All Climate change articles – Page 3
Policy report
Policy briefing: Delivering net zero in Japan
Recommendations for Japanese policy makers to create ambitious policies regarding the transition to net zero.
News and press
Leading international agencies form Taskforce on Net Zero Policy to further HLEG recommendations
Taskforce on Net Zero Policy launched at COP28
Blog post
Analysing the world’s largest asset owner’s approach to ESG engagement
Remunerated engagement, in combination with index inclusion, can significantly enhance companies’ ESG scores
Case study
Net zero in practice: Insights from equity investors
This report shares insights from the first comprehensive set of case studies around how to implement net-zero commitments in listed equity portfolios.
Inevitable Policy Response (IPR) Quarterly Briefing: Direct Air Capture
Direct Air Capture (DAC) is emerging as an important negative emissions technology, following delays in government action on climate and a breach of the 1.5C of warming limit in the 2030s.
Discussion paper
Considering climate change in sovereign debt
Investors increasingly consider climate change in sovereign debt assessment – both risks and opportunities for positive impact. This paper helps investors understand the many links between sovereign debt and climate change.
Decarbonisation methodologies for private equity
Using the Private Markets Decarbonisation Roadmap and the Net Zero Investment Framework’s component for private equity.
News and press
The iCI and the Sustainable Markets Initiative’s Private Equity Task Force launch the Private Markets Decarbonisation Roadmap (PMDR)
Supported by Bain & Company, the PMDR provides private markets firms with a common language to communicate their portfolio’s decarbonisation status.
IPR: 2023 Forecast Policy Scenario (FPS) - Investor deep dive
The flagship Forecast Policy Scenario models the impact of climate policy acceleration forecast by IPR on the real economy up to 2050+. It analyses detailed effects on carbon and clean energy, transport, industry, buildings, land use, agriculture and nature-based solutions (NBS).
Policy report
Briefing: Summary of the inaugural ISSB Standards
In June 2023 the ISSB released final versions of its first two sustainability reporting standards. This briefing note aims to support signatories by summarising reporting requirements within the standards, including requirements set out in the Appendices to the standards and accompanying guidance.
Policy report
PRI Sustainable Finance Policy Conference summary
On 3 October 2023, the PRI hosted its annual Sustainable Finance Policy Conference in Tokyo, before PRI in Person 2023 (PiP 2023)
Policy report
Letter regarding the UK Prime Minister’s backtrack on vital net zero policies
[Region: UK] Letter from PRI, IIGCC, UKSIF, supported by investors, on the UK Prime Minister’s backtrack on vital net zero policies.
LFI Japan:署名機関含むステークホルダーの皆様との意見交換から得られた示唆(参考和訳)
「インパクトをもたらす投資に関する法的枠組み:投資意思決定におけるサステナビリティ・インパクト」(原文:「A Legal Framework for Impact: sustainability impact in investor decision-making」、以下「LFIレポート」)公表後、責任投資原則(PRI)日本ポリシーチームはウェビナーを開催し、レポートに含まれる法的分析から読み取れる政策的な示唆について関連分野の専門家に講演頂きました。本ウェビナーでは、金川国際法律事務所、金融庁、第一生命保険株式会社、及びPRI日本事務局に登壇頂きました。
LFI Japan: Insights from signatories and stakeholders
Following the recent publication of A Legal Framework for Impact (LFI) Japan: Integrating Sustainability Goals Across the Investment Industry (the LFI Japan Report), we are pleased to share key insights and themes from two related events: a webinar and round-table on how to integrate sustainability outcomes across the Japanese financial ...
News and press
Global climate policy forecast predicts ‘well below 2°C’ Paris Agreement climate goals will be met
The Inevitable Policy Response’s (IPR)[1] latest forecast of global climate policies, expected to be put in place in major economies[2] between now and 2050, concludes that the world will likely achieve the Paris Agreement goal of limiting temperature increase to ‘well below 2°C’ and continue to make efforts towards 1.5°C ...
News and press
New PRI report outlines progress on responsible investment practices in private debt and direct lending
New research provides recommendations for PRI signatories and other investors to take action on responsible investment in direct lending.
Blog post
Can ‘financialisation’ save nature?
By Diane-Laure Arjaliès, Associate Professor at the Ivey Business School at Western University (Canada) and Founder and lead of the Ivey Sustainable Finance Lab, and Delphine Gibassier of Université de Nantes (France)
Policy report
Climate data and net zero: Closing the gap on investors’ data needs
Investors need robust and reliable climate data to deliver and credibly report on their net zero commitments. However, there are gaps in the data currently available. This report explores where those gaps are and looks at what action could be taken by data providers and other stakeholders to build a ...
News and press
PRI: “Investors need better climate data to deliver net zero”
New report focusses on closing the gap on investors’ data needs to deliver and credibly report on their net zero commitments.
News and press
Investors with ~US$8 trillion AUM engage sovereigns on climate change in PRI-coordinated pilot focused on Australia
A global collaboration of institutional investors seeking to engage with Australian governments on climate change risks and opportunities will expand to 25 organisations with approximately US$8 trillion (AU$12.2 trillion) in assets under management.