An independent panel of judges has scored the case studies entered for each award. The highest-scoring entry in each category will be selected as the winner.
Judging panel by award category
ESG Incorporation Initiative Award
Patricia Crifo
Patricia is a Professor of Economics at Ecole Polytechnique and a researcher at CREST. She is also a research fellow of the Institut des Politiques Publiques and an external member of CIRANO (Montréal).

At Ecole Polytechnique she is the academic director of the Master of Science and Technology « Economics for smart cities and climate policy », co-director of the Research initiative for Sustainable Finance and Responsible Investment (FDIR) and deputy director of the interdisciplinary Center Energy4climate.
She is a member of various economic councils or institutions in France, including the Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (ACPR)’s Supervisory College and Climate and Sustainable Finance Commission, the Economic Council for Sustainable Development, the Greenfin and SRI label Committees, and the Social investment forum.
She is also a member of the "Observatoire de l'Ethique Publique" (French Public Ethics Observatory). She started her career as a CNRS researcher in 2005, and became a University Professor in 2006 (through a French National Contest - "Premier concours national d'agregation pour le recrutement des Professeurs d'Université en Sciences Economiques").
She was a Professor at the University of Haute Alsace between 2006 and 2009 and at the University Paris Nanterre between 2009 and 2019. A former student of the Ecole Normale Superieure Paris Saclay (Cachan), she graduated with a Master in Economics from University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne and Ecole Centrale Paris in 1997 and obtained her PhD in Economics in 2001 at the University of Lyon. She was nominated Best Young Economist by Le Monde/Cercle des économistes in 2010, and received the title of Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Mérite in 2014, and best young researcher in 2002 (Lyon).
Ilmi Granoff
Ilmi Granoff is the Director of ClimateWorks Foundation’s Sustainable Finance Program.

He is an attorney and policy expert with nearly two decades of experience in environmental law and policy, sustainable development, energy and infrastructure finance, and public-private partnerships.
Previously, Ilmi headed the Green Growth Business Unit at the Overseas Development Institute, served as the Special Counsel for Climate and Environment at the African Development Bank, and practiced law in the global energy and infrastructure group at Freshfields. He is also currently a Visiting Professor at the University College London’s Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose.
He holds graduate degrees in law, international relations, and environmental science from New York University and Yale University, and a BA from Swarthmore College.
Kristin Halvorsen
Kristin Halvorsen is director of the Center for International Climate and Environmental Research in Oslo.
Paul Lee
Paul Lee is an independent adviser on ESG and stewardship. He advises both investment institutions, on integrating ESG and delivering more effective stewardship, and corporates, helping them understand the thinking and needs of investors.

He is a senior adviser to the UK’s Investor Forum and was the main author of the training manual for the CFA UK’s Certificate in ESG Investing. Paul was previously Head of Corporate Governance at Aberdeen Asset Management, and prior to that Head of Investment Affairs at the UK's National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF).
He worked for more than a dozen years at Hermes Fund Managers, including helping to create and build its Equity Ownership Service unit. Among a number of former non-executive roles, Paul sat for some years on the board of Australia's Regnan and on the advisory board of South Africa's Frater Asset Management, as well as being a member of the UK's Auditing Practices Board. He was recently appointed as a member of the inaugural UK Endorsement Board, which will approve the application of IFRS reporting standards for the UK market.
Patricia Moles
Patricia Moles has developed a career of more than 25 years in sustainable business and finance.

