


January 2019

Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)” | Climate change and green finance

In October 2018, the FCA published a discussion paper on how the issues of climate change and green finance relate to the regulator’s objective of ensuring that markets work well.

The PRI’s priority recommendations are:

  • Financial regulators including the FCA, should issue official guidance that climate change is a material financial risk and thus required to be reported under existing UK law.
  • The FCA, together with other financial regulators, should integrate the TCFD recommendations throughout the existing corporate governance and stewardship reporting frameworks.
  • A comply-or-explain approach should be avoided.
  • The burden for issuers of these extensions to UK law can be reduced by implementing them over a two-year period and leveraging the FCA and PRA Climate Risk Forum.

See full response


January 2019

European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) | Consultation Paper on Technical Advice on the integration of sustainability risks and factors in the delegated acts under Solvency II and IDD

In June 2017, the European Commission sent a request for technical advice to EIOPA to supplement the initial package of legislative proposals and assist the Commission on potential amendments to the delegated acts under Solvency II and the Insurance Distributor Directive.

The PRI finds that ambiguity around investor duties has been a key barrier and therefore strongly welcomes the legal clarity proposed in EIOPA’s draft technical advice. The PRI recommends that the amendments be further aligned with the High-Level Expert Group recommendations on investor duties, governance and risk management.

See full response


January 2019

Government of Canada | Interim report of the expert panel on sustainable finance

In April 2018, the Government of Canada announced the creation of the Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance, tasked with building on the work of similar initiatives around the world, including the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, and developing recommendations on the types of finance and investment structures that will help build the low-carbon economy. The PRI’s priority recommendations are:

  • The Government of Canada should endorse the TCFD recommendations without delay. This should be part of a Canadian strategy on Sustainable Finance.
  • Department of Finance Canada should clarify that fiduciary duties require ESG integration.
  • Department of Finance Canada should ensure effective implementation, oversight and monitoring of responsible investment-related regulation.

See full response

US November 2018 SEC | Comment on SEC Staff Roundtable on the Proxy Process The shareholder proposal process is critical to the functioning of the investment intermediation chain, and proxy advisory firms play an important role in the shareholder voting process, providing investors with high quality, impartial analysis of corporations. The PRI believes that the current proxy advisory process should not be changed, and that the current ownership requirements and resubmission thresholds are set at the appropriate levels and should not be changed.

See full response .
South Africa October 2018 Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) |  Public input on possible improvements to its regulatory approach to new and existing listings on the JSE The PRI supports the introduction of mandatory training for members of the audit committee on their responsibilities prior to listing and as a continuing obligation post listing, including training on systemic issues, such as the urgent need to tackle climate change. The PRI supports the increased focus on the corporate governance report. The PRI recommends that JSE endorse the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures framework, and encourage its use through the corporate governance framework.

See full position
Brazil October 2018 PREVIC  | Public consultation of the investment rules in resolução CMN 4881/2018 Articles 27, VI and VII should be updated to require the consideration of ESG risks and opportunities, consistent with the timeframe of the investor.

See full response.
Australia September 2018 APRA | Review of the prudential framework for superannution funds The prudential framework could be improved by better alignment with the Principles for Responsible Investment, to be more effective in achieving its policy objective of achieving better risk management outcomes and managing material risks in the best interests of beneficiaries.

See full response.
UK  September 2018 OSCR | Charity investment guidance We welcome the OSCR’s guidance for Scottish charity trustees regarding rules and responsibilities associated with investing their assets, however, we recommend that the guidance makes a clear distinction between:
i) the consideration of ESG issues as a necessary component of making investment decisions to manage financial risk and return in the best interests of the charity, and;
ii) investment decisions which take ethical and other non-financial factors into account.

