All Webinar articles – Page 14
How to navigate the 2020 Online Reporting Tool
This video has been developed to help PRI signatories navigate the PRI Online Reporting Tool.
Fiduciary duty in the 21st century – from a legal case to regulatory clarification around ESG
Fiduciary duty in the 21st century, a collaboration between the PRI and UNEP FI with generous financial support from The Generation Foundation, contributes an extensive evidence base to end the debate on whether fiduciary duty is a legitimate barrier to the integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues in ...
TCFD and SDGs: using existing global frameworks to ensure more resilient investments
This conference which took place in Zurich and Geneva was organised by the PRI and Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF). It provided in-depth knowledge and guidance on TCFD and SDGs, helping participants understand how to apply elements of the frameworks within their investment processes.
PRI in Person 2019 - Sustainable Policy Conference
Alongside PRI in Person 2019, the PRI, BNP Paribas and BNP Paribas Asset Management convened the world’s first responsible investment conference focused on global policy reform in support of a more sustainable financial system.
Accountability in the 2019 reporting cycle
Increasing accountability of the PRI as an organisation is one of the focus areas of our 10-year Blueprint for responsible investment.
Youth voices: the issues that matter to the next generation
The PRI took to the streets of London to ask young people what the issues are they care about the most, and what they think governments should do to tackle them.
The financial materiality of ESG factors for fixed income investors
In collaboration with SASB, and through case studies, this webinar looks at how ESG financial materiality varies by sectors and what is relevant for bond investors
Jeremy Grantham: the race of our lives
In this candid interview, Jeremy Grantham, legendary investor and founder of Grantham, Mayo, & van Otterloo (GMO), gives his views on climate change, green technologies and the opportunities for investors in a low-carbon world.
ESG in Credit Risk and Ratings initiative - phase one: Watch the video
The PRI’s ESG in Credit Risk and Ratings initiative promotes the systematic and transparent incorporation of ESG factors in credit risk assessments. Launched in 2016, the project is the first of its kind because of its credit focus and scale, with 21 forums held in 15 countries.
ESG integration in sovereign debt: emerging and developed markets #2
Join the PRI, BlueBay Asset Management, RobecoSAM and Emerging Markets Investors Alliance for a webinar on 19 September and on 26 September to hear about the findings of our new report, A Practical Guide to ESG Integration in Sovereign Debt. Investors are formalising approaches to systematic ESG integration across all ...
PIP19 - Active Ownership 2.0: Refocusing on outcomes
In an age of widespread institutional greenwashing, this session will present a vision for the future of active ownership, where activity is centred on achieving a sustainable financial system
ESG Integration in sovereign debt: emerging and developed markets #1
Join the PRI, MN, Insight Investment and Social Progress Imperative for a webinar on 19 September and on 26 September to hear about the findings of our new report, A Practical Guide to ESG Integration in Sovereign Debt. Investors are formalising approaches to systematic ESG integration across all asset classes ...
PIP19 -Ensuring a just transition to a low-carbon economy
The shift to a resilient, low-carbon economy will boost prosperity and be a net driver of job creation. However, there will be transitional challenges for workers, communities and countries if this shift is not inclusive and sustainable. In this session we will discuss: what a just transition means in practice, ...
PIP19 - Managing physical climate risk in infrastructure investments
The impacts of climate change are no longer a distant phenomenon. 2018 was again a costly year for natural disasters in the US, Europe and Asia at $155bn, following a record-breaking year of losses in 2017. Together with members of the PRI Infrastructure Advisory Committee, this session will ask:
PIP19 - Finance in human rights: What should investors do / be concerned about?
As the investment community increasingly recognises it has a role to play in ensuring that investee companies are addressing human rights issues, this session will: outline the relevance of human rights due diligence to investors; explore the avenues through which investors can facilitate real-world positive impact; discuss how investors can ...
PIP19 - Boosting investor action to foster a culture of diversity and inclusion
With diversity increasingly recognised as beneficial for businesses and in turn investments, this session will identify the lessons learnt and the impact of current initiatives to achieve a more diverse workforce, including: why investors should care about diversity, and how to think of other strands beyond gender; how investors can ...
Highlights from the Climate Action Forum global series
The PRI convened 14 Climate Forums across 10 countries that engaged more than 1,350 investors, including 300 asset owners, to discuss how to ready portfolios for a low-carbon economy.
Labour rights in infrastructure investing
In this webinar, the PRI, IFM Investors and the Committee on Workers’ Capital discussed key issues and different approaches to managing labour issues in infrastructure investing, and particularly sought to highlight how greater engagement between core stakeholders on these issues can be a critical success factor for different infrastructure projects.
Webinar: investors take action for a fast and fair transition to a low-carbon economy
Investment in renewable energy is paramount to combat climate change – but how can we ensure that investment that is good for our planet will also be good for people?
Webinar: PRI and Investor Alliance: Labour rights in apparel supply chains – quo vadis
This webinar, hosted by the PRI and The Investor Alliance, discusses how investors can use two recent benchmarks published by The Corporate Human Rights Benchmark and KnowTheChain to assess companies in their portfolios. Adidas shares practical examples of how to ensure labour rights protection in challenging contexts and lower tiers ...