She has worked as an executive in international debt capital markets in Citibank in Mexico and the EBRD in London. Since 2016, she has worked on the sustainable transition of the Mexican financial sector.
She was the lead consultant in the first assessment on environmental scenario planning in Mexico, in partnership with the Cambridge Institute for Sustainable Leadership, and the German Development Agency, GIZ. The report was published in 2018.
In 2019 she coordinated Banco de México and UNEP´s publication of the first in-depth assessment of environmental risks and opportunities in the Mexican financial sector, which resulted in the publication of the report: “Climate and environmental risks and opportunities in Mexico’s financial system: from diagnosis to action”.
Since 2020, Patricia has been a member of the sustainable finance team at Banco de México, reporting to Rafael del Villar. She supports the Bank´s participation in the NGFS and acts as a deputy secretary of the Sustainable Finance Committee of Mexico´s Financial Stability Council, created in 2020. Patricia has a BA in Economics from ITAM in Mexico, a Master in International Management from ESADE in Barcelona, and an MSc in Development Studies from the London School of Economics.
Anders Nordheim
Anders Nordheim is a Senior Vice President of Asia Sustainable Finance at WWF based in Singapore.

Previously, Anders led the UNEP Finance Initiative ecosystems thematic, including the Natural Capital Finance Alliance secretariat and the development of the ENCORE tool to integrate natural capital risk into finance sector decision making.
As head of policy and research at Eurosif he was responsible for a number of EU policy initiatives and research reports including the European SRI Study 2012.
He also worked on ESG analysis with RiskMetrics Group and MSCI, and has experience from private wealth management. Anders has a Master’s degree in Applied Economics from the University of Cape Town, with a focus on natural resource economics and applied international trade.
Rory Sullivan
Dr Rory Sullivan (CEO, Chronos Sustainability; Visiting Professor in Practice at the Grantham Research Institute at the London School of Economics; Chief Technical Advisor to the Transition Pathway Initiative) is an internationally recognised expert on climate finance and responsible investment.

Rory was previously Head of ESG Research and Standards for FTSE Russell, Head of Responsible Investment at Insight Investment, Chair of the Amnesty International (Australia) Business Group and lead technical advisor on the Oxfam Better Returns in a Better World initiative.
He is the author/editor of eight books, including Valuing Corporate Responsibility: How Do Investors Really Use Corporate Responsibility Information, and of many papers and reports on these and related issues.
Shilpa Tiwari
Dr. Shilpa Tiwari is a sustainability and social impact executive with over fifteen years of experience in strategy and building, growing and managing sustainability, corporate citizenship, DEI initiatives in complex organizations.

Having worked in financial services, insurance, mining, oil and gas, and forestry, Shilpa is versatile and entrepreneurial.
She has a strong business acumen combined with a great sense of curiosity and empathy. Shilpa has worked and lived in Africa, Asia, North America, Latin America and the Caribbean. She has a bachelor’s in biology, master’s in environmental policy and a doctorate in social anthropology.
Shilpa is also the founder and CEO of Her Climb, a social enterprise with the mission to increase the participation of black, indigenous, women of colour in senior and executive level positions by 30%.
David Wood
At the Harvard Kennedy School, David Wood directs the Initiative for Responsible Investment’s research and field-building work on responsible investment across asset classes.

He currently manages projects on RI strategy with pension fund trustees, mission investing by foundations, the changing landscape of community investing in the US, and impact investing and public policy. He holds a Ph.D. in History from The Johns Hopkins University.
ESG Research Report Award
Sean Cleary
Dr. Sean Cleary is the BMO Professor of Finance, Smith School of Business, Queen’s University. He is the Chair of the Institute for Sustainable Finance (ISF) based at Smith, as well as being the founding Director of the Master of Finance program.

He holds a Ph.D. in finance from the University of Toronto, an MBA, and the Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD.D) designation.
He is a CFA charter holder, is a current member of the CFA Society Toronto Advisory Council, and is a former member of the Board of Directors for the Toronto CFA Society and the Atlantic Canada CFA Society (where he served as President). Dr. Cleary has authored 14 finance textbooks and has published more than 30 research articles, including several in top tier finance journals.
His publications have been cited over 4,000 times and he has received several major research grants totaling over $900,000. Dr. Cleary regularly serves as a cost of capital and capital markets expert witness, and appears in the media frequently.
Deborah Cotton
Dr Deborah Cotton is a Senior Lecturer in the Finance Discipline of the UTS Business School and teaches ethics and sustainability in finance and corporate finance.

