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PRI reporting analysis
Real estate: Insights from the 2023 reporting cycle
Reporting data shows real estate investors are increasingly integrating asset class specific ESG guidelines into their responsible investment policies.
PRI reporting analysis
Infrastructure: Insights from the 2023 reporting cycle
The vulnerability of infrastructure to environmental risks is reflected in the depth and breadth of responsible investment policies made by infrastructure investors, and the extent to which the same are incorporated in Limited Partnership Agreements.
PRI reporting analysis
Human rights and social issues: Insights from the 2023 reporting cycle
Taking a deep dive into our 2023 signatory reporting data, we analysed how more than 3,700 PRI signatories are implementing human rights standards across global markets.
PRI reporting analysis
Global responsible investment trends: Inside PRI reporting data
This report finds that signatories have continued to enhance their RI practices, with RI policies becoming more detailed, action on sustainability outcomes more widespread and disclosures more in-depth since the 2021 reporting cycle.
PRI reporting analysis
Inside PRI data: Investment manager practices
There are many responsible investment practices that are now widely practised among the PRI’s investment manager signatories. A large majority publish core policies and have executive oversight of their implementation.
PRI reporting analysis
Sustainability outcomes: What does our reporting data reveal about emerging signatory practices?
This report provides the first insights of its kind into what signatories told us in their 2021 reporting about how they are embedding sustainability outcomes considerations in their investment activities.
PRI reporting analysis
Inside PRI data: asset owner action
This report analyses the responses of asset owner signatories who participated in PRI reporting in 2021. It covers asset owners’ top-level commitments, responsible investment policies, processes for selecting, appointing and monitoring managers, and climate-change strategies.
PRI reporting analysis
The evolution of responsible investment: an analysis of advanced signatory practices
This report delves into which practices have shifted to become the norm, and which ones remain advanced, suggesting that they are more challenging to implement.
PRI reporting analysis
Asset owner practices on manager selection, appointment and monitoring 2017
This snapshot explores responsible investment practices for externally managed assets. It paints a picture of historical practices among our global signatory base. It is an online tool that provides public access to key elements of data from PRI’s annual signatory reporting. Each snapshot records data on a specific area of ...
PRI reporting analysis
Listed equity incorporation snapshot 2017
This snapshot explores how signatories approach ESG incorporation in listed equity in 2017. It paints a picture of historical practices among our global signatory base; similar analysis was performed in 2020.
PRI reporting analysis
Active ownership practices in listed equity 2017
This snapshot explores active ownership practices for listed equities in 2017. It paints a picture of historical practices among our global signatory base; similar analysis was performed in 2020.
PRI reporting analysis
Leaders’ Group 2020
The PRI Leaders’ Group 2020 showcases PRI signatories that, in their responses to the PRI Reporting Framework, demonstrate a breadth of responsible investment excellence, and that excel specifically in this year’s theme: climate reporting.
PRI reporting analysis
Climate change snapshot 2020
TCFD based reporting and analysis from 2,097 investors representing $97 trillion in assets
PRI reporting analysis
Leaders’ Group 2019
The PRI Leaders’ Group 2019 showcases PRI signatories that demonstrate both a breadth of responsible investment excellence, and that excel specifically in this year’s theme: selection, appointment and monitoring of external managers. Our evaluation focused specifically on listed equity and private equity, as these are the asset classes where we ...
PRI reporting analysis
PRI climate snapshot 2019
TCFD based reporting and analysis from 591 investors representing $49 trillion in assets
PRI reporting analysis
Private equity snapshot 2018
The PRI has published a snapshot of its 2018 private equity reporting data.
PRI reporting analysis
Report on progress: private equity (2014/15)
This Report on progress in private equity provides the most reliable snapshot of responsible investment in private equity to date, based on 306 PRI signatories’ submissions to the Reporting Framework on their PE investments in 2014/15.