TCFD capacity building series for China

The TCFD Capacity Building Series for China is designed for Chinese investors and regulators. The aim is to build their knowledge and capacity on implementing and reporting on the four TCFD pillars of Governance, Strategy, Risk Management and Metrics & Targets through knowledge, best practices and key resources sharing, and at the same time prepare Signatories on climate-related indicators within the PRI reporting (TCFD-aligned).

TCFD Capacity Building Series for China

Session 1

Introduction to TCF

Introduction to TCFD

Session 2

TCFD Implementation: putting internal processes in place for Governance, Strategy and Risk

TCFD Implementation: putting internal processes in place for Governance, Strategy and Risk

Session 3

Scenario Analysis

Scenario Analysis

Session 4

Metrics & Targets

Metrics & Targets

Session 5

Transition Plans (Net Zero Pathway)

Transition Plans (Net Zero Pathway)


系列 1

Introduction to TCF

TCFD 入门简介

系列 2

TCFD Implementation: putting internal processes in place for Governance, Strategy and Risk


系列 3

Scenario Analysis


系列 4

Metrics & Targets


系列 5

Transition Plans (Net Zero Pathway)
