All Human rights articles – Page 8
Human rights due diligence and modern slavery: the case for investor action
This webinar will explore how investors can play a role in pushing for more and better human rights due diligence and will focus in particular on efforts to tackle modern slavery and human trafficking. Speakers from the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights, the World Business Council for ...
A blueprint for mobilizing finance against slavery and trafficking
Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking’s Blueprint provides a collective action framework for the whole financial sector and professional service providers to accelerate action to end modern slavery and human trafficking.
PIP19 - Finance in human rights: What should investors do / be concerned about?
As the investment community increasingly recognises it has a role to play in ensuring that investee companies are addressing human rights issues, this session will: outline the relevance of human rights due diligence to investors; explore the avenues through which investors can facilitate real-world positive impact; discuss how investors can ...
Case study
PRI Awards 2019 case study: Managing risk associated with modern slavery
Company: CDC Group HQ: UK Category: ESG Research Report of the Year (shortlisted)
Case study
PRI Awards 2019 case study: Coller FAIRR Protein Producer Index
Company: FAIRR HQ: UK Category: ESG Research Report of the Year (shortlisted)
Case study
PRI Awards 2019 case study: Kigali Bulk Water Supply Project
Company: Investec Asset Management HQ: South Africa Category: Real World Impact Initiative of the Year (shortlisted)
Case study
PRI Awards 2019 case study: Platform Living Wage Financials
Company: MN (on behalf of the PLWF) HQ: Netherlands Category: Active Ownership Project of the Year (winner)
Case study
PRI Awards 2019 case study: Cadmos Peace Investment Fund
Company: de Pury Pictet Turrettini (PPT) HQ: Switzerland Category: Active Ownership Project of the Year (shortlisted)
Blog post
What’s the investor role in combating modern slavery?
By Bettina Reinboth, Head of Social Issues, the PRI
Labour rights in infrastructure investing
In this webinar, the PRI, IFM Investors and the Committee on Workers’ Capital discussed key issues and different approaches to managing labour issues in infrastructure investing, and particularly sought to highlight how greater engagement between core stakeholders on these issues can be a critical success factor for different infrastructure projects.
Webinar: investors take action for a fast and fair transition to a low-carbon economy
Investment in renewable energy is paramount to combat climate change – but how can we ensure that investment that is good for our planet will also be good for people?
Webinar: PRI and Investor Alliance: Labour rights in apparel supply chains – quo vadis
This webinar, hosted by the PRI and The Investor Alliance, discusses how investors can use two recent benchmarks published by The Corporate Human Rights Benchmark and KnowTheChain to assess companies in their portfolios. Adidas shares practical examples of how to ensure labour rights protection in challenging contexts and lower tiers ...
Webinar: how to prevent child exploitation online
The PRI hosted a webinar to explore the issue of child sexual exploitation online and how investors can engage with ICT companies on this issue. During the webinar speakers took the opportunity to discuss the issues related to the governance of ICT companies and their role in protecting users, of ...
Blog post
Vale dam collapse reignites mining safety pressure from investors
By Elena Espinoza, Manager, Social Issues, the PRI
Engagement guide
Human rights and the extractives industry
Companies operating in the extractives sector face a multitude of complex human rights issues.
Engagement guide
Human rights and the extractives sector
There are different impacts on human rights along different phases of the value chain – exploration, operation and production – which are important to take into consideration when engaging.
Engagement guide
Summary of PRI-coordinated engagement on human rights in the extractives sector
From 2015 – 2017, 51 PRI signatories representing USD $7.3 trillion in assets engaged with 32 companies in the extractives sector.
Engagement guide
Engaging with extractives companies: five key insights
Moving the laggards, the middle and the leaders Rooted in a risk-based approach, investors tend to focus on portfolio companies that have a poor human rights approach and performance. However, it was highlighted in engagement dialogues that investors should consult not only with laggards but also the ...
Engagement guide
How did companies in the human rights and extractives engagement respond to human rights incidents?
High-level trends Half of the companies evaluated now report on the way they respond to human rights allegations. While companies from developed markets have slightly progressed, companies from emerging countries have stalled – with the same 14% disclosing on this area as in 2015. What ...
Engagement guide
How did companies in the human rights and extractives engagement embed human rights into corporate practice?
High-level trends Governance and oversight Companies have made continuous progress in terms of governance and oversight – in particular there are now twice the number of companies from emerging markets and smaller sized companies that disclose how their board and senior management oversees the human rights policy and due ...