See full response.
US August 2018 SEC |  Enhancing investment adviser regulation The PRI recommends that the SEC clarify that economically-relevant ESG factors are part of a prudent investment decision, and a requirement of an advisers’ duty of care and duty of loyalty. The PRI recommends this is codified under section 206 of the Advisers Act. The PRI supports ILPA’s recommendation that the SEC rescind the Heitman Capital Management no-action letter

See full response.
EU August 2018 European Commission DG FISMA | May 2018 legislative proposals on investor dislcosure, taxonomy and benchmarks The PRI strongly supports all four of the Commission’s recent regulatory proposals. Theproposals are strongly aligned with the Six Principles that investors agree to implement when theybecome PRI signatories. The PRI believes the Commission’s approach is comprehensive. Wewelcome the opportunity to contribute to the Commission’s work through the High Level ExpertGroup (HLEG) and The Expert Group (TEG) on Sustainable Finance.

See full response.
UK August 2018 The PRI respond to a call for evidence from BEIS on reviewing the purpose and function of the Financial Reporting Council (FRC). The PRI welcomes the opportunity to respond to this call for evidence. The PRI makes recommendations with consideration of the future UK Stewardship Code, including the recommendation to explicitly reference the TCFD as a framework for best practise climate-related financial disclosures.

See full response.
UK August 2018 CMA | Comments on the investment consultants market investigation provisonal deicison report The PRI welcomes the publication of the CMA’s Provisional Decision Report (18 July 2018). Our comments are largely restricted to chapters 1, 2 and 13 on remedy package and provisional decision on remedies: how proposed remedies fit with financial and other regulatory requirements on providers.

See full response.
US August 2018 SEC | Transaction fee pilot The PRI notes concerns that rebates can detrimentally impact long-term institutional investors, including U.S. and international retirement plans.

See full response.
Italy August 2018 MEF, directorate IV | Transposition of IORPii (directive EU2016/2341) Il PRI accoglie l’iniziativa del Dipartimento del Tesoro del Ministero dell’Economia e delle FinanzeItaliano per la trasposizione della direttiva UE 2016/2341. In particolare, lodiamo l’ambizione dellatrasposizione della direttiva che include in molteplici articoli le tematiche ESG e che continua illavoro cominciato con il Dlgs.252/2005. Siamo certi che la trasposizione della direttiva creerà uncontesto d’azione positivo in attesa della proposta legislativa UE sulle investors disclosures.

See full response.
China July 2018 AMAC | Guidelines to green investing The proposals in the draft guidelines are consistent with the recommendations of the recent PRI and UNEP FI report, Investor Duties and ESG Integration in China, published with the IIGF and The Generation Foundation in March 2018.

See full response.
Australia July 2018 ASX Corporate Governance Council | 4th edition corporate governance principles and recommendations The PRI welcomes the proposed amendments to Recommendations: 1.5, 1.6, 3.3, 3.4, 4.4 and 7.4. The PRI strongly supports the revision of Principle 3 including; the focus on corporate culture, and recognition that social license to operate is one of the most valuable assets of any listed entity. In addition we recommend extending some parts of the Code’s the proposed commentary to recommendations 1.5, 1.6, 4.4. and 7.4.

See full response.
US July 2018 SEC | 2018-2022 strategic plan The PRI welcomes the opportunity to comment on the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) Draft Strategic Plan for 2018 – 2022. The PRI strongly recommends the SEC facilitate enhanced financially relevant ESG disclosures, in particular on climate change, as an additional initiative under Section 1.

See full response.
UK July 2018 DWP | Pension trustees’ investment duties (Investment Regulations) The PRI strongly endorses the proposed amendment to the Investment Regulations to clarify that the consideration of ESG factors is a core part of prudent investment decision-making.

See full response.
EU June 2018 European Commission DG FISMA | MiFID II suitability requirements The PRI notes that under the existing MiFID II framework, firms providing investment advice and portfolio management are required to obtain information about the client … to provide services and products that are suitable for the client (suitability assessment). Without considering the client’s ESG preference, this process is incomplete.