She has a Bachelor of Business (Hons), a Masters of Environmental and Business Management and a PhD in Applied Finance for a thesis titled the Efficacy of Emissions Trading Schemes. Her research interests include environmental, social and governance issues in investment decisions and impact investing.
She has worked with the Responsible Investment Association Australasia on an Investor Toolbox on Human Rights for practitioner use and more recently was part of the Australian Sustainable Finance Initiative. She is a founding member of the Investing for Impact Initiative in the UTS Business School. Deborah has been lead investigator in a number of successful research projects and grants at UTS.
In 2018 she completed a project on impact investing for the Federal Government Department of Social Services and in 2019 an assessment on current renewable energy for the Australian Renewable Energy Agency. She has presented papers on sustainability at conferences in Australia, China, Brazil, Austria, Italy, Greece and the United Kingdom. Deborah has also published in academic journals and has book chapters in two books on sustainability.
Takeshi Mizuguchi
After working at a trade company and an audit firm as a certified public accountant, he became a lecturer at the Takasaki City University of Economics in 1997 and has been a professor since 2008.

He has recently been appointed as the president of the university.
His area of study is responsible investment and non-financial information disclosure.
He was appointed as a chair of the working group on green bonds/green loans and a member of the ESG finance committee, both set by the Ministry of Environment.
He is the author of ‘Responsible Investment – changing future by financial flow’ and ‘ESG Investment – the new form of capitalism’ (both in Japanese).
Bouchra M’zali
Mzali Bouchra, Ph.D., CFA is senior professor at ESG-Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada) and head of the African Chair of Innovation and Sustainable Management at University Mohamed VI (Morocco).

She is also researcher at the Chair on Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development at the ESG-UQAM and at the international Academy of the Interdisciplinary Research Centers (AICRI).
Holder of a Ph.D. in finance and of CFA, she has supervised numerous Ph.D. and Master students in Canada, Europe and North Africa. She has co-published numerous academic papers, chapters of books or articles in newspapers. She organized and participated in numerous scientific international conferences, where some of her works received awards and recognition (Canadian Award: ASAC: in 2005, 2006 and 2011; the SAB Trophy for Sustainable Finance: in 2013).
Julie Raynaud
Julie Raynaud is a sustainable finance professional with over 8 years’ experience. She collaborates with a range of organizations as an independent advisor and researcher.

Recent work includes the publication of “The Alignment Cookbook: A Technical Review of Methodologies Assessing a Portfolio’s Alignment with Low-Carbon Trajectories or Temperature Goals,” together with the Institut Louis Bachelier, the French Ministry for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, WWF France and I4CE. Prior to this, she was in charge of climate change and natural capital research at Kepler Cheuvreux, where she published several reports, including but not limited to “The Carbon Compass” and “Bigger than Carbon: adopting a systemic view”.
As a senior research analyst at Trucost, she led a portfolio of work on natural capital and biodiversity, including but not limited to the UNEP-PDP Valuing Plastics report. She acts as scientific advisor to several initiatives, including the Euronext Low Carbon 100 index and the AXA/BNPP AM/Mirova/ Sycomore work on biodiversity, is a professional expert fellow of the Institut Louis Bachelier and a member of the CEM, “Mission driven expert circle”. She holds a Bachelor degree in International Development Studies from McGill University and a MSC Management from Imperial College London.
Henri Servaes
Henri Servaes is the Richard Brealey Professor of Corporate Governance and Professor of Finance at London Business School.

He is a Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research and a Research Associate of the European Corporate Governance Institute.
Henri holds a BBA from European University and a MSIA and PhD in finance from Purdue University.
Stewardship Project Award
Tracey Davies
Tracey Davies is executive director of Just Share, a South African non-profit shareholder activist organisation using engagement, advocacy and activism to drive urgent action to combat climate change and reduce inequality.

