Visit the platform

The PRI Collaboration Platform is a unique forum that allows PRI signatories to collaborate, to pool resources, share information and enhance their influence on ESG issues.

It is also a hub for academics and investors to connect and engage with research.

By posting to the Collaboration Platform, signatories can invite others to join or support their initiative and access services provided by the PRI (such as PRI-coordinated collaborative engagements).

Posts to the Collaboration Platform include:

  • opportunities to join engagements with current or potential investees;
  • invitations to sign joint investor letters or statements;
  • proposals for in-depth research and investor guidance;
  • calls to engage with policy makers;
  • requests for support on upcoming shareholder resolutions; and
  • invitations to join discussion groups and formal PRI working groups and advisory committees.

Sign up instructions

To create an account on the Collaboration Platform, you will need to do one of two options:

  • If you previously had a registered account on the Collaboration Platform but have not reset your password since September 2019, please reset your password.
  • If you have never had an account on the Collaboration Platform, please set up an account.

If you have any issues signing up or accessing the platform, please email [email protected].

Once you have signed up, to ensure that you are keeping up to date with activity in the groups that you have joined, please update your notification preferences under ‘preferences’ when you click on your name in the top right corner. If you would like to receive direct messages from other users on the platform, please also make sure you have opted in to receiving these by updating your privacy settings.

Please make sure you have read the user guide and terms of use below for information on how to use the Collaboration Platform. For any other queries, contact [email protected].