All Academic research articles – Page 3
Academic research
How ESG engagement creates value for investors and companies
There is growing evidence that engagement by investors with companies on ESG issues can create shareholder value.
News and press
PRI launches online platform to enhance academic-investor dialogue
The PRI has today launched the Academic Network Online – a unique platform that will connect 4,000 academics and investment practitioners to enhance dialogue and foster relationship-building.
News and press
PRI announces plans to reimagine, look beyond modern portfolio theory
Examining the limitations of modern portfolio theory (MPT), the PRI has announced a programme of activities designed to analyse and consider the possibilities of investment decision making.
Blog post
Social cohesion and inclusive growth: Investment risks and opportunities
Social cohesion is an increasing concern in the investment sphere, skewing traditional notions and models.
Academic research
RI Quarterly vol. 12: Highlights from the Academic Network Conference and PRI in Person 2017
At a time of heightened political and societal sensitivity, the debates that took place at the PRI Academic Network Conference 2017 were brought into sharp focus.
Blog post
How and where will millennials invest?
Millennials are changing the nature of finance and how it works (or doesn’t), corporations, the investment and pensions industry, and investment itself.
Blog post
Handle with care: the empowered millennial
Millennials are more empowered than previous generations and they know what they want: to invest in the “future”.
PRI in Person 2017 - Latest insights from RI research
Prize winning research will be presented from the PRI Awards and the FIR-PRI Finance and Sustainability Awards.
PRI in Person 2017 - The future of RI: how and where will millennials invest?
Millennials are changing the nature and workings of finance, corporations, the investment and pensions industry, and investment itself.
Blog post
How ESG engagement creates value: bringing the corporate perspective to the fore
Corporate engagement on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues is on the rise among investors. However, the mechanisms through which value is typically created have hitherto been an underexplored area, particularly from a corporate perspective.
PRI in Person 2017: Is shareholder engagement adding value?
This session unveils the findings of two pieces of PRI-commissioned research into shareholder engagement.
Blog post
Local leads, backed by global scale: the drivers of successful engagement
The PRI encourages and facilitates collaborative engagement, yet robust evidence of its effectiveness in driving corporate change and creating value for investors remains elusive.
Blog post
Beyond modern portfolio theory – how investors can mitigate systemic risk through the portfolio
The near universally adopted modern portfolio theory (MPT) put forward by Nobel laureate Harry Markowitz in 1952 is blind to the effect of portfolio investment on the capital markets’ overall risk/return profile and on the macro systems upon which the market relies for stability.
Blog post
Long-term social issues drive economic growth, so why aren't investors behind the wheel?
Long-term social issues – the ‘S’ in ESG – matter for investors. They are key factors determining both long-term GDP growth and the level of equilibrium of interest rates.
Blog post
Professor Susan Vinnicombe on The Davies Committee
“It was a very successful campaign.” That is how Professor Susan Vinnicombe describes the outcome of the 2015 Davies Report.
Academic research
RI Quarterly vol. 11: Proxy season 2017
The global community is still catching its breath after US President Donald Trump confirmed he would pull the US out of the Paris Agreement.
Blog post
Say on Pay - getting your voice heard
In recent years Say on Pay has become a corporate governance and responsible investment buzzword and has been at the forefront of discussions around executive remuneration.
Blog post
Opening the Black Box of Board Appointments – women’s and men’s routes to the boardroom
Professor Elisabeth Kelan talks about new report Opening the Black Box of Board Appointments: Women’s and Men’s Routes to the Boardroom and what it reveals about the current state of gender diversity in the boardroom.
Academic research
Spotlight on PRI Academic Network Advisory Committee new members and Academic Network Conference
The PRI is delighted to welcome the following new members to the Academic Network Advisory Committee. They bring a wealth of expertise from finance, management, strategy, corporate governance, and RI and financial performance from academia, industry and education. Diane-Laure Arjaliès Assistant Professor General Management, Managerial Accounting ...
Blog post
As proxy access in the US spikes at 52%, have we reached a tipping point?
The explosion in proxy access resolution submissions has directly influenced the level and quality of corporate engagement, as well as the dialogue surrounding director elections.