All Fixed income articles – Page 10
Technical guide
Phasing out investments in thermal coal
While many investors may consider phasing out thermal coal alongside reductions to other fossil fuel assets (such as oil sands, crude oil, natural gas and metallurgical coal), this section focuses on thermal coal assets as a starting point due to their high CO2 content (and potential for carbon reduction), the ...
Technical guide
Low-carbon, climate-aligned investment opportunities
The shift towards renewable energy is building, recording its highest growth rate of any energy source recorded in 2017.
Technical guide
Low-carbon investing and green and climate-aligned bonds
Climate (or climate-aligned) bonds refer to labelled and unlabelled bonds for which proceeds are intended to finance projects and activities that contribute to a low-carbon and climate-resilient economy. Green bonds refers to explicitly labelled bonds for which the proceeds will be exclusively used to finance, or re-finance (in part or ...
Case study
Credit risk case study: Coca Cola Amatil
Case study by Pendal Group (formerly BT Investment Management)
Thought leadership
ESG in credit ratings: lessons from the automotive sector
The PRI’s forum on ESG in credit ratings that took place in Frankfurt focused on the automotive sector.
Thought leadership
The ESG in Credit Ratings Initiative: looking ahead
While it is still too early to identify solutions to the problems frequently encountered by investors and CRAs when incorporating ESG factors in credit risk analysis, there are ripe opportunities for further work.
Thought leadership
Investor-CRA disconnect 4: communication and transparency
An overview of the PRI’s observations on the investor-CRA disconnect related to communication and transparency.
Thought leadership
Investor-CRA disconnect 3: organisational approaches to ESG
An overview of the PRI’s observations on the investor-CRA disconnect related to organisational approaches to ESG.
Thought leadership
Investor-CRA disconnect 2: relevant time horizons to consider
An overview of the PRI’s observations on the investor-CRA disconnect related to relevant time horizons to consider.
Thought leadership
Exploring the disconnects between investors and credit rating agencies
ESG factors are not new to credit risks analysis, but ESG as a systematic analysis framework is.
Thought leadership
ESG, credit risk and ratings: part 2 - exploring the disconnects
Credit practitioners from investors and credit rating agencies (CRAs) are uniting to discuss environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics.
Technical guide
How to invest in the low-carbon economy
Institutional investors’ responsibility to manage and protect their beneficiaries’ assets must include considering the impacts of climate change.
What is ESG integration?
The term “ESG integration” is often used when talking about ESG investing.
Engagement guide
ESG engagement for fixed income investors: managing risks, enhancing returns
Issuer engagement on ESG factors is becoming increasingly commonplace. Investors are starting to formalise their engagement as an integral part of their approaches to responsible investment.
Engagement guide
Timing fixed income engagement
Successful bondholder engagement with issuers is largely dependent on whether the deal is public or private, and whether the investor engages pre- or post-issuance.
Engagement guide
Embedding engagement in the fixed income investment process
Engagement by fixed income investors should not be seen as a standalone activity but as an integral part of a responsible investment approach . as both a source of information for investment research, and a way to directly influence the issuer’s management of ESG risks and opportunities. Thus, the research ...
Engagement guide
Factors determining the effectiveness of engagement in fixed income
Fixed income investors’ ability to influence issuers’ senior management depends on a number of factors, many of which will appear obvious but are nonetheless important to bear in mind when developing an engagement strategy.
Engagement guide
Overcoming common hurdles in fixed income engagement
Despite the motivations for engagement laid out earlier in this report, there remains significant inertia among fixed income investors to engage.
Engagement guide
Collaborative engagement in fixed income investing
Principle 5 of the six Principles encourages collaboration by investors to enhance the effectiveness of their responsible investment approach.