All Climate change articles – Page 10
Thought leadership
The US discovers its climate policy: A holistic assessment & implications
IPR has previously forecast that the US NDC would be achieved by 2030 and additionally, that the US will reach net zero by 2050.
Blog post
Why it’s time for investors to take another look at US climate policy
Greg Hershman, Head of US Policy, and Ed Baker, Head of Climate Policy, PRI
Workshop summary
Climate budget tagging: A discussion between sovereign debt investors and issuers
Debt management and budget department officials, alongside investment managers, discussed the purpose of CBT, how countries have started to tag climate expenditure, and its uses for debt issuance and investment analysis. This workshop summary presents the main themes from the discussion.
Nature as a Defense from Disasters: Natural Capital and Municipal Bond Yields
The PRI Academic Network Week was hosted across five days between 19 – 23 September 2022.
Are Carbon Emissions Associated with Stock Returns?
The PRI Academic Network Week was hosted across five days between 19 - 23 September 2022
News and press
CEOs of leading investor groups call on new government to uphold net zero ambition
The CEOs of PRI, IIGCC, UKSIF and 8 leading UK investors published an open letter to the UK Prime Minister and officials outlining the case for upholding net zero ambition.
Dissecting Green Returns
The PRI Academic Network Week was hosted across five days between 19 - 23 September 2022.
ESG in credit risk and ratings: episode 10
In the tenth podcast of a series on the ESG in Credit Risk and Ratings Initiative, Sixtine Dubost (PRI) speaks with Erika Wranegard (Lombard Odier Investment Managers) and Michael Ferguson (S&P Global Ratings) about the ESG information provider landscape and the usefulness of the product and service offering for fixed ...
A call to action: Investor momentum towards ambitious climate policy
This webinar will see investors from around the world and Founding Partners of the Investor Agenda discuss the importance of targeted policy advocacy to leverage essential capital for the transition to a net zero economy. The full speaker line up will be announced ahead of the event.
Blog post
The human right to a healthy environment provides a strong mandate to investors
By Louisa Guy, UK Policy Analyst, PRI
Preparing for 2023: Lessons from 2022 proxy season
Hear from PRI stewardship experts on key ESG issues to have on your radar as you prepare for proxy season 2023
US climate policy developments, takeaways for responsible investors
This webinar will examine the latest developments in US climate policy, considering the challenges and opportunities for responsible investment. Participants will leave with a deeper insight into how responsible investment can continue to contribute to climate goals and hope for continued climate action in the US.
News and press
iCI launches Asia-Pacific chapter to extend global push for private market climate ambition
Initiative Climat International (iCI), the global private equity climate initiative, today announces the launch of its Asia-Pacific chapter, bringing together private market investors across the region to continue the global drive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon, climate resilient economy.
News and press
In defence of ESG: Treating emissions in a silo will not solve the climate crisis
The below letter was drafted in response to an article in The Economist: “ESG should be boiled down to one simple measure: emissions” (July 21st 2022). An edited version was published by The Economist on August 11th 2022 and is available here.
PRI consultation response on Exposure Draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards
The PRI welcomes the publication of Exposure Draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) by the European Financial Advisory Group (EFRAG) and is broadly supportive of their content. Our recommendations seek to ensure that reporting under the ESRS meets the information needs of responsible investors.
PRI Web Page
The PRI and COP27
The UN’s annual climate change conference, known as COP, reviews and drives progress on international climate accords such as the Paris Agreement. The event brings together hundreds of governments and thousands of representatives from civil society, including the financial industry. PRI plays a leading role in representing investors’ priorities. ...
Blog post
Code of the road: new traffic lights for investors to finance the transition
Jan Vandermosten, Senior Policy Analyst, EU, PRI
Blog post
Whoever wins the Tory leadership, progress on UK climate policies must remain a priority
By Eliette Riera, Head of UK Policy
Technical guide
Incorporating climate change in private markets: An investor resource guide
A guide on the publicly available resources and initiatives available for direct and indirect private equity and real assets equity investors to help them incorporate climate change considerations in their investment process.