All Technical guide articles – Page 4
Technical guide
Implementing the TCFD recommendations for oil and gas methane disclosure: focus on metrics and targets
The last part of the TCFD’s four-part framework focuses on the metrics and targets companies use to assess and manage material climate-related risks and opportunities.
Technical guide
Implementing the TCFD recommendations for oil and gas methane disclosure: illustrative implementation
The table below is an il lustrative roadmap of implementation phases for the previous recommendations. The outline is a suggestion, with recognition that each company is on an ind ividual disclosure journey, with varying levels of existing reporting and resources. Adapted from TCFD Secretariat presentation “Beginning the Journey” March 2018.
Technical guide
Implementing the TCFD recommendations for oil and gas methane disclosure: summary
The mission of the TCFD is to “help companies understand what financial markets want from disclosure in order to measure and respond to climate change risks and encourage firms to align their disclosure with investor needs.”
Technical guide
Implementing TCFD recommendations for oil and gas methane disclosure
The Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD or the Task Force) published its final recommendations in 2017, and now both companies and investors are moving towards implementation of TCFD’s recommendations.
Technical guide
Guidance and case studies for ESG integration: equities and fixed income
Set out by the CFA Institute and the PRI, this best practice report helps investors understand how they can better integrate ESG factors into their equity, corporate bond, and sovereign debt portfolios.
Technical guide
ESG integration in the Americas: markets, practices and data
This report focuses on the current state of ESG integration in the Americas, with reports for EMEA and APAC are scheduled to be released in March 2019.
Technical guide
Mise en oeuvre des recommendations du groupe de travail sur la publication d'informations financières relatives au climat (TCFD)
Les marchés financiers ont besoin de données de qualité sur les risques liés au climat afin d’opérer efficacement vers la transition énergétique.
Technical guide
ESG monitoring, reporting and dialogue in private equity
An exchange of information, underpinned by dialogue, will keep LPs informed about the ESG characteristics of their private equity investments and the responsible investment practices of their investment managers.
Technical guide
Low-carbon investing and low-carbon indices
For off-the-shelf fund solutions, investing against lowcarbon indices is a potentially lower-cost option than actively managed strategies.
Technical guide
Low-carbon investing and listed equity funds
While the public markets comprise a smaller portion of the clean energy investment universe compared to asset finance and unlisted assets (including infrastructure, private equity and venture capital), activity in the acquisitions market has steadily grown over recent decades, reflecting the larger size of the renewable energy sector (see below).
Technical guide
Phasing out investments in thermal coal
While many investors may consider phasing out thermal coal alongside reductions to other fossil fuel assets (such as oil sands, crude oil, natural gas and metallurgical coal), this section focuses on thermal coal assets as a starting point due to their high CO2 content (and potential for carbon reduction), the ...
Technical guide
Integrating climate-related risks and opportunities into investment processes
The PRI defines integration as “the explicit and systematic inclusion of [climate change] issues in investment analysis and investment decisions.”
Technical guide
Low-carbon, climate-aligned investment opportunities
The shift towards renewable energy is building, recording its highest growth rate of any energy source recorded in 2017.
Technical guide
Low-carbon investing and green and climate-aligned bonds
Climate (or climate-aligned) bonds refer to labelled and unlabelled bonds for which proceeds are intended to finance projects and activities that contribute to a low-carbon and climate-resilient economy. Green bonds refers to explicitly labelled bonds for which the proceeds will be exclusively used to finance, or re-finance (in part or ...
Technical guide
Low-carbon investing and unlisted strategies and assets
Investments in clean energy across unlisted asset classes (such as property, private equity, infrastructure, agriculture and timberland) and projects (such as renewable energy and energy efficiency projects) is clearly growing (see below).
Technical guide
How to invest in the low-carbon economy
Institutional investors’ responsibility to manage and protect their beneficiaries’ assets must include considering the impacts of climate change.
Technical guide
An asset owner’s guide to the TCFD recommendations
Asset owners will need high-quality and timely data on climate-related risks to help guide them through the energy transition.
Technical guide
Practical tips for making selection decisions in manager selection
This final chapter offers practical ideas for bringing ESG matters raised during the manager selection process together in order to facilitate ultimate decision making.
Technical guide
Assessing reporting capabilities in manager selection
The selection process should consider the ongoing reporting from the manager to the asset owner and satisfy the latter’s internal investment-related information requirements, as well as be able to accomodate their own reporting to stakeholders.
Technical guide
Assessing active ownership through engagement and voting in manager selection
This chapter looks at how asset owners can be effective stewards of their assets and, if such functions are outsourced, determine how an investment manager deals with stewardship and active ownership issues.