Asset owners and investment managers can easily search, group and request access to private Transparency Reports and Assessment Reports from other signatories via the web-based Data Portal platform.

Access the Data Portal

In future it will allow users to export responses and visualise the data in a custom view.

Service Providers have restricted access which allows them to view public Transparency Reports. Additional access will be considered at a later stage.

Why a Data Portal?

The Data Portal is the outcome of a consultation the PRI conducted in April 2012. One of the topics of the consultation was specifically on a data tool. A majority of signatories supported the PRI developing a tool that enables easier access to reports, and exporting responses. As part of the development process the PRI conducted various interviews and consulted on the Data Portal’s functionality and objectives with The Reporting and Assessment Advisory Committee, The Asset Owner Advisory Committee and The Manager Selection Working Group.


The Data Portal:

  • supports asset owner engagement with their managers by enabling easier access and comparison of the reported data;
  • promotes the sharing of best practice/ knowledge by giving signatories easy access to each other’s reports;
  • helps the PRI identify areas of further work based on most popular searches;
  • facilitates the informed decision-making between signatories working together;
  • increases the use of PRI data for identifying responsible investment trends.

In the long-term, the Data Portal will link the PRI’s guidance on investment practices to indicators of the reporting framework, thus helping –  for example – asset owners with the selection process of managers.