All Environmental issues articles – Page 18
Discussion paper
Greening institutional investment
This paper takes stock of institutional investor experience with mobilising green capital for green investment and mainstreaming green factors across asset classes.
Case study
Valuing the impact of increasingly stringent environmental regulation
Case study by Standard Life Investments
Factory farming
Jeremy Coller (Coller Capital) joins the PRI’s Valeria Piani to discuss factory farming and FAIRR (Farm Animal Investment Risk & Return), an investor initiative that aims to put the issue on the ESG agenda.
Technical guide
A guide on climate change for private equity investors
Questions that LPs can ask their GPs, and that GPs can ask current or potential portfolio companies, to assess climate change impacts on private equity investments.
Technical guide
Sustainable real estate investment: Implementing the Paris climate agreement
Identify key drivers and overcome the most common barriers to action for integrating ESG and climate change risks into real estate investments.
VW scandal and the automotive industry
Mikhail Zverev and Rebecca Maclean (Standard Life Investments) join the PRI’s Valeria Piani to discuss the implications of the Volkswagen (VW) emissions scandal for the automotive industry.
COP21 roundup
Willemijn Verdegaal (MN) and Karsten Löffler (Allianz SE) join the PRI’s Paul Chandler to discuss the outcomes from COP21, which concluded in Paris last week.
Academic research
RI Quarterly vol. 9: Investing in a low-carbon world
To understand an issue as complex and important as redirecting the global economy to avoid dangerous climate change, the numbers matter.
Blog post
Within 2 degrees: Where will the stranded assets be?
A study by Christophe McGlade and Paul Ekins demonstrates that in order to limit global warming to 2oC above pre-industrial levels, a third of oil reserves, half of gas reserves and over 8o% of coal reserves should remain unused until at least 2050.
Blog post
Climate risk: the unhedgeable half
A Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) report shows that up to half of the losses from shifting market sentiment to climate change can be offset through asset allocation, but that the remaining half is unhedgeable at the investor level, leaving investors exposed unless system-wide action is taken.
Blog post
Decarbonised indexes can help hedge climate risk
Mats Andersson, Patrick Bolton and Frédéric Samama demonstrate that a decarbonised index offers long-term, passive investors a way to hedge climate change risk without sacrificing financial returns.
Blog post
How policy makers can make sustainable energy projects bankable
Christopher Kaminker of the OECD has identified barriers to institutional investors filling the financing gap in sustainable energy investing, outlining recommendations to policy makers on how these barriers can be mitigated.
Blog post
Are investment consultants' reputations the next stranded assets
A paper from Ben Caldecott and Dane Rook lays out why investment consultants are not having a bigger influence on the uptake of green investment practices by asset owners.
Technical guide
Developing a climate change strategy step three: review
Asset owners can put processes in place to assess how effective they are in implementing their chosen strategies.
Technical guide
Portfolio climate change strategy three: avoid
Where an asset owner is exposed to companies dependent on fossil fuel reserves (conventional and unconventional oil, gas and coal), reallocation is a way to reduce this exposure, bearing in mind that fossil fuels are a key component of the world economy and that sectors such as electric utilities may ...
Technical guide
Developing an asset owner climate change strategy
There is a growing imperative for asset owners to align their investment portfolios with a low-carbon economy.
Technical guide
Portfolio climate change strategy two: invest
Asset owners can consider investing with cilmate change integrated into decision making.
Technical guide
Portfolio climate change strategy one: engage
Engagement could be effective in various ways.
Technical guide
Developing a climate change strategy step two: act
The following groups need to be engaged to decide on appropriate strategies: senior decision makers, beneficiaries and stakeholders, and portfolio managers.