See full response.
South Africa May 2018 FSB | Draft directive on sustainability reporting and disclosure requirements The Draft Directive provides a comprehensive check-list of items that should be covered by investment policy statements. It also requires the reporting of such information through pension funds’ financial statements and annual trustee report to beneficiaries. The Draft Directive provides practical guidance to pension funds that should further help implement Regulation 28 and increase accountability to beneficiaries.

See full response.
France  April 2018 AFEP MEDEF | Corporate governance code for listed companies The PRI’s overarching recommendation is that the incorporation of sustainability considerations is further developed and strengthened in the Afep-Medef Code. We make two further overarching recommendations regarding this consultation process.

See full response.
Japan April 2018 FSA/TSE | Guidelines for investor-company engagement The PRI recommends that the Code makes explicit reference to ESG issues in Board decision making and long-term value creation. This will ensure consistency with expansion of the Stewardship Code guidance to explicitly reference the importance of ESG factors.

See full response.
Japan April 2018 FSA/TSE | Japanese corporate governance code We particularly welcome emphasis on companies’ sustainable growth to increase value over the long-term. We recommend strengthening the incorporation of sustainability considerations, with explicit reference to the need for company boards to consider ESG issues for long-term value creation. This will ensure consistency with the Council’s previous expansion of its guidance under the Stewardship Code to explicitly reference the importance of ESG factors.

See full response.
UK March 2018 CMA | Comments on the investment consultants market investigation first working paper We believe that the competition and customer issues identified in the Working Paper are limiting the extent to which ESG issues are part of consulting advice and investment strategies. The PRI’s findings to this effect, including the barriers and potential solutions, are explained in our Investment Consultant Services Review. We believe the Working Paper’s remedies would help address these barriers.

See full letter.
UK February 2018 FRC | UK corporate governance code The central recommendation of the PRI’s response is that the FRC should pay more attention to ESG issues throughout the UK Corporate Governance and the UK Stewardship Code. In particular, the UK Stewardship Code should explicitly state that environmental and social issues are important drivers of long-term investment value, and are part of the fiduciary duty that investors owe to their clients and beneficiaries.

See full response.
UK February 2018 CMA | Investment consultants market investigation The PRI’s recent Investment Consultant Services Review finds that most investment consultants and their asset owner clients are failing to consider ESG issues in investment practice – despite a growing evidence base that demonstrates the financial materiality of ESG issues to portfolio value. Neglecting ESG issues can lead to asset owners mispricing risk and making poor investment decisions. This is why effectively managing ESG issues is a core part of the fiduciary duties owed by asset owners, and their advisers, to beneficiaries.

See full repsonse.
EU January 2018 European Commission DG FISMA | Institutional investors and asset manager duties Many of the world’s largest institutional investors have made public commitments to integrate ESG issues in investment decision making, for example, by signing the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). Many policy makers have also acknowledged the financial materiality of ESG factors, for example, by requiring pension funds to disclose their approach to ESG issues. However, as discussed later in the PRI’s consultation response, the PRI finds policy and regulatory effectiveness is hampered by weak implementation and weak signals.

See full response.
UK January 2018 Parliament Environment Audit Committee | Green finance inquiry The UK green finance taskforce and EAC’s inquiry is an opportunity leverage capital markets to support the delivery of UK policy goals and consolidate UK leadership in developing new green financial markets. In order to capitalise on this opportunity and better align financial markets with the UK’s carbon reduction and green finance objectives, PRI recommends measures on: fiduciary duty, TCFD and policy frameworks.

See full response.
UK January 2018 Parliament Work and Pensions Committee | Defined ambition pensions inquiry We believe that the proposed CDC funds could play a role in addressing the inadequacy of provisions for retirement income that currently exists across the UK. The PRI offers the following recommendations to enable and encourage the integration of ESG factors into investment
decision-making in the UK capital market, to benefit the UK pensions market and proposal for CDC pension funds.

