All Social issues articles
Blog post
The defence sector in focus: Common ESG risks
Nikolaj Halkjaer Pedersen, Senior Lead at the PRI’s Human Rights and Social Issues team, says investors should be cautious before re-assessing their defence positions.
Policy report
Nature Policy Roadmap: Policy Recommendations for Scaling Up Investor Action for Nature
This discussion paper sets out the importance of nature to economic and social systems, its relevance to responsible investors and the PRI’s approach to nature policy.
PRI reporting analysis
Human rights and social issues: Insights from the 2023 reporting cycle
Taking a deep dive into our 2023 signatory reporting data, we analysed how more than 3,700 PRI signatories are implementing human rights standards across global markets.
Policy report
Policy briefing: Signatory responses to state anti-ESG laws
This briefing summarises interviews with US signatories regarding the impact of state anti-ESG laws on their business operations.
Policy report
The role of the G7 in driving the economic transition
A policy paper calling for increased policy action to drive a just, sustainable economic transition to net zero.
Policy report
Investor briefing: EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)
This briefing note summarises the requirements of the CSDDD, with particular focus on how it will affect the investment sector.
Policy report
PRI and IIGCC policy briefing on key sustainable finance policy priorities for the UK
This joint briefing by the PRI and IIGCC identifies areas that the UK Government should prioritise in the short-term in 2024 to accelerate delivery of the building blocks of the UK’s sustainable finance framework and support progress against the UK’s net zero objectives.
PRI reporting analysis
Global responsible investment trends: Inside PRI reporting data
This report finds that signatories have continued to enhance their RI practices, with RI policies becoming more detailed, action on sustainability outcomes more widespread and disclosures more in-depth since the 2021 reporting cycle.
Policy report
PRI’s 2030 EU Policy Roadmap
Six key policy actions to fine-tune and improve the usability and coherence of the existing sustainable finance framework, build on it where necessary, and develop and strengthen the links with broader EU Green Deal policies.
Policy report
EU regulation on ESG ratings
This paper focuses on the EU legislative proposal to regulate ESG rating providers, as discussed in trilogues in January 2024.
Introductory guide
An introduction to responsible investment: Human rights
What are human rights and how can asset owners and their advisers manage them in the investment process?
Policy report
Adopting a strategic approach to human rights and social issues policy
The role of policy in enabling the respect of human rights from corporates and investors.
Technical guide
Developing and updating a responsible investment policy
A technical guide for asset owners and investment managers
Blog post
Do financial incentives drive the voting behaviour of ESG funds?
By Tao Li, The University of Florida; Lakshmi Naaraayanan, London Business School; Kunal Sachdeva, Rice University
Policy report
PRI Sustainable Finance Policy Conference summary
On 3 October 2023, the PRI hosted its annual Sustainable Finance Policy Conference in Tokyo, before PRI in Person 2023 (PiP 2023)
Human rights due diligence: how should investors identify and prioritise risks?
We will bring together different voices to discuss how investors should, in practice, identify and act on human rights risks. What systematic approaches are being taken by investors? What challenges and limitations exist, and how can they be addressed?
Policy report
PRI Policy Priorities 2023-24
This brief summarises the key policy topics and developments in core markets where the PRI is conducting policy research and engagement. These priorities reflect the PRI’s strategy and current policy agenda in different markets.
Discussion paper
ESG considerations in Canadian provincial and municipal bonds
The materiality of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in the Canadian provincial and municipal bond market can be significant.
Blog post
Amplification, not apathy: Investor proxy votes increasingly challenge corporates in 2023
By Bonnie Groves, Specialist, Stewardship and Yejin Hur, Intern, Stewardship
Workshop summary
Human rights in private markets: access to remedy
Key points from a workshop on 31 January 2023 where private markets industry participants discussed their role in providing access to remedy.