Private debt case studies
Case study
ILX Fund I: Mobilising private capital towards emerging markets
The Investors Against Slavery and Trafficking Asia Pacific (IAST APAC) initiative is an investor-led, multistakeholder project established in 2020 to engage with companies in the Asia-Pacific region to promote effective action in finding, fixing and preventing modern slavery in operations and supply chains.
Case study
AlbaCore Capital Group: Carbon conscious investing
Measuring the carbon footprint of private credit issuers
Case study
Kandeo: Implementing ESG action plans
Implementing systems to manage ESG risks within portfolio companies
Case study
EU taxonomy alignment case study: responsAbility
Case study by responsAbility Investments AG
Case study
Case study: Applying an ESG methodology to a European infrastructure debt fund
Case study by BNP Paribas Asset Management
Case study
Case study: ESG due diligence in private debt deal making
Case study by Churchill Asset Management
Case study
Case study: The LP-GP relationship in private debt: Engaging the GP on responsible investment
Case study by Swen Capital Partners
Case study
Case study: assessing the carbon footprint of private debt portfolios
Case study by Kartesia
Case study
Case study: private markets investor on ESG monitoring, reporting and dialogue in private equity
Case study by SWEN Capital Partners