Date: Wednesday, 8 May 2024
Time: 12:30 - 13:45 IST | 15:00 - 16:15 HKT | 16:00 - 17:15 JST 
Platform: Zoom
Language: English

Kicking off a new Sustainable Finance Policy Landscape Series in Asia Pacific, this first session will serve to introduce the PRI’s Policy work and provide signatories with the opportunity to learn more about the IFRS Sustainability Standards.

The session will commence with an overview of the PRI’s Policy work and current policy priorities as well as outlining the different resources/support available to signatories and the opportunities for them to engage with the PRI’s activities in this area and stay informed of key sustainable finance policy developments around the world.

The main focus of the session will then play host to a representative from ISSB to provide a detailed overview of the IFRS Sustainability Standards, their importance for investors and the progress of adoption across individual markets. We are also delighted to be joined by a representative of GRI, who will provide details on how these two organisation’s are collaborating to drive the adoption of sustainability reporting.


Register here


Speakers include:

  • Nathan Fabian, Chief Sustainable Systems Officer, PRI
  • Martin Manning, Principal Advisor, Regulatory Affairs, IFRS Foundation