See full response.
US December 2017 FASB | Proposed accounting standards update to income taxes We welcome the proposed disclosure of disaggregated information on taxes from companies. We would encourage consideration of additional reporting requirements that would enhance tax transparency.

See full response
UK  October 2017 FRC | Non-financial reporting guidance The PRI welcomes the updated guidance and  strongly recommends that the FRC: endorse the TCFD recommendations; and integrate the TCFD recommendations into the guidance on the strategic report.

See full response.
Canada September 2017 Department of Finance | Federal financial sector framework The PRI recommends that the Department pay more attention to the incorporation of ESG issues, goes beyond ESG integration to consider how the financial system works in aggregate in delivering sustainability outcomes and that the Department set up its own expert group on sustainable finance in the Canadian context.

See full response.
Canada August 2017 CSA | Climate disclosure review The PRI welcomes the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) climate change disclosure
review. Climate change is a financially material risk that requires disclosure. The PRI encourages the CSA to support the standardisation of climate change disclosure thereby increasing the availability and use of comparable climate-related, financial and risk management information.

See full response.
Japan August 2017 TSE | English information survey As part of TSE’s efforts in promoting dialogue between listed companies and overseas investors, we recommend for Japan Exchange Group (JPX) to publicly sign the United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges initiative and implement environmental, social and governance (ESG) guidance for listed companies, consistent with other peer exchanges.

See full response.
Canada May 2017 OSC | 2017 - 2018 Draft statement of priorities The PRI recommends the OSC consider: introducing mandatory say on pay, clarifying ESG disclosure requirements for companies, working with IOSCO to harmonise ESG reporting standards, enhancing gender disclosure requirements.

See full response.
Europe March 2017 European Commission DG FISMA | Mid-term review of the Capital Markets Union The Commission should also ensure that sustainability remains part of financial policy-making processes beyond the time horizon of the HLEG. We note proposals for a ‘sustainability test’ for all future legislation. We would also encourage the Commission to consider formal governance to monitor and guide the development of sustainable finance across the EU.

Full response here.
Global February 2017 FSB | TCFD: Phase 2 consultation We urge the Task Force and FSB to accelerate their efforts, with a stronger on follow-up actions to drive implementation over the coming years. We recommend the following priorities, informed by feedback from PRI signatories on the Task Force’s draft recommendations.

See full response.
UK  February 2017 FCA | Asset management market study (interim findings) We strongly support the FCA’s Asset Management Market Study. Regarding the scope of the study, we consider that the FCA’s study is too narrow in its coverage of environmental, social and governance issues and fails to directly address ESG issues as a potential driver of competition and a growing unmet investment industry need.

See full response.
UK  February 2017 BEIS | Corporate governance reform green paper There are key two areas of work undertaken by the PRI which inform our response to BEIS green paper on reforming corporate governance:
1. PRI commissioned research and investor dialogue with companies on corporate
governance issues, including executive pay.
2.  PRI’s UK Roadmap, which makes a series of recommendations to achieve full integration of ESG issues in the investment decision-making of UK investors.

See full response.
UK  January 2017 Law Commission | Defined contribution pension funds and social investment Throughout this response, we note practical and legal challenges faced by funds considering ESG issues, irrespective of the expected financial implications. We highlight one for the Commission’s particular attention – the absence of clear guidance on determining ‘significant financial detriment’. In our experience, this causes Trustees to be excessively conservative in their approach. 

See full response.
Brazil December 2016 BOVESPA | Corporate Governance Review PRI has two overarching recommendations: PRI encourages BM&FBovespa to clearly communicate that good governance requires companies to be aware of, and manage environmental and social risks and opportunities and to ensure that the special listing segments drive better ESG disclosure.

See full response.
Germany December 2016 Regierungskommission | German Corporate Governance Code The PRI welcomes the opportunity to comment on the revisions to the German Corporate Governance Code and makes the following recommendations…

See full repsonse.
UK December 2016 TPR | 21st Century Trusteeship and Governance We welcome the opportunity to contribute to this discussion. Below, we propose ways in which Trusteeship and Governance could be improved to encourage stronger consideration of ESG issues, in the long term best interests all market participants.

See full response.
EU November 2016 European Parliament, ECON Committee | Corporate tax disclosure We encourage you to consider the following: establishing a comprehensive disclosure regime for corporations including details of tax policy, governance, risk management and performance. Further details are provided below; and aligning future disclosure requirements with evolving international standards on Country by Country Reporting (CbCR).

See full response. 
US October 2016 DOL ESBA | 1210-AB63 rule: annual reporting and disclosure The proposed rule will improve governance and transparency of employee benefit plans. The rule will ensure employee benefit plans review and report on a comprehensive range of risks, appropriate to the nature, scale and complexity of the plan, and in doing so provide better investment outcomes to plan members.

See full response.
EU September 2016 European Comission DG FISMA |  – Revision of the IORP directive PRI recommends; 1. The Council should support the ECON committee’s amendments to recital (41) and articles 22, 26, 29 and 32. 2. The Council should clarify that the prudent person principle requires asset owners to pay attention to long-term factors, including ESG factors, in investment decision making and the decision-making of their agents. 3. The EU and Member States should support regulators to effectively supervise the Directive. Best practice sharing between regulators should be encouraged.

See full response.
UN  September 2016 UNFCCC | Roadmap for global climate action The PRI Executive welcomes the opportunity to submit its views to this consultation.

See full response.
Brazil July 2016 AMEC | Stewardship Code PRI welcomes the development of the Stewardship Code which covers
both stewardship and ESG incorporation practices.

See full response. 
South Africa July 2016 IoD SA | King Code IV: retirement sector supplement Regarding the retirement sector supplement, we have three key recommendations.

See full response.
US July 2016 SEC | Regulation S-K business and finance disclosure requirements PRI calls on the Commission to update Regulation S-K to ensure high quality, substance over-form disclosure of ESG factors.

See full reponse.
EU June 2016 European Commission DG JUST | Anlaysis on the state of the market for long-term, sustainable investment The PRI recommends that the European Commission develop and publish an
action plan to remove barriers to long-term, sustainable investment.

See full response.
South Africa May 2016 IoDSA | Revision of the King Code PRI agrees that the main objectives of the revision relating to presenting a clear, coherent
standard for integrated corporate governance, have been met and we make the following recommendations…

See full response.
Australia April 2016 ISA / IAST | Fraser review: Board governance of not-for-profit superannuation funds The Fraser review, as part of the recommendations for any Not-for-Profit fund governance code.

See full response. 
UK April 2016 BIS | Non-financial reporting directive A comprehensive, meaningful picture of a company’s position and performance must include both financial and non-financial factors4. We welcome the Non-Financial Disclosure Directive, which will substantially increase the availability of relevant information to investors.

See full response.  
Singapore February 2016 SGX | Consultation on sustainability reporting The PRI is responding to this consultation as ESG factors are material to issuers’ performance and improved transparency is critical for investors to make informed investment decisions.

See full response.
UK February 2016 GEO | Gender pay gap reporting We encourage you to work with leading institutional investors to ensure that they are aware, and making use of the new disclosures on gender pay.

See full response. 
Hong Kong June 2015 SFC Principles of Responsible Ownership The PRI encourages the Securities and Futures Commission to require institutional investors to report annually on compliance with the Principles of Responsible Ownership.  

See full response.  
Japan January 2015 FSA Corporate Governance Code The PRI supports the objectives of the proposed Corporate Governance Code. The PRI believes that along with active stewardship, this will contribute to higher standards of corporate governance, and ultimately, sustainable long-term growth.   

See full response.
UK April 2015 DWP Proposed changes to the Investment Regulations Trustees should state how they evaluate long-term risks which explicitly include ESG factors. ESG factors are material considerations in all investment decisions.  

See full response.