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UN High-level Climate Change Champions Approve Exchange Group’s Net Zero Target Framework
The Exchange Group within the Net Zero Financial Service Providers Alliance (NZFSPA), is proud to announce that its net zero target-setting framework (the Framework) has been officially approved by the UN High-level Climate Change Champions overseeing the Race to Zero campaign.
Investor associations call for preserving the timeline and integrity of the CSRD and ESRS Set 1
This PRI letter, co-authored with Eurosif, urges the European Commission to maintain the integrity and timeline for implementation of the CSRD and corresponding ESRS Set 1.
Briefing: ISSB decisions on the first set of IFRS Sustainability Standards
From September 2022 to February 2023 the IFRS Foundation’s International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) made decisions on its first set of Sustainability Standards. This briefing note summarises all ISSB decisions and therefore provides insight on what information investors might receive from portfolio companies reporting against the final Standards.
Call for applications for PRI Reporting Equivalency Proof of Concept Working Group for Stewardship (REPOC-WG-S)
The PRI is inviting signatories to join its Reporting Equivalency Proof of Concept Working Group for Stewardship (REPOC-WG-S)
ESG in credit ratings and ESG ratings
Credit ratings and ESG ratings are distinct but complementary products. This page aims at providing clarity on the difference between the two, as well as the current offering landscape.
Are corporate boards responding to successful shareholder ESG proposals?
Why corporate board responsiveness to shareholder proposals that receive significant support matters.
Filing a shareholder proposal in the UK
This country factsheet provides an overview of the key legal and technical processes related to filing a shareholder proposal in the UK
Filing a shareholder proposal in the US
This country factsheet provides an overview of the key legal and technical processes related to filing a shareholder proposal in US
Filing a shareholder proposal in Australia
This country factsheet provides an overview of the key legal and technical processes related to filing a shareholder proposal in Australia
Filing a shareholder proposal in Canada
This country factsheet provides an overview of the key legal and technical processes related to filing a shareholder proposal in Canada
Filing a shareholder proposal in France
This country factsheet provides an overview of the key legal and technical processes related to filing a shareholder proposal in France
Filing a shareholder proposal in Germany
This country factsheet provides an overview of the key legal and technical processes related to filing a shareholder proposal in Germany
Filing a shareholder proposal in Japan
This country factsheet provides an overview of the key legal and technical processes related to filing a shareholder proposal in Japan
Filing a shareholder proposal in South Africa
This country factsheet provides an overview of the key legal and technical processes related to filing a shareholder proposal in South Africa
PRI supports progress on IFRS Sustainability Standards
This PRI statement welcomes the efforts by the IFRS Foundation and IOSCO to develop a globally shared baseline for reporting on sustainability-related financial information, encourages continued work towards this objective and calls for interoperability between the future IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards and jurisdictional initiatives.
PRI statement on draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards
This PRI statement welcomes the latest draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) by the European Financial Advisory Group (EFRAG) and sets out five priority elements that co-legislators should retain within the final standards.
A Case for Net Zero in Private Equity
Intended for private equity CEOs and managing partners, this paper explains the private equity industry’s opportunity for making an impact, why acting is important and is a business imperative, and then provides a roadmap for iCI members on how to get started.
New members strengthen alliance for financial sector sustainability
Cboe Global Markets, Deutsche Börse, GRESB and Arcturus have joined the Net Zero Financial Service Providers Alliance (NZFSPA) at COP27.
Corporate purpose: what investors need to know
An increasing number of policy makers, business leaders and academics are now embracing the idea that the purpose of a business is to create long-term value for all stakeholders, rather than simply maximise returns for shareholders