All Webinar articles – Page 7
PRI Digital Conference - Breakout session: The Inevitable Policy Response
This session will provide investors with an initial presentation of IPR’s newly-launched Policy Scenario reports and highlights. The focus will be on both macro and regional outlooks including energy and land use, providing signatories with opportunities for detailed review of IPR scenarios, value drivers and investment implications.
PRI Digital Conference - Breakout session: Long/short investment strategies
In this session, experts from academia and industry will discuss these questions and map out their vision of how long/short strategies might be integrated into a responsible investment strategy.
Sustainability outcomes: why do they matter for investors?
Plenary session 4: Sustainability outcomes: why do they matter for investors?
PRI Digital Conference: Designing mandates for impact
This session will explore some of the challenges and opportunities for both asset owners and investment consultants to take the next step in incorporating outcomes into the design of mandates.
PRI Digital Forum : EMEA - Human rights: an investor framework
This session will discuss some of the common misconceptions around human rights within the investment community, and clarify investor responsibilities.
PRI COP26 Investor Event with IPR: Live from Glasgow
With COP26 as the backdrop, this live from Glasgow webinar will assess the biggest outcomes of Week 1 and what Week 2 holds. Looking ahead to the Emissions Gap, the latest Inevitable Policy Response forecasts will be highlighted as part of the way forward in coming years. Join PRI CEOFiona ...
US municipal bonds: addressing the data differences for ESG integration
Does the ESG data used by investors to assess US municipal and corporate bonds differ, and is there enough self-reported issuer data available? Which ESG risk area has the biggest data limitations, and what role could bondholder engagement play in enhancing data disclosure? Featuring a muni bond issuer, an investor ...
Avanzando la Inversión Responsable en LATAM Y España: Episodio 4
El PRI organiza una serie de webinars que tienen como objetivo destacar mejores prácticas en Inversión Responsable para educar, inspirar y, en última instancia, elevar los estándares en toda la base de signatarios de América Latina y España.
COP26 Webinar 6: Industrial Transition to Net Zero
As part of the PRI Digital Conference, the PRI and the LSEG will be co-hosting the sixth and final event in the PRI and LSEG COP26 Investor Action on Climate Series, ‘Industrial Transition to Net Zero - How can business and the investment sector come together to achieve global decarbonisation?’
TCFD: new Taskforce guidance on metrics, targets and transition plans
2021 is a critical year for the standardisation of climate reporting. Central to this is new guidance from the Financial Stability Board’s Taskforce on Climate-Related Disclosures on metrics, targets and transition plans.
The PRI & UNEP FI: Joining Forces to Drive Responsible Real Estate Investment
UNEP FI’s responsible property investment programme (also known as UNEP FI Property Working Group), a longstanding initiative of real estate investors to address sustainability issues in asset selection and management, will be integrated into the PRI for the start of 2022.
Corporate Sustainability Disclosure: what do investors need?
This session investigates what information investors need to incorporate sustainability issues in their investment decisions and assess the sustainability performance of corporate entities.
Leveraging sovereigns’ role in building sustainable economies
During this session government, investor and credit rating agency representatives will discuss the financial implications of the structural changes required to create a low-carbon enabling environment, and how to scale up engagement to create public-private sector partnerships.
ESG in credit risk and ratings: from performance to prospect assessment
This session will bring together credit analysts and corporate representatives to discuss how to balance static versus strategic ESG disclosure. It will also explore how to promote a more forward-looking approach to credit risk analysis through bondholder engagement and better issuer communication.
Japan’s Pension System and Sustainability
PRI conducted a survey on the Japanese pension system for half a year.
The EU Platform on Sustainable Finance: Taxonomy extension and future policies
The Platform on Sustainable Finance (PSF) is a permanent expert group of the European Commission that was established to assist the development of sustainable finance policies, including the EU taxonomy. On 12 July, the PSF published two draft reports on a social taxonomy and an extended taxonomy to support economic ...
Do ESG information providers meet the needs of fixed income investors?
This webinar presents the main conclusions of discussions between credit analysts and ESG information providers of different specialism and scope, on how useful their data and service offerings are for fixed income investors, how the current products are evolving and where gaps remain.
ESG Integration in the US Municipal Bond Market
This webinar will present the main findings from ESG Integration in Sub-Sovereign Debt: The US Municipal Bond Market, the first in a series of reports examining this unique and diverse market segment.
ESG factors and municipal bond yields
The PRI Academic Network Week was hosted across five days between 13-17 September 2021.
The Risk and Return of Impact Investing Funds
The PRI Academic Network Week was hosted across five days between 13-17 September 2021