All Climate change articles – Page 17
COP26 Webinar 6: Industrial Transition to Net Zero
As part of the PRI Digital Conference, the PRI and the LSEG will be co-hosting the sixth and final event in the PRI and LSEG COP26 Investor Action on Climate Series, ‘Industrial Transition to Net Zero - How can business and the investment sector come together to achieve global decarbonisation?’
Committing to Net Zero as a smaller asset owner – expectations, strategy and action
During this episode, Eline Sleurink, Head of UK and Ireland and Middle East, Dave Gorman, Head of Social Responsibility and Sustainability, University of Edinburgh and Ben Pollard, CEO and Cofounder, Cushon discuss how the University of Edinburgh and Cushon have set a net zero target, the first steps they are ...
TCFD: new Taskforce guidance on metrics, targets and transition plans
2021 is a critical year for the standardisation of climate reporting. Central to this is new guidance from the Financial Stability Board’s Taskforce on Climate-Related Disclosures on metrics, targets and transition plans.
The PRI quarterly update ft. Marie Luchet, Director of Continental Europe, Signatory relations, PRI
In this quarterly podcast, PRI’s Aiman Zaidi speaks with Marie Luchet, Director of Continental Europe, Signatory relations about the key activities of the PRI from the past quarter and what to expect from the PRI for the remainder of the year about climate mitigation, upcoming events, our human rights work ...
Blog post
COP26 must keep a 1.5-degree world alive
By Sagarika Chatterjee, Director of Climate Change, PRI
Blog post
Highlights from the PRI Digital Conference: investors poised to build a sustainable future
By Fiona Reynolds, CEO, PRI
Blog post
Less than one week until COP26, new Australian climate plans still fall short
By Fiona Reynolds, CEO, PRI
News and press
Climate Action 100+ sets decarbonisation expectations for electric utility companies to achieve net zero emissions globally by 2040
IIGCC publishes a global sector strategy for electric utilities as part of Climate Action 100+ initiative, outlining priority actions for companies to remain within limited emissions budget set by IEA net zero pathways
Blog post
CBD COP15: What does the global biodiversity framework mean for investors?
By Gemma James, Senior lead, Environmental Issues, PRI
Corporate Sustainability Disclosure: what do investors need?
This session investigates what information investors need to incorporate sustainability issues in their investment decisions and assess the sustainability performance of corporate entities.
Blog post
As COP 26 approaches, climate metrics, targets, and transition planning advances
By Kimberly Gladman, Senior Associate, Climate Change, PRI
Spotlight on CO26: what investors need to know
In this special episode of the PRI podcast, we shine the spotlight on COP26.
News and press
Major new policy forecast commissioned by PRI shows rapid policy acceleration by 2025 would bring ‘below 2C’ Paris Agreement within reach
Pursuing 1.5C requires immediate ramp up in Energy & Land Use policy action: electrify transport, retire coal, end deforestation
Thought leadership
The Inevitable Policy Response 2021: Forecast Policy Scenario and 1.5C Required Policy Scenario
New 2021 Forecast Policy Scenario from IPR shows rapid policy acceleration by 2025 would bring ‘below 2C’ Paris Agreement within reach
News and press
PRI launches revamped Academy offering to address evolving ESG training needs
The UN-affiliated Principles for Responsible Investment has today announced the launch of a revitalised offering from its Academy arm.
Blog post
How compatible is shorting with responsible investment?
By Toby Belsom, Director of Investment Practices, PRI
Discussion paper
Shorting and responsible investment: A review
The PRI has a growing number of signatories that allocate to investment strategies that use shorting. These signatories also seek to adhere to the PRI’s six Principles.
PRI Web Page
The PRI and COP26
COP26, the annual UN climate conference, will be held in Glasgow in November 2021. The conference is significant and represents the world’s most recent collective effort to tackle climate change and achieve net zero emissions across the economy in line with Paris Agreement targets.
Climate change resources for private markets investors
Resources aimed at increasing investor education and awareness on climate change have proliferated as the topic has grown in importance in recent years. On this page, we highlight a range, by no means exhaustive, of key resources in this area, produced by both the PRI and external authors.
Blog post
PRI launches venture capital collaboration to strengthen ESG take-up
By Peter Dunbar, Senior Specialist, Investment Practices, PRI, Hannah Leach and Johannes Lenhard, VentureESG