All Climate change articles – Page 8
Case study
Itaú AM: Integrating climate scenarios into investments
Considering climate risks and opportunities in the investment process
Case study
Abeille Assurances: Aligning the portfolio to a net-zero trajectory
Moving beyond risk to seize climate-transition opportunities
Inevitable Policy Response - Launch of IPR Forecast Policy Scenario (FPS) + Nature & implications for investors
This webinar will launch the new Inevitable Policy Response (IPR) Forecast Policy Scenario (FPS) + Nature. IPR FPS + Nature is the first integrated nature and climate scenario for use by financial institutions
PRI supports progress on IFRS Sustainability Standards
This PRI statement welcomes the efforts by the IFRS Foundation and IOSCO to develop a globally shared baseline for reporting on sustainability-related financial information, encourages continued work towards this objective and calls for interoperability between the future IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards and jurisdictional initiatives.
News and press
Release of world’s first integrated climate and nature scenario to 2050 for investors
The Inevitable Policy Response (IPR) has launched FPS + Nature, (FPS+N) the first integrated nature and climate scenario published for use by investors.
Thought leadership
IPR Forecast Policy Scenario + Nature
IPR FPS + Nature 2023 is the first integrated nature & climate scenario for use by investors. It fills a crucial gap in risk / opportunity assessments. FPS +N provides financial institutions with a forward-looking view to 2050 on how policy, technological and social trends could impact key value drivers.
PRI Web Page
PRI in a Changing World
A short video introducing the PRI in a Changing World signatory consultation - on the future of responsible investment; the PRI’s vision, mission and purpose; and the value we provide to signatories.
PRI Web Page
The PRI at COP15
The PRI attended the CBD’s 15th conference (COP15) in December in Montré al, Canada, alongside a delegation of 34 signatories, to elevate the financial sector’s voice and unpack the relevant developments for investors.
Policy report
2022 Policy Roundup
In 2022 there was a strong focus of sustainable finance policy reforms across jurisdictions worldwide. In this briefing we provide a short roundup of policy developments in each of the PRI Policy Team’s key jurisdictions.
PRI in Person 2022: Breakout 2A - Committed to net zero: tackling key implementation challenges
This session will tackle challenges around implementing net zero commitments featuring case studies, guidance and collaboration across the finance sector including through the initiatives in the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero.
Engagement guide
Climate transition plan votes: Investor update
The increasing popularity of votes on transition plans, also known as say on climate votes, requires investors to understand the signals and potential consequences of such votes.
Academic Network Conference: climate finance research and implications
Research into climate finance has burgeoned in the last few years. In this session we will discuss the latest findings and their implications for investment professionals.
Academic Network Conference: PRI Awards for outstanding research
Papers discussed: ‘Socially responsible divestment’ and ‘Physical climate risk and firms’ adaptation strategy’.
Case study
Mirabaud Asset Management: Reaching net zero through engagement
Mirabaud believes the optimal asset allocation strategy to support the energy transition is to invest in energy-intensive companies that demonstrate a willingness to shift their business models and develop alternative energies
Case study
Allianz: Decarbonisation strategy for listed equity
Differentiated approach addresses the range of strategies used within a core-satellite structure.
Case study
ClearBridge Investments: Verifying net-zero alignment
Investment universe shaped by net-zero alignment assessments
Case study
RBC Global Asset Management: Measuring portfolio net-zero alignment
Suite of climate metrics used to gauge weighted average carbon intensity of portfolios
PRI reporting analysis
Sustainability outcomes: What does our reporting data reveal about emerging signatory practices?
This report provides the first insights of its kind into what signatories told us in their 2021 reporting about how they are embedding sustainability outcomes considerations in their investment activities.
PRI statement on draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards
This PRI statement welcomes the latest draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) by the European Financial Advisory Group (EFRAG) and sets out five priority elements that co-legislators should retain within the final standards.
PRI in a Changing World signatory consultation webinar
Chief Responsible Investment Officer, Nathan Fabian, briefed signatories on why the PRI conducted the consultation and provided information on the formal signatory survey, including key themes and questions.