Tracey holds a BA LLB from the University of Cape Town and an LLM from New York University. She is admitted as an attorney in South Africa and as a solicitor in England & Wales. Tracey practised criminal defence and commercial litigation in London prior to joining the South African non-profit Centre for Environmental Rights in 2013.
She ran the Centre’s Corporate Accountability and Transparency Programme, focusing on research and analysis of the environmental impacts of listed South African companies, including how those impacts are reported, and engaging with investors. Just Share works with local and international activists and responsible investors to advance sustainable finance and a just transition to a low carbon economy in South Africa. Just Share works collaboratively with environmental justice organisations and responsible investors, and co-filed South Africa’s first shareholder resolutions on climate risk.
Tamara Hardegger
Tamara Hardegger is the Managing Director of the Swiss Association for Responsible Investments (SVVK-ASIR). She has been working in Sustainable Investment for over 10 years, acquiring a broad experience in ESG Research and Engagement.

As a product manager with Thomson Reuters (now LSE Group) she was in charge of integrating ESG information into the firm's financial data platforms. She then advised investor clients on their responsible investment strategies at Sustainalytics, the leading ESG research firm.
In July 2019 she took over the helm at SVVK-ASIR, a cooperation of eleven of the largest Swiss institutional investors, which united to collective advance investor engagements on ESG topics. Tamara holds a masters in International Relations from the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland.
Jon Lukomnik
Forbes calls long-time institutional investor Jon Lukomnik one of the pioneers of modern corporate governance. The managing partner of Sinclair Capital LLC, a strategic consultancy to institutional investors, Jon served for more than a decade as the executive director of the IRRC Institute and is a former Pembroke Visiting Professor at the Judge Business School at Cambridge.

He co-founded the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) and GovernanceMetrics International (now part of MSCI). He has been the investment advisor or a trustee for more than $100 billion (including New York City’s pension funds) and has consulted to institutional investors with aggregate assets of a trillion dollars.
He is a member of the Deloitte Audit Quality Advisory Committee and a trustee on the Van Eck mutual funds, insurance trusts and UCITs. He is a former Senior Fellow for the High Meadows Institute and was a member of the Standing Advisory Group of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.
Jon’s new book, “Moving Beyond Modern Portfolio Theory: Investing That Matters” is co-authored with Jim Hawley. Their work focuses on MPT’s inability to deal with systematic risk, and how investors can and do mitigate risks such as climate change, income inequality, lack of diversity, and anti-microbial resistance. In the process, they are redefining what it means to “invest”. Jon is also the co-author of two previous books, What They Do With Your Money and “The New Capitalists (Financial Times pick of the year). He has been honored by the ICGN, Council of Institutional Investors, Ethisphere, the National Association of Corporate Directors (US), Transparency Task Force, and Global Proxy Watch, among others.
Brynn O’Brien
Brynn is ACCR's Executive Director. Brynn has fifteen years’ experience as a lawyer and strategist. Prior to joining ACCR in January 2017, she worked as a consultant and advisor on business and human rights projects and practised as a corporations and international lawyer.

Brynn is an expert in corporate governance, active ownership, environmental, social and governance (ESG) materiality and international law. Brynn has degrees in Medical Science and Law from the University of Technology Sydney and a Master of Laws from Columbia University. She is a director of Diplomacy Training Program Ltd, an independent, Australian NGO committed to advancing human rights and empowering civil society in the Asia Pacific region.
Real-world Impact Initiative Award
Sonia Favaretto
Sonia Consiglio Favaretto is a sustainability specialist and board member.

She is the Chairperson of the Advisory Board, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Brazil; Vice chair of the Technical Committe, CDP LA; 2016 SDG Pioneer by the UN Global Compact.
Sonia holds a degree in Social Communication and has worked with sustainability and communication for the last 30 years, having worked at BankBoston Brazil, Febraban – The Brazilian Federation of Banks, Itaú Unibanco and B3, The Brazilian Stock Exchange.
Louise Lundborg Hedberg
Louise Hedberg acts as an independent senior advisor to institutional investors and corporations on topics related to strategic sustainable investment and sustainable enterprising.

