Reporting Cycle Minimum requirements_2024

Date: Wednesday, 21 May 2024 
Time: 14:00-15:00 BST
Platform: BrightTalk

This session will introduce the PRI’s minimum requirements for investor signatories reporting in 2024. Attendees will receive an overview of the minimum requirements and how they can meet them, while our asset owner guidance senior specialist will provide an insight into robust practices for developing and maintaining a responsible investment policy. Participants will learn how to identify the minimum requirements when reporting and leave the session with an understanding of how PRI engages with signatories that do not meet them.

We will also host a moderated Q&A session, where participants can ask questions about the PRI’s minimum requirements. A recording of this session will be available afterwards.


Register here


Speakers include:

  • Rory Cardy, Product Manager – Accountability Initiatives, PRI
  • Yejin Hur, Associate Product Manager – Accountability Initiatives, PRI
  • Tom Attwooll, Senior Specialist – Asset Owners, Guidance, PRI