Press releases – Page 3
News and press
Taskforce on Net Zero Policy announces Board of Trustees and Taskforce Expert Group members
The body will publish a landmark report on net zero policy formation at COP29.
News and press
Release of world’s first integrated climate and nature scenario to 2050 for investors
The Inevitable Policy Response (IPR) has launched FPS + Nature, (FPS+N) the first integrated nature and climate scenario published for use by investors.
News and press
150 financial institutions, managing more than $24 trillion, call on world leaders to adopt ambitious Global Biodiversity Framework at COP15
Today, 150 financial institutions, representing over $24tn in assets under management, have called on world leaders to adopt an ambitious post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework at the UN Biodiversity Conference COP15.
News and press
Letter: ESG Is About Sustainable Returns for Investors
Paul Tice’s op-ed “ESG Threat Goes Beyond BlackRock” (September 28th 2022) demonstrates a flawed understanding of Environmental, Social and Governance investing and mischaracterizes the mission of my organization, the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).
News and press
CEOs of leading investor groups call on new government to uphold net zero ambition
The CEOs of PRI, IIGCC, UKSIF and 8 leading UK investors published an open letter to the UK Prime Minister and officials outlining the case for upholding net zero ambition.
News and press
iCI launches Asia-Pacific chapter to extend global push for private market climate ambition
Initiative Climat International (iCI), the global private equity climate initiative, today announces the launch of its Asia-Pacific chapter, bringing together private market investors across the region to continue the global drive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon, climate resilient economy.
News and press
In defence of ESG: Treating emissions in a silo will not solve the climate crisis
The below letter was drafted in response to an article in The Economist: “ESG should be boiled down to one simple measure: emissions” (July 21st 2022). An edited version was published by The Economist on August 11th 2022 and is available here.
News and press
IPR releases climate policy and progress assessment for Quarter Two
IPR releases climate policy and progress assessment for Quarter Two. Momentum still positive towards 1.8°C despite global headwinds
News and press
PRI statement: European commission repower EU action plan
Today, Czechia takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union (Czech EU Presidency) from France.
News and press
PRI releases ESG factor map to support collaboration between Private Equity and Private Credit Investors
The Private Credit (PC) - Private Equity (PE) ESG Factor Map is designed to facilitate collaboration between sponsors, co-investors and lenders.
News and press
‘ESG’ is about information, not imposition
The investment practice is neither left wing nor right wing.
News and press
Initiative Climat International publishes new standard for GHG accounting and reporting in private equity
Monday 9 May 2022 Initiative Climat International (iCI), together with ERM today launches a new standard that for the first time sets out a consistent approach to GHG emissions disclosure across the private equity sector. The standard represents a practical application of the GHG Protocol and the Partnership for Carbon ...
News and press
IPR Quarterly Forecast Tracker Launch: Assessing global climate progress
Post COP 26 events reinforce IPR forecasts for 1.8C climate outcome Ukraine impact - Security favours longer term energy transition over short term disruption
News and press
Climate Action 100+ net zero company benchmark shows an increase in company net zero commitments, but much more urgent action is needed to align with a 1.5°c future
Second round of Net Zero Company Benchmark assessments show some corporate climate progress against key climate indicators, but find much more action is urgently needed from focus companies to support global efforts to limit temperature rise to 1.5°C.
News and press
Credit Trade Associations join forces with PRI on ESG Credit harmonization
The Alternative Credit Council (ACC), the Loan Syndications and Trading Association (LSTA) and the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) are joining forces to align lenders and private equity sponsors to support material and consistent ESG data disclosure within the credit markets.
News and press
PRI Statement on SEC publication of draft proposal for climate-related disclosure
In response to the SEC’s vote to publish for public comment the rule titled, “The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors”, the PRI released the following statement from Head of U.S. Policy Greg Hershman:
News and press
Climate Action 100+ warns that the aviation industry must take urgent action to keep 1.5°C within reach
10 March 2022, London: Climate Action 100+, the world’s largest investor engagement initiative on climate change, has today released a report setting out how the aviation industry can align with the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Net Zero by 2050 or 1.5°C scenario, and the actions investors need to take to ...
News and press
iCI launches North American chapter to drive private equity action on climate change
The Initiative Climate International (iCI) has today launched its North American chapter, joined by leading private equity investors across the region.
News and press
PRI statement: EU sustainable taxonomy climate delegated act covering gas and nuclear energy
[Region: EU] The European Commission has adopted the EU Sustainable Taxonomy complementary climate delegated act (complementary climate DA). The complementary climate DA, which is now subject to a 4-to-6 month scrutiny period by the European Council and European Parliament, includes technical screening criteria (TSC) covering gas-fired power/cogeneration/district heating and cooling ...
News and press
EU taxonomy - PRI welcomes adoption of first climate delegated act
[Region: EU] The European Council has just approved the EU taxonomy climate Delegated Act (DA), confirming into EU law the adoption of Technical Screening Criteria (TSC) for activities that contribute substantially to climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives.