Investors are urgently seeking to manage their exposure to climate risks and take advantage of investment opportunities in a climate resilient, net zero transition. Effective policies, in line with limiting global warming to no more than 1.5ºC, are essential for accelerating and scaling up private capital flows needed to achieve Paris Agreement goals.

This briefing presents recommendations for Japanese policy makers to clarify policy detail and provide information needed by investors to navigate the risks, seize the opportunities, and support Japan’s objective to decarbonise the energy sector and deliver a net zero economy by 2050. Japan has the opportunity to lead on a global and regional level in creating ambitious policies regarding the transition to net zero.

Investors will play a key role in decarbonisation and the economic transition and require clear policy signals to make investment decisions in line with national and international net zero goals.

This briefing has been informed by engagement with investors, policymakers and regulators in Japan. Previous policy analysis for Japan; along with net zero analyses and recommendations for the UK, EU and other jurisdictions; as well as all other PRI policy research and positions; can be found on the PRI website. 



日本におけるネット・ゼロの実現 :政策の必要性と投資家の優先課題





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