Based on her extensive experience from addressing sustainability in the financial sector, she today supports clients within, but also outside, the financial industry, that seek to initiate or elevate their sustainability work in a pragmatic way. This includes providing hands-on advice and guidance on materiality assessments, policy, goal setting, action plans and reporting to ensure that sustainability is integrated in an effective manner that supports value creation.
Until June 2018, she was the Head of Sustainability and Corporate Governance and a senior member of the investment team at East Capital, a leading asset manager specialized in emerging and frontier markets. There, she was responsible for developing and executing East Capital’s ESG approach, including developing a proprietary ESG Scorecard which was used to integrate ESG analysis in the investment processes. Louise has also held several positions as Head of Investor Relations and Communications and started her career as financial communication consultant at JKL Group in Stockholm. Louise holds an MSc from the Stockholm School of Economics and has completed studies in Sustainable Development and Sustainable Enterprising at Stockholm University/Stockholm Resilience Centre.
Andrea Moffat
Andrea Moffat is the Vice President of the Ivey Foundation, whose mission is to help create a shared vision for Canada’s future that integrates the economy and the environment, achieves resource efficiency, and fosters innovation and investment for a smarter, sustainable economy.

Previously, Andrea was the Vice President of the Corporate Program at Ceres, where she led the work with business on sustainability issues such as climate, energy, water, and supply chains. With more than 20 years of experience, Andrea has worked with more than 80 companies to help them meet sustainability commitments and achieve greater performance results.
She was the lead author of The 21st Century Corporation: The Ceres Roadmap for Sustainability and the corporate benchmarking reports based on this framework and has contributed to a wide range of other publications. She is a skilled facilitator of action-oriented initiatives and collaborations between the private sector, government and not-for-profit organizations.
Andrea is a member of the Advisory Board for the Institute for Sustainable Finance, Smith School of Business, Queen’s University and a board member of the International Institute of Sustainable Development, and Environment Funders Canada.
Hiroshi Nonomiya
Hiroshi is an expert in mergers, acquisitions, restructuring, business development and turn arounds with a comprehensive knowledge of cross border, cross cultural business management.

He joined Tokyo-based financial advisory boutique, Crosspoint Advisors in 2011 as a partner after spending 16 years with private equity firms both in the US and Japan, and 20 years with Mitsubishi Corporation.
Leveraging such experience, he also co-founded Social Investment Partners in 2012, which started up and manages the first venture philanthropy fund in Japan, “Japan Venture Philanthropy Fund”.
He also served as a board member of the Asian Venture Philanthropy Network in Singapore from 2013 to 2019, which promotes impact investment and venture philanthropy activity across Asia. Hiroshi has a B.A. in Liberal Arts Culture from Tokyo University and an M.B.A. from INSEAD in France/Singapore.
Debra Tan
Debra heads CWR, a non-profit think tank that aims to create a world where water and climate risks are embedded in business and finance.

She built the CWR brand from an idea into the 'go-to' resource on water issues in Asia and a leader in the water risk conversation globally.
Since 2010, she has worked to "mainstream" water risk into financial decision-making and corporate strategies on both a macro-level through the concept of "water-nomics" and on a micro-level through the quantification of water risk in credit/equity valuations. Today, CWR works with government-related bodies, corporates and financial institutions on both these fronts.
She has curated and written reports that have been considered groundbreaking and instrumental in understanding not just China's but future global water challenges and are cited by IGOs, financial research as well as the media. Previously, she spent over a decade in finance. She spends her spare time exploring Himalayan glaciers.
The highest-scoring qualifying entry across all four categories will also win the Emerging Market Initiative Award.
PRI Awards 2021 categories and criteria
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