All Environmental issues articles – Page 3
Workshop summary
Integrating biodiversity considerations into infrastructure
Key discussion points from two investor roundtables on how to embed biodiversity-related risks and opportunities into the infrastructure investment process.
Discussion paper
ESG considerations in Canadian provincial and municipal bonds
The materiality of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in the Canadian provincial and municipal bond market can be significant.
Blog post
Financing biodiversity through private capital investments
By Caroline Flammer, Columbia University, NBER and ECGI
Policy report
Reforming the multilateral financial architecture: why, how and the case for acting now
This briefing focuses on reforming the multilateral financial architecture. It presents a diagnosis of the current multilateral financial architecture and notes its incompatibility to meet present economic and sustainability challenges.
News and press
Jakob Thomae appointed Project Director for Inevitable Policy Response
International climate authority Jakob Thomae has been selected to coordinate the Inevitable Policy Response (IPR), with Founder and outgoing Project Director Mark Fulton announcing today he is passing on the role he has held since IPR launch to focus on development of the IPR narrative and Quarterly Briefings for investors
Case study
Mirova: Using the SDGs to accelerate sustainable economic transformation
SDG outcomes case study
Real estate investment: Understanding ESG capabilities & disclosures
This session will explore the updated due diligence questions that investors in real estate should ask their investment managers during selection, appointment and monitoring.
The gap between climate policy, transition investment and a low overshoot 1.5C - Is it too late?
This event will assess the latest on policy, investment and economic transition. Speakers will be sharing their views on climate policy progress against 1.5C. and implications for investors, transition finance. Hear green finance, climate policy and investor voices looking ahead on 2023.
PRI Web Page
Stepping Up on Biodiversity: What the Kunming‑Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework means for responsible investors
Investors should invest in innovative financial solutions to address biodiversity risks and help mobilise the required US$200bn per year by 2030, according to the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). This is one of three key recommendations of a new report launched today by UNEP FI, the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) ...
Blog post
Why we must act faster to enable the climate transition
By David Atkin, CEO, Principles for Responsible Investment
Stepping up on biodiversity: how are investors taking action since COP15?
In this webinar, we will explore the type of actions that leading investors are undertaking to contribute to the goal of the GBF to “halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030” and discuss the wider direction of travel for the financial sector to meet both climate and nature goals.
Discussion paper
ESG, credit risk and ratings: part 4 - deepening the dialogue between investors, issuers, and CRAs
The second phase of the ESG in Credit Risk and Ratings Initiative, which this report summarises, has deepened the dialogue that the PRI started between investors and credit rating agencies (CRAs) in phase one. It has also broadened the outreach to other stakeholders – primarily borrowers, but also ESG information ...
Blog post
How US anti-ESG laws raise borrowing costs for public finance
By Daniel Garrett, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania; and Ivan Ivanov, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Blog post
The role of the PRI in a changing world
By David Atkin, CEO, Principles for Responsible Investment
Briefing: ISSB decisions on the first set of IFRS Sustainability Standards
From September 2022 to February 2023 the IFRS Foundation’s International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) made decisions on its first set of Sustainability Standards. This briefing note summarises all ISSB decisions and therefore provides insight on what information investors might receive from portfolio companies reporting against the final Standards.
Blog post
Biden weighs in on the battle for the soul of Wall Street
By David Atkin, CEO, Principles for Responsible Investment
Blog post
Responsible private equity: Our data reveals some emerging best practices but there is more work to do
By Daram Pandian, Associate, Private Equity & Venture Capital, and Peter Dunbar, Head of Private Equity, PRI
PRI reporting analysis
Inside PRI data: Investment manager practices
There are many responsible investment practices that are now widely practised among the PRI’s investment manager signatories. A large majority publish core policies and have executive oversight of their implementation.
Engagement guide
Climate programmes and investor initiatives
Implementation is key for investors’ net zero commitments. A significant proportion of PRI signatories have set near-term net zero targets consistent with the Paris Agreement. The PRI aims to help them deliver on their commitments through initatives such as the UN-convened Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance.