All Climate change articles – Page 3
PRI Web Page
The PRI at London Climate Action Week
The PRI is hosting an event and taking part in many others during London Climate Action Week (LCAW), 22-30 June 2024.
Bridging the investment gap: mobilising transition finance for a net-zero, energy secure, and competitive Europe
12 June 2024 | Brussels & Online
Policy report
The role of the G7 in driving the economic transition
A policy paper calling for increased policy action to drive a just, sustainable economic transition to net zero.
Policy report
Investor briefing: EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)
This briefing note summarises the requirements of the CSDDD, with particular focus on how it will affect the investment sector.
Academic research
Can we agree on how to regulate sustainable finance?
Takeaways from the European Union High-Level Expert Group
PRI Climate Risk Series (APAC) Session 5: Net Zero Transition Plans
Focusing on transition plans, this session introduces and discusses different transition plan frameworks – such as the GFANZ Financial Institution Net-Zero Transition Plans – and their application, as well as investor perspectives on how to assess – and engage with – company transition plans.
Policy report
PRI and IIGCC policy briefing on key sustainable finance policy priorities for the UK
This joint briefing by the PRI and IIGCC identifies areas that the UK Government should prioritise in the short-term in 2024 to accelerate delivery of the building blocks of the UK’s sustainable finance framework and support progress against the UK’s net zero objectives.
PRI Climate Risk Series (APAC) Session 4: Net Zero Initiatives & Implementation
Concentrating on Net Zero initiatives and implementation, this session introduced the existing Net-Zero alliances and the respective commitments involved. Attendees had the opportunity to hear from the experiences of investor participants and how they have approached implementation in practice.
Policy report
Implementing a 2040 climate target for a competitive and just European Green Deal
This brief summarises PRI recommendations for an EU 2040 climate target and a strong policy framework to implement a competitive net zero economy, accelerate finance for the transition, and create a prosperous and fair European Green Deal for all.
PRI reporting analysis
Global responsible investment trends: Inside PRI reporting data
This report finds that signatories have continued to enhance their RI practices, with RI policies becoming more detailed, action on sustainability outcomes more widespread and disclosures more in-depth since the 2021 reporting cycle.
Blog post
UK Spring Budget - Pensions proposals silent on sustainability
The UK government’s Spring Budget put an emphasis on investments in the UK but creates more risks for long-term savers by not sufficiently addressing sustainability risks, says Nikki King, PRI Policy Analyst.
PRI Climate Risk Series (APAC) Session 3: Metrics and targets
The third session of the PRI’s series on climate risk focused on metrics and targets.
Blog post
Excluding high-emitting companies from sustainable funds is counterproductive
Rather than incentivising heavy polluters to cut back, such an approach may cause them to pollute more
Policy report
PRI’s 2030 EU Policy Roadmap
Six key policy actions to fine-tune and improve the usability and coherence of the existing sustainable finance framework, build on it where necessary, and develop and strengthen the links with broader EU Green Deal policies.
PRI Climate Risk Series (APAC) Session 2: Strategies and scenarios
The second session of the PRI’s series on climate risk focused on strategies and scenarios for investors.
PRI Climate Risk Series (APAC) Session 1: Understanding Climate Governance and Risk
Speakers James Robertson, Head of Asia (ex-China & Japan), PRI Daniel Gallagher, Senior Lead, Climate Change, PRI Mark Fulton, Founding Partner, Enger Transition Advisors Emily Simso, Manager, Sustainability and Impact, New Forests Tomoaki Fujii, Co-CIO and Head of ESG Investment, Nissay Asset Management Corporation Why is climate risk ...
Blog post
Action on nature: Spring announces first batch of focus companies
Tim Steinweg, PRI Head of Stewardship - Nature, provides an update on Spring, the PRI’s stewardship initiative on nature.
Blog post
How exposure to weather events can affect analysts’ earning forecasts
Understanding how analysts perceive future climate-related physical risks is key to assessing the effects of climate change
Technical guide
Platform on Sustainable Finance: A Compendium of Market Practices
The advisory body to the European Commission has published a report on the EU sustainable finance framework.
Policy report
EU regulation on ESG ratings
This paper focuses on the EU legislative proposal to regulate ESG rating providers, as discussed in trilogues in January 2024.