Press releases – Page 8
News and press
PRI steps up engagement on cyber security
The PRI today launched findings on how seriously corporates are taking the issue of cyber security, with the publication of Stepping up governance on cyber security: what is corporate disclosure telling investors?
News and press
Additional asset owner position now available on the PRI Board
Following the resignation of Marcus Madureira (PREVI) from the PRI Board, there is now an extra asset owner position available on the PRI Board.
News and press
PRI welcomes provisional report on investment consultants market investigation
The CMA has published its provisional report on investment consultants market investigation.
News and press
Quarterly update: climate action gathering momentum
Quarterly overview Last month, as leaders prepared to gather in Canada for the 2018 G7 meeting, 319 investors with more than US$28 trillion in assets called on world governments to scale up climate action to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. We need to keep raising global ambitions to ...
News and press
The SDGs in corporate reporting: what matters to investors? Ten recommendations to meet investor needs on SDG reporting
Ten recommendations intended to stimulate more investment in sustainable business solutions to help advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were published today at the SDG Business Forum by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and the United Nations Global Compact.
News and press
PRI seeking asset owner advisory committee members
The PRI is recruiting asset owner signatories for its asset owner advisory committee; interested parties are invited to get in touch by 10 August 2018.
News and press
PRI and Ceres expand Sustainable Forest Initiative to include dialogue with companies in soy value chain
The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and non-profit sustainability organisation Ceres today announced that their collaborative effort to address tropical deforestation, the Investor Initiative for Sustainable Forests, has expanded to include engagement with companies exposed to deforestation risks linked to soy production in South America.
News and press
PRI, UNEPFI and Generation Foundation to partner with Finance for Tomorrow on French roadmap
The Fiduciary Duty in the 21st Century programme – launched in 2016 by the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) and the Generation Foundation – will collaborate with Finance for Tomorrow to publish a roadmap for sustainable finance in France.
News and press
The PRI publishes its second report on ESG in credit risk analysis and ratings
The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) has today launched a new report, Shifting perceptions: ESG, credit risk and ratings – part 2: exploring the disconnects, examining the gaps between investors and credit ratings agencies (CRAs) highlighted in its seminal work, Shifting perceptions: ESG, credit risk and ratings – part 1: ...
News and press
PRI and ERM launch guidance on ESG monitoring, reporting and dialogue in private equity
The PRI has today launched guidance on ESG monitoring, reporting and dialogue in private equity, in partnership with ESG consulting firm ERM.
News and press
The PRI releases investor guide on corporate climate lobbying
The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) has launched a new guide - Converging on climate lobbying: aligning corporate practice with investor expectations - to help investors engage with portfolio companies on their direct and indirect lobbying practices related to climate policy.
News and press
PRI launches investor guide on corporate tax disclosure
The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) has today launched new guidance for investors—Evaluating and engaging on corporate tax transparency: An investor guide—to assist them with engaging the companies in their portfolios on greater tax disclosure.
News and press
The PRI's vote declaration system is live
In response to demand for more dedicated proxy voting tools, the PRI built an online form for signatories to – voluntarily – communicate how they intend to vote on shareholder proposals at company AGMs.
News and press
EBSA issues new guidance on ESG, shareholder engagement by plan fiduciaries
This past Monday, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) released a Field Assistance Bulletin (FAB), which advised that fiduciaries of ERISA covered plans must avoid too readily treating ESG issues as being economically relevant to any particular investment choice.
News and press
Transition Pathway Initiative to partner with PRI
The PRI and the Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) are delighted to announce a partnership that will see the PRI provide support and secretariat services to TPI.
News and press
Green Finance Taskforce report: UK poised to become green finance leader
The PRI has welcomed the UK Green Finance Taskforce’s report, Accelerating Green Finance.
News and press
Quarterly update: fixed income investors start to see benefits of ESG integration
Once the provenance of equities, ESG considerations have been moving slowly but steadily into fixed income.
News and press
The PRI examines how ESG engagement can benefit fixed income investors
As part of the PRI’s commitment to provide further guidance on responsible investment practices in specific asset classes, it has today launched ESG Engagement for Fixed Income Investors: Managing Risks, Enhancing Returns, which shows that bondholders are increasingly engaging on environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in order to better ...
News and press
PRI, UNEP FI, Generation Foundation and IIGF publish China roadmap on investor duties
The PRI, UNEP FI, The Generation Foundation and the International Institute of Green Finance (IIGF) have today published the report, Investor duties and ESG integration in China, which recommends that investors should integrate ESG issues in their investment decision-making processes as part of fulfilling their duties towards their beneficiaries. ...
News and press
PRI, Baker McKenzie review urges Australian government to endorse TCFD recommendations
The PRI and global law firm Baker McKenzie today announced the release of a market review, which provides guidance on how the TCFD recommendations can be implemented in Australia.