All Academic research articles – Page 2
Academic research
Top academic resources on responsible investment
A selection of high-quality academic studies on responsible investment curated by the Academic Network Advisory Committee.
Encouraging responsible tax behaviour: What investors need to know
Investors want to know their portfolio companies are paying taxes in line with their business activities, as aggressive tax planning costs governments billions of dollars of revenue, and creates market distortions in both developed and developing countries.
Academic research
Academic Network Conference 2018: papers and presentations
View papers and presentations from the conference.
Academic research
RI Quarterly: Spotlight on the new members of the PRI Academic Network Advisory Committee
The Academic Network Advisory Committee includes both leading academics as well as investment practitioners that guide and support the work of the Academic Network, which has over 4,000 members globally.
Academic research
The future of responsible investment and modern portfolio theory
This is the winning essay of a student competition issued by the PRI on “How and where will millennials invest: the missing link between RI and financial education”. Shortlisted articles were presented by the students at PRI in Person 2018 in San Francisco. The authors are Saphira Rekker and Anne-Claire ...
Academic research
Technology and ethics: what should investors consider?
Technology has improved our standard of living, but the rapid pace of development has also created ethical dilemmas for companies and poses significant challenges for regulatory bodies.
Academic research
Climate change and the just transition: a guide for investor action
How investors can pursue a just transition for workers and communities as the world’s economy responds to climate change.
Academic research
Why and how investors can respond to income inequality
The gap in income and wealth between the very affluent and the rest of society has become one of the most noteworthy socio-economic issues of our time.
How and where will millennials invest?
Modern portfolio theory is core to finance and how we invest, but in its practical application ESG factors are merely “externalities,” therefore how can responsible investment ever become “investment” if education treats responsible investment as a module – or does not feature at all?
Academic research
Academic Network Conference 2017: papers and presentations
View papers and presentations from the conference.
Academic research
How engagement creates value for investors and companies: conclusion
By evidencing how corporations experience ESG engagement, unpacking the dynamics through which multiple forms of value are created for corporations and investors, and contrasting corporate and investor perspectives about the value of engagement, our analysis has resulted in a number of key insights. These insights have implications for current and ...
Academic research
Enablers and barriers to successful ESG engagement
We identified common enabling factors and barriers to successful engagements, from corporate and investor perspectives.
Academic research
Creating value for investors and companies: Individual versus collective ESG engagement
When asked about the pros and cons of individual as opposed to collective forms of engagement, few corporate interviewees could clearly differentiate between the two forms, as in both cases, a lead investor may be charged with approaching them.
Academic research
How engagement creates value for investors and companies: (Re)defining engagement success
An implication of both the consideration of the corporate perspective on engagement, and a broader definition of value, is the reconsideration of how engagement success is defined.
Academic research
How engagement creates value for investors and companies: Relationship building
ESG engagement encourages closer collaboration between ESG and financial analysts and/or fund managers. In addition, the relationships between investors and companies support the integration of ESG, in a self-reinforcing manner, within both investment firms and companies.
Academic research
How engagement creates value for investors and companies: Political dynamics
This chapter looks at the role of political dynamics in how ESG engagement can create value for investors and companies.
Academic research
How engagement creates value for investors and companies: Learning dynamics
The reinforcement of the communication channels between investors and their investee companies through ESG engagement also creates new opportunities for learning about ESG issues on the corporate side.
Academic research
How engagement creates value for investors and companies: Communicative dynamics
We identified three main sets - communicative, learning and political - of ESG engagement dynamics which create value. This chapter focuses on the communicative dynamics.
Academic research
Introduction to how ESG engagement creates value for investors and companies
A growing number of investors are undertaking corporate engagement and exercising their rights as shareholders to influence corporate behaviour.