All Environmental issues articles – Page 11
Sustainable and Healthy Food Systems: Considering the E and the S of ESG
This webinar will discuss investment risks from nature loss to malnutrition, on the one hand, and opportunities arising from sustainable agriculture and healthier diets, on the other. Critical to the delivery of the SDGs agenda, food systems represent a material concern for responsible investors.
How asset owners and their managers can work together on ESG goals
Following the release of our technical guides on selecting, appointing and monitoring investment managers, the PRI convened a number of panel discussions to talk through how asset owners can work collaboratively with investment managers throughout the selection, appointment and monitoring process.
Delivering net zero emissions in Japan
During this session we covered the PRI’s roadmap for achieving net zero by 2050 in Japan.
Deforestation as a systemic risk
Deforestation is a systemic risk to the entire financial landscape and has been identified as a priority issue for the upcoming COP26 summit. In this panel, Nigel Topping will explore with leading investors how deforestation can be integrated into their net zero strategies.
Natural capital: mapping depletion
In this session, we will discuss newly-launched maps in the tool, ENCORE, on natural capital hotspots of depletion with our partners UNEP-WCMC, and outline how investors can use the maps practically to engage with investees on natural capital.
Thought leadership
Mapping natural capital depletion
The PRI and UNEP-WCMC have developed maps to showcase hotspots of relative natural capital depletion on a global scale, available for visualisation in ENCORE – an interactive, online tool that highlights how businesses may be exposed to accelerating environmental change.
Joining the dots: investor action on climate and nature
To begin this PRI Digital Forum, we will draw together these two critically important topics and highlight some of the approaches investors can take to achieve progress on both fronts.
Blog post
ESG rating disagreements: why is corporate virtue so subjective?
By Dane Christensen, University of Oregon; George Serafeim, Harvard Business School, and Anywhere Sikochi; Harvard Business School
SEC Climate Disclosure: How Investors Can Get Involved
During this webinar the PRI give an overview of the SEC’s request for information by market participants on climate disclosure
News and press
Principles for Responsible Investment Releases Guidance for Asset Owners on Incorporating ESG Preferences of Beneficiaries
New report from world’s leading proponent of responsible investment outlines pension beneficiary preferences on ESG issues and four-step guide for asset owners
Blog post
What can we learn from corporate responses to ESG ratings?
By Rieneke Slager, University of Groningen and Jean-Pascal Gond, City, University of London
Blog post
Global evolution of responsible investment
By Eduardo Atehortua, Head of LATAM (ex-brazil), PRI
Blog post
Leveraging psychological ownership to protect common resources
By Andrea Luangrath, University of Iowa, Joann Peck, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Colleen Kirk, New York Institute of Technology and Suzanne Shu, Cornell University
Blog post
The ESG-innovation disconnect: evidence from green patenting
By Lauren Cohen, L.E. Simmons Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School, Umit G. Gurun, Ashbel Smith Professor of Finance and Accounting, University of Texas at Dallas, Quoc Nguyen, Assistant Professor of Finance, DePaul University
Workshop summary
ESG in credit risk: Workshop with borrowers in the mining sector
Credit analysts met with four mining companies to discuss the sector’s transition from a ‘dirty industry’ facing multiple ESG risks, to a more sustainable business model. Discussions focused on analysts’ and companies’ differing assessments of the issues that pose the biggest financial risks.
News and press
United Nations Secretary-General: institutional investors crucial for net zero
UN Secretary-General António Guterres has called on investors who move much of the world’s money to set increasingly ambitious targets and adopt specific plans for achieving net-zero carbon emissions.
Blog post
How do hurricane shocks impact local public finance dynamics in the US?
By Rhiannon Jerch, Assistant Professor of Economics at Temple University, Matthew E. Kahn, Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Economics and Business and Director of JHU’s 21st Century Cities Initiative, Johns Hopkins University and NBER, and Gary C. Lin, Postdoctoral Fellow at the Johns Hopkins University
Engagement guide
Engaging oil and gas companies on climate: results of the PRI collaborative engagement
Between March 2018 and October 2020, the PRI coordinated a collaborative engagement on climate change transition for the oil and gas sector.
PRI Digital Forum: EMEA - Breakout 2B. Africa's Just Transition in practice
This session will discuss the challenges and opportunities of a just transition for Africa, with reflections from the continent and beyond.
Case study
Investor Mining and Tailings Safety Initiative
Case study by Church of England Pensions Board and the Council on Ethics of the Swedish National Pension Funds