All Human rights articles – Page 10
Engagement guide
Human rights and the extractive industry: why engage, who to engage, how to engage
Extractive companies are among those companies that have the most daily impact on our lives. They have an impact on their workers, the communities located near their operations, and the people living in the operating country. They use countries’ natural resources, which ultimately belong to their citizens, and therefore need ...
Technical guide
Responsible investment in farmland
Farmland offers a stable long-term investment with the benefits of diversification, inflation protection and potential for attractive returns, but there are significant challenges, including water, soil health, biodiversity, toxics and land rights.
Engagement guide
Why are PRI investors using the UN Guiding Principles as a framework for engagement?
There is a global expectation today that all companies respect human rights.
Engagement guide
Six engagement areas on human rights in the extractive industry
The following section contains questions for investors to consider when engaging with companies in the six areas.
Engagement guide
How to adapt engagement on human rights in the extractive industry to leaders and laggards
Based on findings from the PRI roundtables with extractive companies, and research into the reporting of 50 extractive companies, the PRI in conjunction with steering committee members suggest six areas for engagement.
Engagement guide
The need for collaborative investor action on human rights in the extractive industry
Extractive companies face complex human rights risks. They are often confronted with dilemmas rather than clean-cut solutions when it comes to respecting human rights, particularly in emerging markets.
Thought leadership
Responsible business in conflict-affected and high-risk areas
Companies and their investors are paying increased attention to the challenges and opportunities of doing business in conflict-affected and high-risk areas.
Engagement guide
Getting started with collaborative engagement
Engagement is the process through which investors use their influence to encourage companies they invest in to improve their management of ESG issues.