All United States articles
Blog post
California leads the way with new climate disclosure bills
By Sam VanderMeulen, Policy Analyst, Financial Policy, PRI
Blog post
Anti-ESG bills found unified opposition in US statehouses
By Gregory Hershman, Head of US Policy, PRI
Case study
Robeco: Re-baselining for a net-zero commitment
Striving to accurately track progress by controlling for changes in financial metrics.
Blog post
How US anti-ESG laws raise borrowing costs for public finance
By Daniel Garrett, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania; and Ivan Ivanov, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Case study
Trillium: Setting a portfolio-coverage target
Leveraging the simplicity of science-based targets.
PRI in Person & Online: Breakout 5C - US ESG disclosure: challenges, alignment, and what’s next?
The SEC is poised to finalise two rules on climate disclosure, one for corporates and one for investment advisers, but challenges remain - in US courts and globally - beyond SEC approval.
Blog post
Anti-ESG bills in the US will only create confusion for investors
By Gregory Hershman, Head of US Policy, PRI
Case study
Frazier Healthcare Partners: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Advancement Scorecard
Monitoring portfolio companies’ progress on DEIA
Case study
Harrison Street: Leveraging building design and operations to enhance occupant health
Measuring the sustainability performance of senior housing properties
Case study
LACERS: Implementing an ESG risk framework
Developing a framework to identify and address material ESG risks
Case study
AQR Capital: Measuring supply chain climate risk exposure
Combining high-quality emissions data with corporate supply chain information to generate fresh investment insights
Case study
Bridge Investment Group: Workforce and affordable housing strategy
A private scalable market solution for preserving and rehabilitating housing and dedicated social programming for America’s workforce
Case study
Neuberger Berman: Climate-integrated strategic asset allocation
Neuberger Berman’s Climate-Integrated Strategic Asset Allocation framework serves to incorporate climate risks and opportunities into top-down portfolio construction for multi-asset portfolios
Case study
AllianceBernstein: ESG engagement campaign on modern slavery
Engaging with issuers on modern slavery to push for positive change
Case study
Acadian Asset Management: Engagement tipping points
Using data science techniques to analyse company supply chains
Blog post
Sustainable finance policy reform: building momentum in 2022
By Margarita Pirovska, Director of Policy, PRI