All Webinar articles – Page 15
Introducing the Principles for Responsible Banking
This webinar introduces the Principles for Responsible Banking.
Combating climate change: what role can forestry investors play?
This webinar explores the role of forestry in the fight against climate change, with a particular focus on how emissions trading schemes can provide opportunities to forestry investors and managers to make market returns while also generating positive environmental impact.
Webinar: how to prevent child exploitation online
The PRI hosted a webinar to explore the issue of child sexual exploitation online and how investors can engage with ICT companies on this issue. During the webinar speakers took the opportunity to discuss the issues related to the governance of ICT companies and their role in protecting users, of ...
Climate change targets for real estate investors
This webinar takes a detailed look at the practicalities of setting targets related to climate change for a real estate portfolio, with a particular focus on net zero targets.
Responsible lending - focus on ESG in private debt
The key concepts of responsible investment are complimentary to private debt with its core focus on analysing and managing risk through relationships with investee entities. The PRI observed significant responsible investment activity among private debt managers and a desire to further develop idea of best practice in the industry. Active ...
La feuille de route de la finance durable pour la France
France is a leading market on sustainable finance - but how can France strengthen its role in the development of responsible investment?
Highlights from PRI in Person 2018: San Francisco
1,200 delegates from 37 countries. 30 sessions. Over 140 speakers. PRI in Person, the leading global responsible investment conference was in San Francisco in 2018 – and was the best yet.
How and where will millennials invest?
Modern portfolio theory is core to finance and how we invest, but in its practical application ESG factors are merely “externalities,” therefore how can responsible investment ever become “investment” if education treats responsible investment as a module – or does not feature at all?
Climate scenario & PACTA tool
The PRI hosted a webinar on climate scenario analysis and the online PACTA climate scenario analysis tool. This tool, developed by 2⁰ Investing Initiative (2dii), was launched in September 2018 with the support of the Insurance Commissioner of California and the PRI.
Data Portal tutorial 3: identifying best practices in responsible investment
Tutorial 3, Identifying best practices in responsible investment, is from the PRI’s Data Portal in practice: signatory insight and tutorials.
Data Portal tutorial 2: searching for managers based on asset class and ESG practices
Tutorial 2, Searching for managers based on asset class and ESG practices, is from the PRI’s Data Portal in practice: signatory insight and tutorials.
Data Portal tutorial 1: seeking data to improve manager benchmarking
Tutorial 1, Seeking data to improve manager benchmarking, is from the PRI’s Data Portal in practice: signatory insight and tutorials.
Data Portal in practice: signatory insight and tutorials
Not sure where to find RI data to feed into manager selection and monitoring? Look no further. Check out our data portal tutorials and hear it from investors themselves.
PRI in Person 2018 - Breakout 4C: Charging ahead: the macro factors influencing tax transparency
The panellists in this session will discuss corporate tax transparency in the context of investor and stakeholder expectations and the influence of factors such as economic inequality, good governance and regulation.
PRI in Person 2018 - Day 1: Welcome address: John Chiang, California State Treasurer
PRI in Person 2018 - Day 1: Welcome address: John Chiang, California State Treasurer
PRI in Person 2018 - Day 1: Welcome address: Carol Geremia, President, MFS Investment Management
PRI in Person 2018 - Day 1: Welcome address: Carol Geremia, President, MFS Investment Management
PRI in Person 2018 - Day 1: Keynote address: Former Vice President Al Gore
PRI in Person 2018 - Day 1: Keynote address: Former Vice President Al Gore
PRI in Person 2018 - Day 1: Avoiding a disruptive transition: investor action on climate change
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