All Article articles – Page 3
Corporate purpose: what investors need to know
An increasing number of policy makers, business leaders and academics are now embracing the idea that the purpose of a business is to create long-term value for all stakeholders, rather than simply maximise returns for shareholders
TCFD implementation guide for private markets
Practical guidance for private equity investors on reporting in line with recommendations from the TCFD.
Responsible political engagement: stewardship practices and challenges
This article covers how investors identify, assess and integrate political engagement activities into stewardship and addresses RPE engagement challenges
Investor human rights policy commitments: an overview
Examples of our signatories’ human rights policy commitments that are consistent with the UNGPs
Human rights benchmarks for investors: an overview
This resource provides a general overview of human rights benchmarks available to investors.
PRI consultation response on Exposure Draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards
The PRI welcomes the publication of Exposure Draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) by the European Financial Advisory Group (EFRAG) and is broadly supportive of their content. Our recommendations seek to ensure that reporting under the ESRS meets the information needs of responsible investors.
Sustainable Finance Policy Conference 2022
The PRI Policy Conference aims to convene, for the second time since 2019, leading policymakers, regulators, regulatory affairs professionals and investors to a one-day in-person event dedicated to sustainable finance policy, in the run up to the flagship PRI in Person conference.
PRI consultation response on International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) Exposure Drafts
The PRI supports the ISSB’s mission to deliver a high-quality global baseline of sustainability-related financial disclosures and welcomes the structure and content of Exposure Drafts. Our recommendations seek to ensure that reporting under IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards meets the information needs of responsible investors.
The ASCOR Project: Progress report
The Assessing Sovereign Climate-related Opportunities and Risks (ASCOR) Project has been established to create a tool giving investors a common understanding of sovereign exposure to climate risk and of how governments plan to transition to a low-carbon economy.
Reflecting on the discussion: Investing for sustainability impact in Japan (和訳)
「インパクトをもたらす投資に関する法的枠組み:投資意思決定におけるサステナビリティ・インパクト」(原文:「A Legal Framework for Impact: sustainability impact in investor decision-making」、以下「LFIレポート」)公表後、責任投資原則(PRI)日本ポリシーチームはウェビナーを開催し、レポートに含まれる法的分析から読み取れる政策的な示唆について関連分野の専門家に講演頂きました。本ウェビナーでは、金川国際法律事務所、金融庁、第一生命保険株式会社、及びPRI日本事務局に登壇頂きました。
Greenhouse gas accounting and reporting for the private equity sector
A report developed by the Initiative Climat International (iCI) with ERM, enables GPs to establish processes for carbon footpring data collection and thereby improve the quality of their GHG emissions reporting.
Engaging on the European Sustainability Reporting Standards
Under PRI’s Driving Meaningful Data programme, we will work with our signatories to engage and provide feedback on the developments around the European Sustainability Reporting Standards.
Reflecting on the discussion: Investing for sustainability impact in Japan
Representatives from a Japanese asset owner, regulator and law firm discussed A Legal Framework for Impact in a webinar sponsored by the PRI. Read more in this summary of the event.
Reflecting on the discussion: Investing for sustainability impact in the UK
An expert panel discusses the application in the UK of the research in the ground-breaking report A Legal Framework for Impact. This article summarises the discussion during the PRI-sponsored webinar on investing for sustainability impact.
Engaging the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)
Under the PRI’s Driving Meaningful Data programme, we will work with our signatories to engage with the ISSB as it works to develop a global baseline of sustainability-related financial disclosure standards.
PRI Statement on SEC publication of draft proposal for climate-related disclosure
In response to the SEC’s vote to publish for public comment the rule titled, “The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors”, the PRI released the following statement from Head of U.S. Policy Greg Hershman.
Food & Land Systems – The Secret Weapon in the War on Climate Change
Clean Energy is not enough to get the world to 1.5C. Mass Reforestation and Linking Agriculture with Carbon Pricing are critical to emissions reduction.
PRI Commentary
Commentary from PRI representatives on issues and events relating to responsible investment.
2021 year in review a progress update
Climate action 100+ latest Progress Update was released in January 2022 and covers key highlights from the initiative’s activity in 2021. Key elements include:
Regulating Corporate Political Engagement
Investors need effective regulations to ensure corporate political engagement is a force for good and aligns with investors’ long-term interests and responsible investment objectives. To help investors navigate the current regulatory landscape around corporate political engagement, the PRI has worked with the OECD to map out hard and soft laws ...